The Father I Never Wanted is the Person I've Always Needed

How could this happen?

Michelle was at Brian's side as soon as we walked threw the doors. I quickly walked away over to the others in the waiting room. "How's everything going?"

"She's still in labor, and she's kind of flipping out."

I laughed. "Yeah i know i would be too."

I sat down on the other side of Zacky and he put his arm around me. "Are you feeling better? Matt asked about you when we got here. he didn't like you not being here. It is going to be you little brother."

"It's a boy?"

He nodded "Yeah Matt was so excited when he found out, he always wanted a boy."

"Yeah no shit." It came out kind out mean but at that moment i realized Matt was going to be in this kids life from the very start and he wasn't going to leave him but me, he didn't care at all.

"I'm going to go get a drink." I stood not wanting them to see me upset. I walked down the hallway and around i knew there had to be something around to get a pop from.

"Hello Sophia." I turned to find a man standing behind. He was tall a bigger built. i didn't know why but something on his face told me to run and i did but his arms were around me before i could even get far enough away. i yelled out from someone anyone but at that time he pushed me into the exit.

"Please don't kill me." The smirk on his face scared me.

"I'm not going to kill you, you pissed off the wrong person. I was told to tell you 'I gave you that baby and i'm going to take it away'" He pushed me i fell down the stairs and i couldn't stop the fall i landed face down every part of my body hurt. i tried to set up but he was there "Just in case." He kicked me as hard as he could in my stomach making me scream out in pain "Shut up bitch." He punched me hard in the face I don't know how many time until i finally blacked out.


I could hear someone calling my name but i couldn't come too i tired to open my eyes but it hurt to much. i began to crawl until i found the stairs "Help me.. someone please help me."

My Right arm was throbbing but i ignored it i didn't have time to worry about it know i just knew that something was wrong, I heard footsteps and the a women's scream. "Oh my god what happened to you." I didn't realize the girls voice but i knew that i must have looked the way i felt. "I need some help over here."

I heard more footsteps and then someone had me in their arms "We need to get her to a doctor she's losing a lot of blood."

"No, the baby."

"Your pregnant?" I could hear people talking now and it was hard for me. It was Matt and he was so happy. "He's here."

"Yes. please hurry it hurts."

"I know sweetie.. CAN WE GET A DOCTOR OVER HERE?" I felt them set me onto the bed. and it hurt worse then i thought.

"SOPHIA OH MY GOODNESS." I knew that voice but i didn't respond the pain hurt but i knew that my baby was gone i could feel it in my soul. I could feel the tears in my eyes but i didn't know if anyone else seen them.

I felt Gena grab my hand "What happened to her? is she going to be okay?"

"Ma'am i don't know anything at the moment we just found her and we really need to get her back i'm going to have to ask you to step aside.

I could hear yelling from behind me but i could feel myself being moved and the voices faded "She needs to be put under. I felt something on my face and then it was all gone everything was gone.

Matt's POV

I was so excited to tell the gang that the baby was here my boy was finally here. They were all in the waiting room except for Sophia i was a little upset that she wasn't there. "Where is my daughter?"

"She went to get a pop about forty-five minutes ago, i think the baby has her upset a little." I sighed knowing that was my fault.

"He's here."I couldn't hide the smile on my face. i was so happy in that moment i had both of my children with me and though Sophia don't think it i love her to death.

"CAN WE GET A DOCTOR OVER HERE." I turned and was completely in shock a girl was being held by a man, She was bloody from head to tow, he head fell back in the mans arms and her arms barley moving it looked as though one was broke her long dark hair was wet with her blood. sophia? that's not my daughter it couldn't be.

"SOPHIA OH MY GOODNEES." Gena had stood running over to her as they set her on the bed i was frozen in my spot like everyone else. I couldn't hear what was being said until Gena stepped back letting them take her away, my heart began to race and i found my feet again. "Thats my daughter where the fuck are you taking my daughter?" One of the the women behind the counter walked around.

"Sir, they will tell you when they are done but for now i'm going to need to to calm down and take a seat. " I wanted to punch her, has she ever seen her child like that before. Brian put his arm on my shoulder seeing the anger inside.

I turned to look at the others. "What the fuck were you thinking letting her go like that?"

"She was going to get a drink we thought she just needed some time alone." Zacky was the only one to speak up and the look in his eyes told me he cared just as much as i did i took a deep breath falling into the a chair. "How did this happen?"

Sophia's POV.

I could hear a Beeping sound close to me, and someone's breathing from beside me. I still couldn't open my eyes and i could feel something on my arm a cast? i kept thinking back trying to remember and it didn't take long. "The baby, i lost the baby didn't I?"

I was surprised by the voice that answered me. "Yes you did sweet." Matt held my hand in his, I felt him kiss my hand. "I'm so sorry, sorry for not being there to protect you, sorry for everything. I;m sorry for you losing the baby," I began to cry i pulled my hand from his trying to touch my face but it hurt to bad i just let my hands fall to the side.

"How did this happen to you?"

I took a few deep breaths before speaking. "A men...He pulled me in the exit and told me that.... that i pissed the wrong person of and when i asked if him not to hurt me he told me he wasn't but that someone told him to tell me something like i gave you the baby and i will take it away and they did dad. they took my baby away from me." Matt leaned over me hugging me as soflty as he could.

"He pushed me down the stairs and to make sure kicked me in the stomach when i yelled he started to hit me." I cried so hard, i had never cried that hard, Just tonight i felt the baby kick for the first time and now its not there anymore.

"It;s going to be okay again baby it will be okay."

I pushed him back remembering he had is wife and son somewhere here waiting for him i would be fine. "Go to Val, and your son, i will be fine just go."

"I won't leave you hear alone."

"I need to be alone, i have to be alone for a while i need time to think just please dad go."

I heard him stand. "One of the guys will be out side of your door at all time if you need anything at all just call."

I didn't speak i waited for the doors to close before i finally let it all out, i began to cry hard and once i did i couldn't stop i cried for my baby, i cried from the pain i just cried. I hadn't heard the door open or close but i felt someone take my hand into theirs and i instantly pulled away.

"It's me Sophia." Brian's voice was soft and it sounded like he was trying hard not to cry.

"The baby is gone."

"I know sweetie i know, don't worry we will get threw this."

I pulled my hand from his again. "No we wont, i don't want this anymore i don't want any of it anymore it hurts to much to love and all love does is get me hurt and it kills my baby i don't want any of this anymore."

I felt him lean down and kiss me it was soft and i wanted it but i didn't want it more i pushed him away. "Just go away go to Michelle and just leave me alone i just want to be alone."

"Sophia please let me help you."

I shook my head. "No, no one can help me." I turned away from his voice i heard him stand and leave the room. I wanted to more then anything to yell his name but i just let him leave walk away, just like everyone else i loved.


After a few day i was able to open my eyes again my eyes were both black and blue but as long as i didn't touch them i was okay. Valary and the baby go to go home yesterday and i was being released today, Gena was helping me get dressed to go,

"Did you know that Val hasn't stopped asking about you? She's so worried."

I hadn't really been talking to anyone i just didn't feel like i had much to say. Gena sighed helping me with my jacket. "Are you ready to go home."

"I don't have a home anymore. But i'm ready to leave." Gena's eyes filled with tears but she tried to hide them. "Well the guys are down stairs waiting for us. the Girls the others flew home with Val and the baby. We are staying on tour with the guys. we only have a few weeks left so Val told Matt to stay though he fought her over it she talked him into it."

we had finally got to the elevators and i was so glad there wasn't anyone inside. Just as Gena said all five guys were standing by the elevators waiting for us, Jimmy had a big thing of flowers in his hands and Johnny had a box of candy. I smiled slightly. "I thought flowers would make you happy."

Johnny glared at him. "Yeah well i thought that Candy would make you feel better."

"Mines better."

"No Mine is."

I laughed "They're both great." I took the flowers and put the candy in my bag. Zacky pulled a big blue teddy bear from behind him making me laugh, i hadn't even seen it but now i'm wondering how i missed it. "Thanks ZAcky."

"Awe i think he won." Jimmy's face was so sad i wanted to hug him but my hands were full.

Matt took my bag rapping his arm around my waits. "The bus is outside waiting for us."

I handed Gena the flowers and she smiled taking them for me. I pulled the the bear closer to me holding it against my stomach and chest. I felt the tears in my eyes. the baby would have loved this. Matt's eyes were on my face but he didn't say a word. I walked up the stairs to the bus first and laid down on the couch the bear still in my arms.

"Can I lay with you?"

"Sure." Gena put her arms around me she kissed my check. I felt like she was an older sister to me. I had become close to her over the last few days. She does her best to make me laugh and she lets me talk when i want to but she never gives up on me.

We laid like that few a bout an hour until she had to go to the bathroom Zacky too her place beside me pulling me closer to him. "You know me and Gena are always here for you, your like my baby sister and i wouldn't ever let anything happen to you ever again."

"Thanks Zacky." I kissed his cheek hiding me head in his chest i heard footsteps stomp out of the room and i didn't have to look to know how it was.

"don't pay no mind to him."

"I'm not. i have other things to worry about." Like killing the man who took my baby from me.
♠ ♠ ♠
pour Sophia =(
