The Father I Never Wanted is the Person I've Always Needed

Forever and always

"Mr Sanders your daughter had internal bleeding but we was able to stop it, she has lost a lot of blood. We had to put stitches in her head and were she was shot. she is stable at the moment and we will be keeping a close eye on her."

"Can i see her? is she awake?" i stared at him fighting the tears from my eyes.

"We are keeping her sedated for a while but yes you may go back and see her but not to many at a time we want to keep it quiet in there." I turned and told Brian to fallow me. the doctor let me to a room down the hall. "She's in there." without another word he turned and walked away, part of me wanted to punch him for treating her like some dog but instead i turned and stared at the door. i didn't want to go inside i didn't want to see her like this again but i knew that i needed to be in there with her.

"I'm right here with you Matt." I felt Brian put his arm on my shoulder. I let out my breath and opened the door. She was lying in a bed, her head covered in a white bandage her hair wet. she had on a rode that hid any of her other wombs which i was thankful for. I sat down in the chair beside her bed and Brain stood on the other side of her.

"What are we going to do about Michelle?" I stared at my daughter's beautiful face. I would not let anything else happen to her.

"We are going to do what's right for now we are going to call the cops as soon as she wakes up we are going to tell them what Michelle did and we are going to try and move on. if that don't work we are going to kill her."

Brian knew that i wasn't lying and he knew not to say anything else about the matter at the moment. I don't think i can think about anything else until i know she's okay.

After three hours of sitting with her i decided to let Brian have a moment so that i could go call Val and let her know everything and to see how my son was doing.


I stared down at the beautiful girl in front of me and sighed. I didn't even get to tell her that i chose her. That it was always her from the moment i seen her i knew that she was the one. I pulled her hand up to my face being careful of the I.V and kissed it. "Its all going to be okay now baby. we are going to be okay now." I was surprised when her eyes opened slightly.

"Brian... the baby. the baby isn't real i'm so sorry."

"Shhh don't worry baby i already knew. If you would have waited just a little longer i would have came with you."

"I didn't want you to get hurt to." I seen the tear running down her face and it broke my heart.

"I love you so much Sophia." I stood bending over her kissing her lips softly.

"I love you.." i could tell she was falling back to sleep and i didn't want to keep her up but i didn't want to let her go either.


"Hmm?" she turned her head slightly to me, her eyes closed.

"It was always you. It will be you and me forever and always."

"Always." and she was gone again. I kissed her forehead before sitting back down in my seat. I couldn't believe that Michelle could do something like this it made me angry thinking of her hurt Sophia like this just the thought of her being in the some room with her made me want to kill her.

This girl was going to pay for what she did to Sophia and i was going to make sure of it.
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