The Father I Never Wanted is the Person I've Always Needed



I sighed staring at Sophia finally in my bed. I brought her up here after she had finally fallen a sleep in my arms. I was going to kill Michelle for doing this to her. I couldn't believe this was still going on after all this time. I mean Jr is already seven months old. It felt like this was never going to end but I wasn't going to let her keep hurting Sophia like this.

"Brian you guys up there." I sighed again turning out of the room shutting the door behind me quietly I didn't want them to wake her up.

Jr was a sleep on the couch when I got down stairs Zacky sat beside him, Johnny stood staring out of the back door. Jimmy was nowhere to be found. "Is Sophia sleeping?"

Zacky's worried face made me a little jealous. I know that Sophia would never do that to me and neither would Zacky the thought of how close they were scared me sometimes. I shook the thought out of my head.

"Yeah finally shes only been a sleep for about forty-five minutes." Zacky shook his head.

"We got to figure something out about this bitch because Sophia might think she's a good pretender but I see right threw that shit. All of this is killing her, holding that baby kills her. It pisses me off I''m really worried about her."

I ran my hand threw my hair. "Who the fuck are you telling. She had me in tears today when the fuck do you see that? I don't know how much more she's going to be able to take we need to go look in that fucking box and find out what this bitch is fucking planning cause I can't even take this shit for much longer."

Jimmy's voice shocked me. "I set up the Cameras all around the back yard there is one on the front door too. there isn't one way on your property that can be touched without you seeing it. You need to call and get that alarm system turned back on from when you had that fucking stalker." He sat down on the couch beside Zacky.

"That room you have in your basement, we need to put that shit back into play in our lives cause I'm not going to let some little bitch fuck up my life and fucking with Sophia is fucking with me and I'm sick of just sitting back and letting this happen to her. She should have never seen that box."

Zacky looked down at his feet. "I know I should have hid that shit from her but I wasn't think, and if we start hiding shit from her. Its won't be pretty when she finds out and I promise you she will that is a very smart girl you got sleeping up there and we all need to think about what she's going to learn about us. I don't think she's going to like it very much do you?" His looked me right in my eyes. I knew she was going to be very.... confused and pissed off when she finds out but for him to throw that up in my face pissed me off.

"She's my girlfriend no one will tell her shit until I want them too."

"No that's not true Matt his her dad do you keep forgetting that? Do you not realize that in the end you want be the one making these choices it will be Matt who decides when she finds out unless she gets smart and starts looking around you fuck house, does she even know you have a basement?"

I laughed bitterly "Yeah cause she would think that behind a fucking shelf there would be a door because I wouldn't be looking for that shit." I rolled my eyes "I'm going to have to show her though because Michelle didn't even know about that shit so in the end that's the safest place for her if shit goes down here."

"Yeah I think so too but you'll have to keep that door locked at all times."

"No shit." I sighed I didn't mean to be such a asshole to him but all this happening has my head fucked up.

"Well what's the plan then?" Johnny finally spoke up, he had been so quit I almost forgot that he was here.

"We need to go down there and get everything sit up while she's asleep. Brian you need to be the one that stays up here with the baby. She's going to be by you side a lot, she trust's you the most over any of us... and that includes Matt that girl has given you her hole fucking heart so don't fuck with it but that's all i got to say about that right now me and you will talk." I slightly glared at him, who was he to tell me shit about her.

"I don't want to fucki-"

Jimmy cut me off. "He's just looking out for her Brian calm the fuck down."

"I know man I'm sorry this shit is fucking with me hard. You guys go get started on the down stairs I'll wait for her to wake up and then first step to letting her in on our secret is in action."

Jimmy laughed evilly "Of all of our girls to tell about this it has to be Sophia? It just fucking kills me she's going to hate us.. she's going to hate Matt when she finds out."

"No she won't she'll be mad very mad but she wont blame him for her mom he didn't push shit on her, she did it on her own." Atleast that's what I was trying to tell myself anyways. Sophia's choices and thoughts always surprised me so I don't know if I'll be right.

Zacky just shook his head probably think the same thing I am. "Lets get this shit done."