The Father I Never Wanted is the Person I've Always Needed

He will always love me.

I was surprised to see the light in my grandmothers house on. i knew they wouldn't be here and i knew that no one else besides me had a key. i felt fear for the first time since i got off the plane. i wish i could go back and tell everyone just how much i loved them before doing this but it was going to end now weather it was a good ending or a bad.

I walked up the stairs to the front door and before i could open it, the door flung open itself.

"Michelle?" I stared at her in shock she stood with no baby bump, she grabbed my arm pulling me inside slamming the door behind me.

"Shocked i see, well you didn't think i was going to let you still my man away from me now did you?"

"What the fuck do you mean? you told him to sleep with me you made all of this happen." she shook her head pulling a gun from the table.

"No, i sent the letters to Matt first and to my surprise he went along with it, i knew they were hiding something something big but i didn't know what and i didn't know that it was going to scare them as much as it did. and once you were here and idea came to me. I wondered if Brian would cheat on me. if he would sleep with an under aged girl."

Her eyes were angry, she stared down at the gun for a moment. "And when he did i wanted you to find out about everything i did it too soon though i just wanted you gone so i pulled the bx out so that if you came back you would look in it because i know you such a noise little bitch. I did not expect for them to find you."

I kept my eyes on the gun waiting for a chance to charge her. "But when they did and you came back pregnant i knew that it was his child." she turned her back to me i took my chances to knock her down, the gun flew from her hands. She turned hitting me knocking me back. "Stupid bitch."

She pulled herself up grabbing the gun."Now as i was saying." The gun was pointed at my face. "The way he would stare at you, he would watch you with so much love that it made me sick. It was the look i use to get from him and then the affair started again." Her hand tightened around the gun.

"So i hired the man to fuck you up, you didn't deserve to have his child. it should have been me." She took the gun slamming it on the side of my face.

"But still he chose you, he was going to leave me for you so i made up the baby to keep him and it worked for a while i could see though that he was going to leave still so i decided that if you were gone he would have to chose me."

I could feel the blood on the side of my face and to my surprise i still laughed at her. the fear was gone now because i knew that no matter what i said she was still going to kill me. "Your so fucking stupid. He doesn't love you he stopped loving you before i came into the picture you just pushed him into my arms."

"Shut the fuck up."

"He was going to leave you the night he found out you were pregnant he doesn't want your baby. But i told him to stay. for your stupid ass." I laughed again. "Before i came here you know who was in my bed? you know who was making love to me?" The noise shocked me but not as much as the pain in my side.

"I told you to shut the fuck up you ugly bitch."

"He will never love you again Michelle killing me tonight wont change the way he feels about you." I held onto my side trying to right myself but i couldn't the pain was taking over. "From this day on he will always love me more." i heard the Bang again and everything was black.
Is this how i was going to die?


The flight was long The guys set beside me waiting for the plane to land i had a feeling that something was wrong, and i had to find her, i was going to go to her grandparents house and if she wasn't there i was going to call the police and tell them everything. I needed to find my little girl.

"Matt, something wrong. I can feel it." Brain sat next to me his hands held onto his seat with such force i thought he was going to break it.

"I don't know what we are going to do. We don't even know who's doing this to us, to her."

"I'm going to kill them. I fucking promise they are dead."

1 hour later

The guys were getting a car for us, Brian and i stood outside waiting for them, i've tried her grandparents house phone over and over but still i haven't got an answer. Val has called me twice since i got off the plane. She's going crazy as well.

"Dude their they are lets fucking go i'm driving." Johnny got out of the driver side jumping into the back with the others.

"Where the fuck do they live?" I told him where to go. Brian was a crazy driver at times but i hadn't realized until just now that he could have been worse we drove over a hundred miles an hour the hole way there i don't know how he didn't get pulled over but i was glad when we pulled up to the house ten minutes later. I was the first out of the car and to my surprise there was a light in the house one, i didnt bother knocking i just threw the door open. Sophia laid ten feet from the door, blood purring from her body, I felt the tears in my eyes as i got to her. "Sophia baby please answer me."

Her hand was cold but, her fingers moved when i touched her. "We need to get her to the hospital now." Brian stood in the door way his face was white. "Fucking move we got to go."

I held her in my arms "Hold on baby just hold on."