The Father I Never Wanted is the Person I've Always Needed

There is no way this is happening.

Brian’s p.o.v
I watched as Zacky cared Sophia away, passed out in his arms. I knew Michelle told her that she was with me, though that was true it wasn’t what it seemed. I did what I had to do for us to find her. I wasn’t thinking right I just wanted to find her so that this would all just stop. Sophia couldn’t even look at me anymore the pain in her eyes killed me.
I couldn’t take it any I need my life back, we all did the band has a tour coming up and I just couldn’t have this fucking up everything anymore. Matt sighed behind me.
“Brian, the cops are here, are you ready to talk with them? I need to get home to her. I have a feeling she’s going to run again as soon as she gets the chances and I can’t lose her again not after this. I finally have the life that I want I have my kids and beautiful wife I will not let this break her not after all of this.”
“I know that we planned both of us talking to the cops but I am not up for that right now dude I got all this shit in my head I’m losing her, everything.” Matt placed his hand on my shoulder.
“I’ll be back you get her bag out of the room, make sure that all the blood is cleaned up, I’m going to take care of this bitch once and for all.”
That should be me, that bitch is doing this to me and the my girl but I knew if I seen her, that wouldn’t be good for any of us. So I turned and did as Matt told me.

Sophia P.O.V
I woke up in a bed a little confused, was that all just a dream? Oh how much I hoped but for my headache I had a feeling that there was no way I could have dreamed up that. I threw off the blankets I was in Zacky’s room which means I was back home again and this isn’t where I wanted to be. I loved them but I couldn’t do this anymore I feel like it would be so much better for all of us after everything that happened. After all the stuff we’ve been threw I don’t think I can take anymore heart break or pain.
I walked quietly to the door, it didn’t make a sound as I opened it. I grabbed my shoes that were by the bed pulled them on my feet.
“Going somewhere?” I sighed Zacky stood in the doorway his arms folded on his chest, anger all over his face.
“How did I get back here so fast?”
“You didn’t, you have been asleep for about a day and a half now.” Zacky glanced behind him nodding his head. Gena came into the room holding a tray of food. “I thought you might be hungry so I made you dinner. Its meatloaf.”
“I’m not really hungry.” But as the words left my mouth my stomach rumbled loudly. Zacky glared. “you have been asleep for two days eat. Then I’ll let you in on the plan that I have. “
Gena sat the food on the bed next to me and walked out of the room before I could say anything zacky followed behind her. I ate the food without tasting I just wanted to find a way out of this mess, away from Brian away from everything.
Zacky was in the living room alone when I come down. I walked in and sat down next to him. He didn’t say anything for a minute. Finally he looked at me. “You can’t run away from us, we are your family. But your about to be eighteen in a month so either way your free to go after that but I have an offer for you.”
I looked up at him confused. “What do you mean?”
“I’ve been thinking about buying some land it’s a big chunk really but the reason I’ve been thinking about getting it is because it has two houses a main house and then about a mile or so down the road it has another house a smaller house. You want your freedom from us. Want to be away from the drama with Brain well here is your chance, you wont loss us from your life but you will only have to see us when you want to.”
“What do you want from me?”
“Well all I ask from you is to not run to not leave us behind you there is so much bad that has happened but there is so much good to. There is something else that I wanted to talk.” He ran his hands threw his hair.
“Val was talking to Gena about you and your…. Periods.” I stared at him confused. “How long has it been since you had one?”
I laughed “I can’t believe you just asked me that.. They think I’m pregnant? There’s no way.” After all this after losing my first child I didn’t even want it to be true. I tried to think of my last period but my days have all been blurred with my months and I really didn’t know.
“I bought you a couple test, the girls don’t know I heard them talking they laughed it off just like you just did but your moody and sad and cry.”
“I also just got wasted a couple days ago.”
“Sophia, please. Take one just to make sure. I just have a weird feeling about this. I think that you and Brian are going to have another child.”
As fucked up as that would be with everything he’s done and everything that’s ripped us apart a child after all of this I don’t think know. “fine but I’m not okay? Where.. where is Brian?”
“He’s at his house he closed off downstairs. He calls every couple hours to see if your awake.” I sighed I didn’t want to talk to him not after what Michelle said. Not after finding that girls number in his pants I don’t want him around me right now.
“In the bathroom is the test’s take all three just to be sure.”