The Father I Never Wanted is the Person I've Always Needed

What are we going to do?

I stared down at the bag i had already pact under my bed. I had been planning and leaving as soon as Matt and Val got home but Brian had messed my plans up. I pulled the note out of my bag and stared down at it.

'I see you've been looking for my lover but your looking in ALL the wrong places. Silly bitch needs to come to where it all started."

I had know idea what she meant at first, i thought of the hospital or Brian;s house but that stuff was to easy but then i realized for me it started at my grandparents house and that was where i was going to go.

I pulled the bag over my shoulder sent my note to Matt on the bed. As quietly as i could I jumped onto the rough and down to the ground. I could hear Val, Matt and Brian talking in the kitchen.

"I know what your thinking that i don't love her that she's only sixteen years old but the truth is that i love her more than any other girl i have ever met."

I heard Matt sigh "Okay, but if your going to be with her then you need to choice now,"

"Brian i need to tell you something, Michelle lied to you the baby isn't.." I didn't have time to hear as much as i wanted i had little time to get away without them noticing because when they did i knew it was going to be a chaise.

It only took me 20 minutes to get to the air port and i hand thirty minutes to wait for my plane to leave once i went threw all the searching. moments before i boreded the plane i could hear my name being yelled and i seen them running looking everywhere for me, i quickly handed her my ticket, i placed my phone down on the chair that i was sitting at before running into the gate.


I stared Matt in the eyes. "I can not believe you, when i said come over and talk to her i didn't mean for you to do this she has been threw to much for you to do this to her you have MI-"

I shook my head. "I know what your thinking she is only sixteen years old but the truth is i love her more then any other girl i have ever met." I stared at him wanting him to know that i wasn't lying and if i could be with her right now i would.

Matt sighed running his hands through his hair. "Okay but if your going to be with her then you need to choice now."

In my heart i knew who i would choice but her voice was in my head telling me i couldn't leave my baby.

"Brian i need to tell you something the baby isn't what you think. She is faking it. she's been using things to make her look pregnant. I just found out when i stopped by your house to see her, She promised to tell you the truth she said she knew that you were cheating and when you tried to break up with her she had to do something and she figured that if there was a baby then you wouldn't leave." i seen the tears in her eyes. "She thought that you would marry her and then she would pretend to lose it when you went away on tour."

I felt the anger in side of me. Who could do such a thing to someone lie to them like that, hurt them like that. "I chose Sophia, it would have been her not matter what. This just makes it easier for me."

I turned running to Sophia's room i need her to know that it was her it would always be here. "Soph, there's something I need-" I stared at her empty bed every light in the room was off, the bathroom was dark. I walked closer to the bed to pick up a piece of paper. I stared down at the words.

Dad, Val, Brian
I want you to know that i forgive you all, and i love you so much you have helped me through this. Losing this baby was hard for me and it kills me every day to look down at your son and know that i'm never going to have that because someone took that away from me and i will not just sit here and let them ruin my like. I know where i have to go to find them and that's what i'm going to do. I'm going to kill them like they kill my baby, Our baby Brian i hope you understand why i'm doing this. because i have nothing else to lose, if something happens to me i know you will have Michelle and your child with her. you don't need me. Forgive me for what i'm going to do now.
I love you all so very much,
"Matt, Val she's ran again she's going to find them." I was standing in the kitchen holding up the note in my hand. Matt and Val looked confused until reading the note.

"Where would she go? we got to stop her." I followed him to the car. "Call Johnny when need him to come with us, we need more people."

Once at the airport they wouldn't let us threw Matt pushed passed them, me and Johnny on his heals. "Sophia."

I noticed her standing with her ticket in her hand about to give it to the women. "SOPHIA." Her eyes searched everywhere. Looking for us when she seen us she pushed the ticket into the women's hand sat something down before running onto the gate. "Matt, over here."

I glanced down to see her phone sitting in the chair. Staring down at it, i fell into the seat.

What are we going to do?
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