The Father I Never Wanted is the Person I've Always Needed


Brian was still fast asleep when I woke up, I slide out from under his arm and grabbed a T-shirt to put one. I smiled happy that he was home again.

I walked into the bathroom, I ran a brush threw my hair. and brushed my teeth. I picked the clothes I had wear yesterday, and Brian's pants he must have taken off in the middle of the night and threw them into the basket. i heard a light flop as if something had landed on the floor. There was a condom rapper and a folded up piece of paper.

'Thanks for the sexy night last night baby, lets do it again sometime soon xoxo' the condom rapper was empty..

A thousand thoughts ran threw my head at once, this is what they are doing? this explains it all. My heart sank to my stomach. After all this, I should have known... how could this be happening.

I needed out, now. I threw the letter and the condom rapper on the sink and grabbed my bag from in the closet and as quietly as I could I threw my clothes inside. Brian didn't move once. I held the tears in I wasn't going to cry, I'm going to run on my own, without them. I'll save my fucking self.

I grabbed the keys to Matt's SUV from the living room table and ran up the stairs, out the door to the cars. I threw the bag with my clothes. my phone in my purse I turned off,

I drove for hours only stopping for gas, I had no idea where I was going but I was always going to be on the movie, I was smart to and stashed money in my bag months ago just in case something where to happen, never did i think it would be this, It was night fall when I finally stopped at a hotel. I got a room from a old man who looked as if I woke him up. the room wasn't the nicest but it would do for the night,

once in my room, I turned on the T.V. and just laid there. I didn't want to think I didn't want to move, I didn't even want to breath.

I guess he cheated on Michelle with me, why wouldn't he cheat on me too? I was stupid to think i meant something to him. I thought it was true love when really its all just a lie. Always a lie

I sat up and turned on my phone, It started to ring the moment it was on. 'Brian's cell' I stared at the screen waiting for it to send him to voicemail.

'Sophia baby please, its not what it looks like come home, I love you'

'Sophia, you;ve been gone for hours just let me know that your okay. I love you'

'Baby please I'm worried please let me explain, I'm lost without you hear and i'm worried please call me.'

'This is your dad call me, Where are you? come home please.'

message after message it was them begging me to listen Matt demanding me to come home, Brian freaking out, explain to me how i misunderstood a condom rapper and a note?

'I love you Sophia, where ever your at I'm going to find you please call me I need you and I'm so sorry please baby let me know your okay.'

I sighed and texted Val's phone. "Its Sophia, I can't do it anymore. I'm so sorry. I'm safe and you don't have to worry about me anymore. I got myself from here in, love you goodbye'

after the message sent I turned off my phone and forced myself to go to sleep.

At first I thought the pounding was in my dream but I soon realized it wasn't.

"How the fuck did she get a hotel room in the first place, she's only seventeen?" How the fuck did they find me that fast.

I had left my bag in the car, and I was on the first floor, I ran to the bathroom window. I could fit out of this easy. I opened the small window and slid my way threw it. now how to get to the car without anyone seeing me. I ran around the building closer to where i had parked the SUV only thing is, they had parked right next to it Brian was standing with Val at his side.

"Look she's here the cars here, We're going to find her."

"Heyy she's not in here." Matt's voice traveled. "She's got to be close because dude at the front desk said she's only been here a few hours and she went straight to her room and staid there..

I turned to run behind the other set of buildings but something smacked me across my face knocking me to the ground.

"I've been waiting to get my hands on your slutty fucking ass." Michelle stood a smirk on her face. She had a wooden stick in her hand which must be why my face is burning so bad.

"Go to hell bitch," I stood up slowly. She grabbed me by my hair and pulled me put. " I think its time I killed you now." She sung at me again but missed I punched her as hard as i could knocking her to the ground. She smirked.

"come one whore, i know you can do better then that." she went to stand but tackled her to the ground my punching her as hard as i could but, she swung again, and the wooden peace hit me knocking me back onto the ground. my eyes became blurry, i shook my head clearing it, getting back to my feet.

"You fucked up everything for me took my man, my house, took everything from me." she swung i stepped back. her face looked like mine must have looked.

"So I made you feel how I felt, you slept with Brian while we were together so i just gave you a piece of what you gave me, I fucked his brains out, just as good as i remember, oh did he miss fucking me. screamed for me all night long." i slammed her up against the wall and I started to punch her I just couldn't stop until someone pulled me off from him. "Sophia stop." I pulled myself from his grip, I threw everything i had into hitting him.

"Go to hell." I could feel the blood on my face, "You fucked her and then had the nerve to come home and fuck me, how dare you put your hands on me." Michelle had fallen to the ground. i turned and kicked her "You stupid bitch, you don't deserve to be on this earth but i think jail is going to look pretty good with you in it you fucking whore." I turned stumbling Brain pulled me into his grip. "Sophia please listen to me."

I shook my head pulling away from him. "I got to go i gotta get out of here." I pushed away from him. "I can't take this anymore."

"OH MY GOB MATT!" Valary's voice was so close to me but i was having a hard time seeing. "Val I need out, I can't take this pain anymore." I felt the tears running down my eyes.

"Someone get me a towel... Sophia how does your head feel? theres a lot of blood." she sounded panic but that wasn't the pain i felt, the pain i felt is came from my heart. How could he sleep with her of all people.. how could he hurt me that way.

"Oh god baby girl what happened?"

"You should see Michelle's face." i smirk threw my tears. someone placed the towel on my head.

"Michelle? what the fuck where?"

"With her fuck buddy." Everyone was silent they all knew??

"Fuck you all." I ripped the towel from Val's hand and started for my hotel room. i stumbled a couple times but pulled myself together.

I needed to clean myself up. I couldn't stop the tears or the blood i was completely unfocused.

I just laid on the bathroom floor my legs to my stomach crying.

I heard the bathroom door shut. "Sophia I didn't know, please let me gets you cleaned up at least.

"Please, just go. I don't want any of this anymore, I don't want it."

"He loves you Sophia,"

"GET THE FUCK OUT GO." I pulled myself to my feet, "I hate all of you i hate what you did to me, i;ve lost everything," the tears ran down my face but i didn't care. "I lost my baby my family, i lost my boyfriend and I'm done, i'm done so just fucking go I hate you. " i pushe Val back.


I pushed her back again.. "Get the fuck out now.."

Matt came up behind me grabbing my arms. "Sophia your not in your right mind, stop calm down."

"FUCK YOU." I felt something go into my arm and then i felt my eyes slowly closing, "Get her home, her real home."


Brian p.o.v

How could this happen? how could i let her make me hurt her like that, I held my head in my hands. "GET THE FUCK OUT." I could feel the tears in my eyes, I broke her, I took away her light.

"I hate all of you I hate what you did to me, I;ve lost everything... I lost my baby, my family, i lost my boyfriend and i'm dont, I'm done so just fucking go i hate you." Matt stood out side the door, Sophia pushed Val a little to hard that time, Matt pulled her hands back "Sophia your not in your right mind, stop calm down.

"FUCK YOU." I stared at her, blood all on the right side of her face, the sight of her this way was killing me. I watched Zacky stick something in her arm. "Get her home, her real home."

"What the fuck did you just do to her?"

Zacky glared at me. "look, we got Michelle tied up the plice will be here we need Her out of the picture right now, Brian you need to stay and so do i but the rest of you need to get your home, Zacky she's with you. Val stay at your moms with the baby. Me and Brian will be back soon." Matt picked Sophia up and handed her to Zacky.

"Go now!"