The Father I Never Wanted is the Person I've Always Needed

Your ***ing Nightmare!

I opened my eyes to find myself in Brian's bed but he was not beside me. I thought back to last night. I felt a little bad about getting him to do it with me but at the same time I couldn't be more happy though I knew that wasn't going to last long with everything going on. My mind went to Jr, where is he. I jumped up out of bed grabbing a shirt from Brian's closet and took off down the hallway to the stairs.

Went I got to the bottom of the stairs I could already see them Brian had Jr in his swing leaning over him Brian was playing pick a boo with him Jr's little laugh made me smile. The sight of him that way but butterflies in my stomach. I wanted this to be us, with our baby.

"Now you can't cry I have to go finish the food and then I'll be right back." He slowly starting baking away from the swing and when Jr realized what he was doing he began to cry. I laughed causing Brian to turn he glared at me. "You think this is funny women?"

I smiled "Yes I do, that's what he does to Matt too. You can go I got him, has he ate yet?"

Brian nodded. "Yeah I feed him a little bit ago, he's fighting his sleep right now, I tried the swing hoping that it would put him out but he just cried until I started playing with him."

I walked over and took him out of the swings, I began to rock him back and forth in my arms. "The swing wont work Val has him so spoiled already you have to rock him to sleep like this or he's not sleeping." I laughed lightly looking down at him, his eyes were already starting to close.

Brian walked over and sighed. "Finally." He kissed Jr's head and then my lips. "I've got food cooking it should be done by the time you get him out. i got the playpen put over there ready for him. come in here when your done."

I nodded walking around the living I began humming hoping that might help a little and it did with in ten minutes I had him a sleep. I placed him in his playpen and covered him up with a blanket.

I turned and walked into the kitchen Brian already had the plates made sitting on the table, he was make to cups of coffee for us. "How long have you been up? and how did I get in your room."

He set the cups on the table and turned. walking over to me. He pulled me into his arms I instantly rapped mine around his neck. "About an two hours I heard Jr crying so I brought him down stairs so that he wouldn't wake you up. I carried you up there last night you past out on me." I stood on my tip toes pecking his lips "We'll sorry baby you took all my energy." I kissed him again. "Your an amazing boyfriend." He laughed into the kiss. he held me closer to him for a moment before pulling away from me slightly. "I made french toast are you hungry?"

I nodded he held my hand leading me over to the table I laughed when he pulled out my chair. "When did you become so nice?"

He kissed my cheek before going to his own chair. "What you talking about baby I'm always nice."

I rolled my eyes shacking my head. "Yeah keep telling yourself that love but I think your full of it."

I took a drink of my coffee and sighed "Have you heard from Matt or anyone today?"

"Yeah, Matt called little bit after I got up asking for you but I told him that you need to sleep, he said that Val is falling apart right now. I guess there was a letter for her on her parents door when they got there but they hadn't read it Michelle was scared to and she wouldn't let Matt either but I think they need to we need to know what she's planning for us." I stared down at my plate I couldn't believe that Michelle could do that to her sister, to her parents it kills me for her to have to go threw this shit I thought it was just me that she wanted but it looks like I was wrong she wants us all.

"You know your safe with me right? You know as long as I;m with you nothing is going to happen to you."

I looked up in to his eyes. "I know I'm safe with you. I'm not worried about me right now I'm worried about Val and Matt I'm worried about whats going to happen next who's going to get hurt next we've already lost so much. My grandparents, our baby, and now Val's parents I've been shot by the fucking bitch I just don't understand how much more she can do to us."

I could see the anger in Brian's face. "We are going to find her one way or another I AM going to find her and I'm going to hurt her, I won't let her get away with this."

I jumped at the sound of the doorbell ringing. Brian stood up before I could. "I got the door you need to eat you food you really haven't eaten much the last couple days."

I watched him walk out of the kitchen, I sighed taking a bite of my french toast, I really wasn't that hungry anymore but I knew that if I didn't eat something Brian would be pissed. It wasn't long before he was back in the kitchen but he wasn't alone all the guys were standing behind him, all staring at me.

"What the fuck is wrong with you guys?" I gave them all a weird look. what happen next shocked me.

"SOPHIA!!!!!" Jimmy was the first one to reach me but Zacky and johnny was right behind him. They had me on the floor before I could even blink.

"What the fuck guys I told you not to hurt her." Brian was struggling to pull them off of me, I laughed "Dang guys I missed ya'll to but don't mean I want to smash you into the floor."

"We just love you so much." Jimmy almost screamed in my ear. Then out of nowhere there wasn't anyone on me Brian had managed to get Johnny on his side and got the other two off of me.

Brian held his hand out to me with a smirk on his face. "You can't be mad though at least your loved right?"

I rolled my eyes laughing lightly. "Yeah I guess you can say that." I sat back down in my chair and didn't even look at my food with the guys here Brian wouldn't be watching me as close. I drank my coffee for a while just listening to the guys goof off and talk with each other. Thought when Michelle's name was said Brian's eyes were on me. I just ignored them I didn't want to hear about it anymore I just wanted Matt and Val to be here again with all this shit behind us.

Jr began to cry in the living room Brian stood to go get him but I stopped him. "I got him you can hang with the guys for a while you guys need a little normal. I'm going to go upstairs and give the baby a bath."

"Damn Brian you turn into a bitch on us that fast?" I smacked Zacky on the back of the head.

"Shut the fuck up lame, at least he's a man unlike you who is still a little boy hows your balls dropped you?"

Everyone in the room burst out laughing minus him who was glaring at me, I smirked at him walking into the living room.

"Alright little girl I'ma get you, just wait when Brian's not here to safe you from me then we'll see." Not even a second later I heard a loud smack.

"Don't be talking to her that way Brian don't have to have her back I got her back now what." Johnny's voices surprised me a little. Jr was all ready for me when I got him out of his playpen he smiled up at me.

"You ready for a bath and some clean clothes kid? Your sister is going to turn you into a little pimp."
I turned and took him to the bathroom down stairs the sink was big enough for me to wash him in there. He loved to take a bath the hole time I was washing him he was just smiling I turned when I heard the bathroom door open.

"Hey you care if I come in for a second?" Zacky stood in the door way as if he was scared to come in.

"Of course I'm almost done anyways." I turned back to Jr and began to wash the top of his head. Brian walked over and sat down on the toilet leaving the bathroom door cracked. I glanced over at him.

"What's up bro?"

He sighed. "I just wanted to make sure your okay, I mean with everything that's been going on and that's happened to you I know your not as okay as your trying to make Brian think you are and he knows you too, I'll admit when I seen them pictures of you guys together I was pissed, I couldn't believe that he would do something like that and he was..... dating Michelle too I thought it was so fucked up we almost got into a fight when they came to your apartment that day but now I can see how much he really does love you. With you he is so different and I can see that he really loves you."
He stopped for a second. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that don't shut him out... or any of us we all care and we all want to be here for you, your like my little sister now and I just don't like to see you hurt."

I rapped a towel around Jr and held him on my arm. Zacky stood up sighing again. I pulled him into a half hug. "I'm okay I promise, I know he loves me I know that he's not stupid but at the same time sometimes its best to just try to not think about the shit that hurts you, I'm trying to let it go for aleast right now why I have the baby when Matt comes back.... well I'll have a plan for that bitch by then. "

Zacky's face changed a little but I put my hand up before he could even say anything to me. "It is what it is Zacky you know that my mind is made up I don't care what happens next because it can't be anything compared to what already happened I won't lose anything else like that. I won't."

Zacky glared at me slightly but didn't say a word. "I'm going to go get him dressed for the day. I'll be down in a minute tell Brian that I am fine, I know he's worried but I promise everything is fine." Without another word I turned out of the bathroom and went to get Jr's clothes I found a cute pair of dark jeans and a shirt that say's 'who's your daddy?" with a black jacket. When I walked back into the kitchen the guys were all leaning around the table whispering as soon as they seen me they shut up. I gave them a weird look.

"What the fuck is up with you guys? do I need to leave or something." Brian walked over, putting my face in his hands. "no baby you don't need to leave, we were just talking. Nothing you need to worry about at this time okay?" Before I could say anything he had my lips distracted. The guys all started making noises as if they were getting sick I flipped them off.

"Sophia how you going ask us that when you kissing our best friend what the fuck?" I couldn't help but to laugh. Brain pulled away and smiled at me.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Awe aren't they so cute guys its a Kodak moment. Go get my camera." I laughed staring at Johnny.

"You know that's a rap song right? I thought you didn't like rap?"

Johnny glared at me. "And to think I had your back, I'm going to let Zacky get you know hoe."

I rolled my eyes "You guys don't scare me your a bunch of little baby's."

Brian gasped "What? and here I thought I was bad ass."

I smirked "Well you do have a bad ass but your still a baby." The guys laughed Brian rolled his eyes but smiled down at me.

I jumped when there was a knock at the door, I stared up at Brian. Everyone that comes over is already in this house, I didn't understand who else could be here. Zacky jumped up "I got it Brian you stay in here with her."

Brian nodded taking my hand pulling me to the table he sat down in the chair and put me and Jr on his lap. I stared at the kitchen doorway waiting for Zacky to come back it seemed like forever but when he did walk back into the room his face was white like he had just seen a ghost and he had a package in his hands

"Who's that for?" He looked up from the package and right into my eyes.

"It's for you but it doesn't say who it came from or where it came from." I stood up putting Jr into Johnny's arms because he was the closest person to me. I walked over to Zacky and took the package from his hands it was heaver than it looked I walked around Zacky and into the living room I placed it down on the floor and sat down infront of it. I already knew who it was from and the thought of opening it scared me to death because I didn't know but I knew that in the end I HAD to know what was inside.

I pulled the brown paper off from the box and stared down my heart pounding in my ears. I pulled the note that was taped to the top of the box. before I could even open it I could feel the tears in my eyes.

Hello Sophia,
How does it feel to be living my life? i bet its nice to sleep in the bed the I fucked him in
on the same sheets I bet. Ah its so nice to talk to you how are you feeling? not many people live
threw that shit but of course your a fucking bitch that can't die but that's okay more fun for me.
Back to the point of me writing you today. in this box is somethings that you might want to look at
the things I've sent you its a little hint of what's coming. Oh I forgot to ask? hows my sister you see
once the bitch took your side over me I decided that it was time for some bitter sweet revenge. She
she was always the favorite but without parents she wont be anymore HAHA! Tell Brian I said hello
I know he's with you right now, I know he misses me but It's okay tell him I'll be seeing you guys
soon. Do you like having the baby? Is it hard to hold that baby knowing that you would be a mommy
right now but I always get what I want so remember that and you already know what I want anyways I bet he's cute just like his Daddy... If only my sister knew what that guy really does behind her back... uhmmm that was a fun night oops just told on him didn't I Well little miss Sophia I have to go for now I have a date... You'll never guess who with either. Remember something just cause you don't see me don't mean I'm not there. just keep that in mind.

your fucking nightmare!

"Sophia, let me see?" I turned to find Brian standing right behind me. I hadn't realized that I was crying so bad but I couldn't stop myself, I've been holding it in for so long that I can't hold it in anymore. Brian sat down beside me and pulled me into his arms. "Baby let me see."

I handed it to him barring my face into his chest. Letting her words play over in my head. who the fuck was she going to meet? I didn't even know who I would call first. No one is safe with me around. She wants me and she's not going to stop until she gets me. Brian's arm tightened around my waste pulling me closer to him.

"Brian what the fuck is going on?" Brian must have handed the note to someone because i felt his other hand pull my face up to look at him. I could see the worry in his eyes. "baby it's going to be okay I'm not going to let anything happen to you." I placed my head in his neck he held me close to him. I didn't even want to know what was in the box anymore.

"Take that box upstairs to the guest room. Don't open it yet I want to see what that bitch sent but I don't want her to see. We are not telling Matt about this right now, he already has enough shit going on." At that moment Brian was my hero it was as if he was reading my mind. i didn't see who moved the box but I could hear them moving around. I couldn't believe that Matt would ever fuck with Michelle like that, I could only think about what's going threw Brian's mind right now.

"Zacky I want you guys to take the baby for a few hours me and Sophia need to be alone for a little bit." I knew that he would be safe with them so I didn't fight what he was telling them. I knew I couldn't take care of him right now I couldn't even pull myself together.

I heard someone coming back down the stairs. "Alright, I put it in the closet in the guest room."

"thanks man."

"Alright we'll be back in a little I have a few things I planned on doing anyways, we are going to go get some of our shit too. I think it would be best if we all staid here for a while."

"Yeah I think so too." I felt Brian sigh. "Just keep in touch let me know what's going on we don't know what the bitch is planning yet but I promise you this. It's not going to work."

"We'll talk more when we get back, Sophia we love you so just remember that okay?" I nodded in Brian's neck I didn't want them to see me this way. I didn't want to feel like this anymore.

I heard the door shut behind them as they left, Brian didn't say anything for a while just held me close to him. I don't know how long he held me in his arms once I finally stopped crying he pulled away from me slightly. "Sophia, please listen to me. It's killing me to see you this way. I'm not going to let you lose anyone else that you love. I wont let anything happen to you."

I stared at him for a moment and he stared right back at me as if he was trying to see deep down into my soul. "What if we can't stop her? What if she never gives up?"

"Don't think that way baby. You can't think that way that's letting her win and you stronger then that I know you are, I've seen it."

"Brian what are we going to do?" My voice cracked, I was trying so hard to fight the tears back because in the end I knew he was right.

"I'm going to kill that fucking bitch." He pulled me back into his arms. "I love you baby with all my heart I do don't ever forget that okay. I'm going to kill that bitch for what she did to you, she doesn't know what this band has done, she just don't fucking know."
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Hope you guys like it =)