The Father I Never Wanted is the Person I've Always Needed


I sighed finally opening my eyes it was dark outside and I was in Brian's bed, he must have brought me up here. I kept my head on other things then the box's that I knew was still in the house. I sat up looking around. I could hear Brian's voice down stairs I bet the guys where back already. I threw the blankets off from me and ran.

Walking down stairs Brian was standing a few feet facing away from me. "Hey baby."

He turned quickly a strange look on his face. "Hey sweetie, how are you feeling?" I stepped closer to me blocking off my view of the living room. I glanced over his shoulder the only thing that was different was the book shelf looked like it had been moved the wall a couple feet I glanced back up at him confused. Was he hiding something from me?"There's something that I need to talk to you about, well more like show you is more like that."

"What do you mean? Is there something else? did she send me more?" I heard the panic in my own voice and tried hard to stop myself from letting this get to me, I have to be strong, I will be strong.

"Follow me as I... Try to explain somethings to you." He grabbed a hold of my hand and began to walk into the living room. "You see Michelle wanted the house for the size and the pool... I wanted the room for the basement." I've been in this house a thousand times I've never found a basement. thats when I noticed the door where the book shelf had been.

"What the fuck?" I stared up at him. Why would he need a hiding basement for, why hadn't he told me about this before now?

"It's something that the... band and I needed at the time, we still use it from time to time but there are a few rules we need to talk about before I take you down there. The first being that none of the guys girlfriends know about this room, only Valarie knows. Second there is a room down here that you are not to go in, it will be locked at all times it is off limits okay?"

I just stared up at him, I knew he was hiding something now. First he tell's me that he has a secret room in his house, a house that I've practicably lived in for the last six months, and not only that I was not aloud to tell anyone that this room was here and the people that they are hiding this from is people thats been in there life for years.

"Sophia, I know this all sounds really weird and your complelety confused about all of this but with everything thats going on it's time you learn a few things." He opened the door and led me down the stairs I was a little shocked at how big it was, I walked into another living room, it had two leather black couchs facing the T.V. they had placed on the wall. There were six door's leading from the living room and a hallway on the left side. I heard talking coming from down the hall. "Who's down there?"

"The guys are here, they set up a system around the house we can see everything down here. And Michelle didn't even know about it so when you down here your safe." That fact made me feel less angry atleast she didn't know either but still hiding something is just like lying.

"Want to come see the room I set up for us down here?" I just nodded, this was a lot to take in. He led me to the room closest to the hallway. Opening the door he revealed a Light brown room. The bed was Big took up almost half the room. There was dressers agaisnt one wall and a t.v on the other. There was no windows but the room was bright. He had flower's all around the room.

"Its nice I like it."

"Now Each guy has a room down here, this is where you are all going to be staying until everything blows over, When Matt a from that hall way yu can go up another set of stairs that will take you out by the bathroom upstairs. "

I turned a looked at him "Are you fucking kidding me? Why do you guys have this down here? and why am I not aloud to tell anyone?"

Brian stared down at the floor, I guess he was picking his words wisely. "It's a long story and I feel like everyone needs to be here when we have that talk. Just please just don't take this as a bad thing. Michelle don't know about this your safe."

I just stared at him though his eyes staid on the floor.

"Awe your awake how are you feeling?" Jimmy pulled me into a hug I hadn't even heard him walk in.

"Come see what we did!" He looked so excited as if this was a normal thing. He didn't give me a chance to respond, he grabbed my arms and pulled me out of the room and down the hall. The room he took me to was huge one wall was full of about ten t.v.'s under them there was a huge desk with a computer system. There was a few other things but I had know idea what they we five chairs lined at the desk. Only two of them where empty Zacky was typing away at the computer. there where a hole bunch of papers laid out on the desk. "They set up a security system set up we can see every part of the yard, the house. EVERYTHING. That bitch wont be able to get inside this yard without someone seeing her ass."

That did make me feel a little better but that the rest of this I was pissed the fuck off.

I don't know how to feel at this point and to be honest I really just wanted to scream at the top of my lungs.

"But there is a room down here that I think your really going to like." Brian who had not said a word, when I looked at him he smile slightly and held out his hand. I took it without even thinking, even though I was pissed off at him just the touch of his hand made me feel safe.

He led me to the room right next to this one. "I think this is all of our favorite rooms." Walking in I seen that it was like a small studio. He was right this was going to be my favorite place to be from now on.

He rapped his arms around my waste pulling me close to his body.
"Sophia please just trust me, wait for your dad to get home we only have a couple more days."

"where is J.r.?" I hadn't heard him and they are all in here.

"He's asleep in Matt's bed room. This is our secret get away in an odd way I guess you could say," I turned in his arms and looked up into his eyes. He stared back into mine his eyes looked empty as if he was trying to hide how he was feeling but I could see he was worried that I was going to flip and be completely and totally pissed of, and even though I am mad at him and knowing that there is more to this then I know and he still wasn't going to tell me. I felt as if in so why he was trying to protect me from something something that he really didn't want me to know.

I couldn't lose him though not know, not after everything we have been threw. I placed my hand on the side of his face, the other rest on his shoulder. "Brian... I love you." I leaned up rapping both of my arms around his neck pressing my body into his, our faces only inches apart. The feeling of his lips against mine still gave me the butterflies. I jumped up rapped my legs around his waist. I moved my lips to his ear breathing slightly heaver. "I trust you. I'm always going to be yours." I pressed my lips on his neck, I felt moving then my back was against the door for only a moment before he opened it. The lights were turned off in the room leaving it completely dark when the door clicked shut. I begain to nibble on his neck. "Sophia your dad comes back in three days and I promised him the this wouldn't..." I knew what he was going to say, don't make it even worse then it already was. I knew he felt bad for going against Matt's wishes but come on, after everything thats happened. All that I've been threw I felt like I was old enough to make my own choices and I only had a few months until my birthday. I would be eighteen and then nothing could stand in our way.. even with that thought Michelle's face still popped up in my head.

Brian didn't hesitated on kissing me back. He sat me down on the dresser his lips never leaving mine. I pulled him closer to me so that he was standing in between my legs "his hand wondering around my body. "Brian bro we gotta go get your ass out here."
Zacky's word's feel on none listening ears. I pushed myself off the dresser pushing him back onto the bed. Brian smirked at me as i claimed on top of him, I slowly pulled my shirt off, Brian's eyes only wondered my boby for a moment before they were staring back into mine. I leaned down so that are faces were only inchs apart, I smiled letting our lips tough only for a moment before moving back, Brian smirked at me. The next thing I knew Brian was on top of me his lips kissing down my chest. I moaned quietly not wanting anyone to hear us, I didn't know if Brian was telling them any of this part of things..... "Dude get the fuck out here he are already going to be late....... don't fucking make me come in there. Don't think Matt would wanna know either..." Brian sighed laying his head on my chest.

I laid my head on the pillow wishing with every part of my body to kill Zacky for this shit. "Baby, me and the guys gotta leave for a little while but don't worry your going to be safe here we are going to lock all the door's we got everything set up down here I will only be gone for two hours at the most if anything goes wrong or you need me just call and I'll come right home." He was staring at me now, his face comepeletly serious.

I placed my hand on his face. "Brian I'll be okay. I can handle myself promise. Me and J.R. will be just fine. "

"BRIAN!" I jumped slightly forgetting for a moment that there was other people here. "I'm coming asshole go the fuck away." Brian glared at the door mumbling something under his breath that I didn't hear. "Promise you will call me if you need me?"

I sighed rolling my eyes. "Yes I will call you now, where the hell are you going?"

I knew by the look on his face he wasn't going to tell me and I didn't like that, it seemed like he has a lot me secrets then I thought...

"Please don't get mad at me, I can't tell you know but it's not because I don't want to... I just can't I'm sorry." He kissed my forehead before moving off from me I just laid there. They were leaving, J.r. was still a sleep, and now I was pissed but I didn't say nothing. If he wasn't telling me that meant it was no good, and if it's no good then he needs to have a clear head doing it.

"I love you." he was dressed again standing by the door as if he didn't want to leave.

"I love you too... be safe." I smiled slightly at him before turning around, pulling the blankets over myself. I heard the door open and close and listened as his foot steps faded away.


I woke up to J.r. crying I threw the blankets off from me and ran out of the room, Matt and Val's room was just down the hall. J.r.
had pulled himself up and was standing in the crib. "Awe it's okay baby, sissy's here." I picked him up and placed him on my hip, I could already feel that he needed a diaper change, grabbed A diaper from the table and his whips and walked down the hall, and into the living room. I changed J.r.'s diaper on the couch which was a task, then placed him on the floor to play. I turned on the t.v. and flipped on some cartoon. I pulled out my phone to see if Brian had called, there was nothing and he was an hour late. I didn't want to call him and be one of them girlfriends that flip because their not home one time, but at the same time Brian knows how I'm feeling and he wouldn't just not come home.

I dialed him number, I was scared to call. What if he didn't answer? What if something had went wrong and she.... I shock my head forcing myself to hit send. I looked over at J.r., he was playing with some toys that were on the floor.

"Hey Sophia, were on our way home.... Uh Brian can't talk right now...He'll call you back.."I stared down at my phone did he just hang up on me? and where the fuck was Brian? I wanted to call them back but I knew they wouldn't answer now I just had to wait. Atleast I knew that they were okay. I heard a loud beeping noices coming from the room they had set all the t.v's up in. I picked up the baby and walked into the room my heart pounding. There was a red alert sign on the computer screen with the front door. I looked up just as it closed not seeing anyone walking threw. My heart pounded in my chest, I was afraid it was going to come out I shut the door to the computer room and locked it. It was only minutes later that the handle began to move... I wanted to scream Or yell but I knew that wouldn't be smart. I began to look for something to protect myself with Jr. still in my arms I grabbed a bat that the guys had set in the corner. I thanked them.

The door handle stopped moving and I slowly moved closer to the door. The bat in my left hand. "Brian open the fucking door."
I jumped at the sound of his voice, Matt? I thought they were going to be gone for three more days. I was still to scared to open the door. "Brian dude come on." I slowly turned to bolt, I didn't open the door I just stepped away from it.

When I saw Matt's face pick inside the door, I wanted to scream for joy. I threw the bat on the floor and rapped my arm around him. He was shocked for only a moment but then he hugged me back. "Sophia? are you here by yourself? where the fuck are the guys?"

I stepped back Val came up a small smile on her face, taking J.r. from my arms. "I don't know they said they would be back in a couple hours, wouldn't tell me were they were going. When I call Jimmy answered and wouldn't let me talk to Brian.."

Matt stared at me confused to it turned to anger within seconds. "They fucking left you here alone with the baby, not telling you what they were fuckin....." Matt pulled his phone from his pocked and took off out of the room. I followed behind me.

"Brian...Jimmy why the fuck do you got Brian's phone? and why the fuck are my kids here alone I told you guys to wait for me I was coming.." Matt turned to look at me something in his eyes told me something wasn't right.

"Matt what's wrong? I want to talk to Brian." I held my hand out for the phone I should have known something wasn't right, was he hurt? I shouldn't have let him go.

"No Sophia they are on the way here... only five minutes away.. go to Brian's room.... Now!" I jumped slightly but did as he told something was wrong, really wrong. Val was standing in the door way to her and Matt's room she waved for me to come to her. she shut the door behind me. "What's going on Val? I'm freaking out here."

Val placed her hand on my shoulder. "Everything is going to be fine, I don't know what happened sweetie but everything's okay." She looked as scared as I felt. We both sit on the bed the only sound came from the baby in her arms. Until loud footsteps and voices come from above us.. We both looked up I stood heading for the door. "No, Matt will come when he wants you out there... until then you need to stay here." I stared at the door waiting for it to open... It seemed like forever before Matt finally came in.

He shut the door behind him. "Sophia. Brian's in his room. He's not feeling the greatest... Somethings went down while they were gone he's looking a little rough right now but I promise he's going to be okay."

"What do you meas some shit happened? What the fuck happened to him? I want to see him?" I tried to get around Matt but he stopped me.

"Don't go in there all freaking out, He's already freaking out about you.." Matt looked angry but awed at the same time something i would have to ask him about later.

"Dad can I please see him?" Matt sighed but moved out of my way. I ran down the hall but slowed myself down before walking into his room the lights were off so i couldn't really see him.."Brian??" It came out a whisper.

"Come here baby."I shut the door behind me, and slowly found my way to his bed. I sat down pulling out my phone and pointed the light at him I gasped. "Oh my god..." His face looked as if someone had taken a baseball bat to it. His right eye was compeletly back and swollen, he had marks all down his face. His Shit was off showing the bruised all over his ribs. I felt the tears in my eyes. "What happened to you." I could hardly get the words to leave my mouth. Brian pulled my phone down making the room dark again.

"Can I just hold you?" I stared into the blankness for only a moment. I laid down beside him as softly as I could trying not to hurt him. Brian pulled me closer to him wincing at his movements. I placed my head on his shoulder, and my hand over his heart. I wanted to cry just seeing him this way. "I'm okay baby I promise.."

"I shouldn't have let you go.. I should have thrown a fit and made you stay with me. This is all my fault."

Brian moved in the darkness pulling me closer to him. "No, its not. It's mine. I should have never left you here alone. i'm so sorry."

I sighed Kissing his chest, not wanting to hurt him anymore. "Why wont anyone tell me what's going on?"

It was his turn to sigh. "It's just not time for you to know somethings yet." I wanted to be angry with him but i wouldn't let myself we could fight about this later. "Just promise me one thing?"


"Dont ever leave me." i looked up in the dark his face was facing me but i couldnt see his eyes. "Never."