The Father I Never Wanted is the Person I've Always Needed

i tursted his words

Sophias POV

The beeping sound in my ears was getting on my nerves and when I opened my eyes i was surprised to see that i wasn't in my own bed. My head was pounding like crazy and i ignored it. the events from the shooting started to play over in my head. I couldn't believe that she had shot me.

Looking over i seen that my dad was a sleep on the bed and there was four body sleeping and the floor. I stared at them feeling happy that they would all stay with me like this. I had know idea i meant so much to them. Not even my dad.

I didnt want to move because i knew that it would hurt worse then i already did. I stared at the t.v that was turned onto the news, I seen my face pop up but i couldn't hear what was being said. I was surprised to say the lest when Michelle's picture came up after mine. How did they know that it was her i couldn't remember telling any of them. I don't even know how they found me.

"Sophia?" I glanced down to the floor to see Brian sitting up his eyes felled with love. I smiled at him moving over wincing at the pain.

"shh, come get into bed with me." I watched him stand up walk threw the maze of body's and lay down next to me on the bed.

"Its good to see you awake, you've been out cold for three days, Matt's been a mess but i knew you would come around when you wanted to. The doctors had you sedated for a while but you still didn't wake up when they took you off the meds."

I stared at his face, i remember lying on the floor thinking that i was never going to see it again. "I love you Brian."

He smiled and kiss my lips softly. "I love you too forever and always remember?"

I stared at him confused for a minute but then, i remember waking up to him once before." Forever and always."

"Do you want me to wake up Matt?"

I shook my head i just wanted to be with him, for some reason i felt that i could finally be happy with them us together forever.

"Brian, What's going to happen with Michelle? what if she comes back for me?"

"Don't worry about her she's going to get what's coming for her." I stared into his eyes watching the love turn into hate.

"Sophia, tell me what happen tell me everything that happened."

I sighed rapping my arms around his wast, I got a note and it said to go back to where it all started so i packed my bags and after you left my room i jumped out the window. I flew home it was so hard to leave when i seen you guys at the airport but it was something i had to do.."

"I wish you would have let me come with you."

"I know. When i got to the house she was waiting for me she pulled me inside she already had the gun. she said that she wouldn't let me still her man and that she knew the baby was yours she wrote you that note to see if you would cheat on her and you did but she didn't think it would turn into more. She wanted me to find out about everything she wanted me gone but she was pissed when i came back." I sighed. "I tired to fight her for the gun but i lost and she hit me with it. She knew that even with her baby you still wanted me you chose me she hired the man to kill the baby but i told her, i told her that you stopped loving her before i came along." I smiled slightly remembering her face. " I told her that before i came down here that you was in my bed making love to me that's when she shot me the first time but i didn't shut up i knew that no matter what she was going to hurt me," I stared back into his eyes "I told her from this day on you would always love me more. and then she shot me again.

I could see the anger still in his eyes but there was something else to something over powering it, Love. "Sophia i can not believe how strong you were. you are my hero and you were right from this day one i love you more then anything and everyone."

"Promise me something?"


"Don't ever leave me please?"

There was shock in his eyes. "I will never leave you, i will never hurt you. I'm yours forever."

I kissed him again ignoring the pain that came into my body as i pulled him closer.

I trusted his words.
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this was kind of a filler.
