The Father I Never Wanted is the Person I've Always Needed

it's time to come home

I watched Matt from the living room window, he glanced back at me a few times before getting in his car and leaving. I walked quickly into the bathroom wanting to get this food of from me. I didn't take a long shower for the fact that i didn't want to be here when Brian showed up. Not that i owed him the truth anyways.

I put on some of my stretchy pants and a wife beater that showed my stomach more then i liked. I started throwing all my clothes into a bag. i was going to go away for a while. i had money i could go to a hotel for a few nights until i knew they were gone. I pulled my bag into my arms and headed for the door. i almost screamed when i opened the door. He was standing there his arms crossed. "You going somewhere?"

I didn't know what to say i just turned and sat my things on the kitchens counter Brian was still standing outside of the door when i turned around. "You can come in." He did and shut the door behind him. He didnt sit down by be he stood on the other side of the room just staring at me and my belly.

"What are you doing here? I thought i made it clear to you that i didn't want nothing to do with any of you."

Anger was in his eyes. "I can't believe your going to sit there like you don't care that i'm the father of that baby. and you wasn't even going to tell me the truth?"

I stood "Like this wasn't something you planned i bet you knew what you were doing the moment you fucked me the moment you lied to me about everything. Why would i tell you anything?" i shock my head staring down at my stomach,

"What about Michelle huh? you know you don't care about me or this baby when you have your girlfriend who can give you everything you tricked my into doing."

He took a few steps over to me. "That's not true and you know it. you just don't want to believe me."

I felt the tears in my eyes and i didn't want him to see that he had any power over me. I turned quickly and ran to my room slamming the door behind me. I sat down at the end of the bed. holding my face in my hands. I was angry hurt and confused i didn't understand how i could ever let this happen to me. I heard the door open but i didn't look up "Sophia I love you. in the beginning your right it was like that but it all changed if you said the word i'd leave Michelle in a heart beat to be with you and our baby."

"don't lie to me anymore. just go." but he didn't, he pulled my hands from my face forcing me to look into his eyes. Then without another word his lips were on mine, it wasn't a long kiss but it was like he was trying to show me that he wasn't lying. i pulled back staring down at my hands. I jumped slightly when i felt him touch my stomach, it hand been growing alot the last month. "do you know what it is?"

i shook my head no dont being able to fine my voice.

"Sophia look at me please." i knew in my head not to but my heart was feeling something different, when i looked up he was closer then i expected "I love you." and that was it i few my arms around his neck for getting about everything at has happened forgetting about the pain i had felt.

he lifted me up into his arms kissing me with full force he laid me on the bed and carefully laid on to of be holding all of his weight of from me. I knew that i was going to be mad at myself if i let this go to far but to my surprise he didn't do nothing more then kiss me. He kissed my lips and my shoulder and then he lifted my shirt and kissed my stomach. then my lips again. "Let me stay with you tonight please."

"Fine but i got to get up. I need to cook dinner i'm starving."

"No, I'm was going to meet the guys for dinner if your up to it we can go."

"I don't think i want to do that."

He sighed "Please just come with me Matt misses you like crazy." the look in his eyes made me believe him."

"Fine, but if i want to leave i leave with or without you."

He smiled kissing my head. "Then lets go."

I grabbed a dress that i knew would hide my stomach more then what i had on so i pulled it from my closet and quickly put it on. Brian was waiting for me in the living room "Okay lets go before i change my mind."


Brian had held my hand the whole ride there, and when we pulled in he walked around and opened my door for me. I thanked him and placed my hands on my stomach i was starting to feel really sick to my stomach now that we we're here. Brian put his hand on the small of my back and pushed me slightly to get me to move, when we got inside I noticed the table was fuller than i thought everyone of the girl friends were there including Michelle i glanced at Brian and he seemed just as shocked as me. i took a step away from him not wanting to be to close. "I didn't know she was going to be here."

When we got to the table everyone seemed shocked to see me. Val was the first to stand up and i didn't feel so bad about my stomach she looked like she was ready to pop. "Sophia i'm so happy to see you." she pulled me into a hug and he eyes instantly went to my stomach after words but she didn't say a word. she just smiled and pulled me to sit by her which also put me by Michelle. "Hey Sophia its good to see you again."

I just smiled at her and looked around at all the face that was staring back at me but one Matt sat on the other side of Val his arm round her chair his face was very sad but i didn't say anything to him. i watch Brian walk around the table and take the seat by Michelle she leaned over and kissed him i looked away feeling stupid for even coming here.

Zacky smiled at me from the other side of the table. "How's it going runaway?"

"Things are great, i got my own apartment and i'm working so life's pretty good." I had a feeling that him and the others had no idea what really happened.

"How in the hell did you pull that off."

i just smiled. "I know people."

Johnny laughed. "I guess you would wouldn't you?"

Jimmy hadn't spoke he just kind of glared at me from the other side of the table i looked at him confused but he just turned away. Val stood up pulling me with her i almost laughed. "We are going to the bathroom."

and then she pulled me away. I glanced back to find Matt's eyes on us. "How in the hell did you not tell me about this when i called you?"

"I didn't know then i kind of found out a little later than most people would."

she pushed me into the bathroom locking the door. "And Matt knows."

I nodded. "Is it Brians?" she shook her head "Okay that was a stupid question."

I laughed. "Did you really have to go to the bathroom or was you just bring me in here to play 20 questions?"

"No i do have to go but i wanted to know." She turned and walked into a stall. When she came out she washed her hands and put her arm into mine walked back to the table Michelle was all over Brian when We sat back down i just ignored them watching everyone else talk and laugh. the waiter came to and took our orders when she got to me i just ordered a water and said i wasn't hungry because i couldn't eat anyways not know. I could feel Brian's eyes on me but i didn't look at him i was planning to make a escape soon "I have to go to the bathroom I"ll be back."

I stood and Val looked up at me "Want me to come with you?"

"No, i mean its okay i'm fine." I walked to the bathrooms and turned around none of them were looking at me so i took that as my chance to leave. i went outside and pulled out my cell phone to call a cab but was stopped by Zacky. "If you wanted to leave all you had to do was ask someone. You don't have to lie and then run." He laughed slightly.

"It's okay really Zacky i can call a cab." he shook his head pulling me over to what must have been the car he was driving, "Gena is going to get a ride with Matt and Val so don't worry i already told her."

"Do the others know?"

He opened my door "No not yet but if you want to get out of here before they do you better get inside." i did what he told me and within seconds he was inside as well. I told him how to get to my house. "So how have you really been?" He glanced over at me

"I've been fine."

"I don't believe you. i think that you crazy if you think you can lie to me."

"Fine my life has sucked but its gotten better." he shock his head but didn't say anything when we pulled up he asked which one was mine. "It's the one on the right."

"Can i come in?"

I smiled i had more people here today then i have the whole time i've lived here. "Yeah sure."

We got inside to find that everything was trashed everything was thrown onto the floor. the was red words on the wall, 'You should have staid hiddin bitch now the games begin'

I looked at Zacky he was staring at the floor i hadn't noticed the pictures on the floor it as of me and Brian and it wasn't something people should see. I started picking them up as fast as i could. "Zacky i want you to leave."

"Are you fucking stupid? I'm not leaving you here." His eyes were still on the pictures now in my hands.

"Get out now."I pushed him back but he didn't move much.

"How could he do that with you? Your seventeen fucking years old."

i wanted to scream. "Zacky let it fucking go because it doesn't fucking matter now and i want you to keep you fucking mouth shut, now get out of here"

I was so ashamed of myself, ashamed to have someone see me in that way. i put them on the table along with everything else that was one the floor. I started putting things back up right and picking up the broken things, I started with the living room and worked my way back I heard Zacky leave out of the front door. and i was glad. It didn't take me long to have most of the things picked up. It wasn't until i heard the voices outside of my front door that i began to wonder why I ever thought he would leave. But that was the least of my worries, i didn't know how someone go in here the door was locked when i got here and when i left all the windows were closed and lock. but still they got in. I heard the front door open and quickly walked back into the living room without looking at any of them i grabbed the pictures from the table hiding them in my arms. All five guys where now standing there reading the words on the wall and staring at the broken glass that was still on the floor.

"I thought i told you to leave not call everyone over." I glared at Zacky who didn't seem to worried.

'Matt was the first to talk. "You can not stay here anymore it's time for you to come back home with me."

I laughed at him. "There is no way in hell that's happening."

"Brian i want you and only you to take what she has in her hands and look at them." Zackys voice was as cold as ice Brian took a step closer but the look i gave him made him stop.

"Don't even think about it, it's because of you guys that this happened if you would have just left me alone like i wonted none of this would have happened."

I turned and ran to my room slamming the door behind me. I stared down at the pictures in my hand, who ever took them had to have been in the house and i don't understand how we didn't see them. It was like every move we made that day was in one of these pictures.

I didn't turn around when my door opened. "Get out."

"Sophia let me see what you ave." Brian was standing a few feet back from me.


I turned me around not giving me a chance to fight pulling them from my fingers, he's face was just as shocked as mine. "Who the fuck would do something like this?"

"I don't know." i sat down onto the bed glaring at the floor. "Zacky seen them."

Brian sighed. "Yeah i know but at the moment that's not what i'm worried about. Matt was right to tell you you have to come back with us, its not safe with you here anymore."

"I'm not safe with any of you either."

His face was hurt "that's not true."

"Let me talk to my daughter alone" Matt was standing in the doorway Brian took the pictures with him when he left shutting the door behind him.

"I know you pissed at me, i know that you hate me but that's okay i am still your father and you are still seventeen and i have the right to make you come with me and that is what i'm going to do it is for your safety and i will do anything i have to to make you safe again."

"Its because of you that this is happening to me."

He didn't say anything for a moment but finally he spoke " I made some mistakes but i'm going to make up for them now and that starts with making you come home with me."