The Father I Never Wanted is the Person I've Always Needed

Life with Brian

Brain sat my things on the counter before turning to pull me into his arms. "Do you want the guest room or my room.?" I put my head on his shoulder, he pulled me closer to him but didn't hold too tight i was still hurting with the stitches.

"I want to be with you in your room." I felt his lips touch my forehead, nothing made me feel so safe then to be in this mans arms.

"What do you want to do baby? wanna go lay in bed for the rest of the day and watch some movies or we could go out to a movie and have some dinner. whatever you want." I stared up into his eyes this man was the most amazing man in the world.

"Lets just order a pizza and snuggle in bed all day, I like that plan more then anything. I really don't want to leave this house ever again I want it to be me and you here always fuck everyone else."

he laughed kissing me. "Okay baby you and me we will turn off our phones and lock the doors and windows and pretend like there is nothing but you and me."

"Deal." I leaned up and kissed his lips softly. "Now you go order the pizza I'm going to go put my thing away in your room and then we will shut out the world."

he laughed kissing me once more before letting me go. I could hear him on the phone as I took my bags up stairs. I set my bags on the floor in his closet and turned to the bed I sat on the edge of it, Glancing down at my stomach wondering what my life would be like right now if I hadn't lost the baby would i have gone to meet her? would things with me and Brian be different would we have made good parents I know I'm young to be think about this but I want that life and I want that life with him and I almost had that. i wonder if i will ever get to have it again.

"What you thinking about baby?" I slightly jumped didn't even hear him come up the stairs.

"Everything. The good and the bad." I laid back placing my head on the pillow. "thinking about how much i love you." i smiled at him.

"And how much do you love me?"

"More then you could ever know." I watch as he made his way to the bed he laid right be side me on his side his arm holding up his hand staring down into my eyes.

"I love you, more then i thought i could ever love a women. You took my heart the moment i meet you and from then on I've been yours." He leaned down kissing my lips. I pulled him so that he was on top of me. He didn't make any moves on me he just kissed me, it was the type of kiss that would have made my knees go weak if I had been standing up. I ran my hand threw his hair as the kiss became intense. It was like out of no where i wanted him i wanted him in side me, I wanted him to make love to me right then and there, ran my hands down his sides till I reach the bottom of his shirt I began to pull it up slowly but he stopped my hands. "Baby we can't." I kissed around his neck sucking and nibbling on it.

"I promised you dad that I wouldn't do anything with you in that way until we can figure all of this out." the last few words came out with a moan. I finished pulling his shirt off, without him stopping me. He's eyes never left mine.

"Baby...." I stopped him with a kiss. "I want you, I want you to make love to me right now." i pushed my hips up into his. "My dad will never know what happens behind closed doors its only you and me here." He stared me deep in the eyes searching for something and by the way his lips meet mine i guess he found what he was looking for. he had me undressed before i could even blink it felt like, the only thing he left on me was my pink pantie and bra.

I stared at the stitches on my body. and began to feel very uncomfortable I pulled the blanket over."

Brian pulled it off with a little anger in his eyes. "your beautiful don't hide yourself from me no matter what your always going to be perfect to me." he kissed me this kiss softer than our normal kiss. something about it made my stomach turn to knots.

"One day your going to be my wife."