The Father I Never Wanted is the Person I've Always Needed

anger issues

When I woke up I wanted to scream but instead I just sighed deeply. The first thing I did was call my grandma and lie my ass off just because I was suffering didn’t mean that she had to as well. Then after that I got into the shower.

After my shower I change into some shorts and a t-shirt after brushing my hair I knew that I had nothing else to do and I was hungry. After unlocking the door I sighed. I knew that this was going to be one of those very awkward moments but I knew the longer I was up here the more they would have a control over me and that’s one thing that know one had over me.

I heard voices coming from what I’m guessing was the living room I quickly ran into the kitchen hoping no one would be in there but I cussed myself when I seen Val and Matt sitting at the kitchen table I was stuck staring at the stairs wondering if I should run for it but I was stopped by Valary’s voice. “Please come and eat. What would you like?”

I slowly turned around they were both looking at me but I only looked at Valary. “Whatcha got?” I asked sitting down on one of the stools instead of at the table where Matt was still sitting staring at me.

“I got whatever you want.” She smiled at me and I instantly felt bad for being mean to her last night, I don’t know what is wrong with me I never cared about stuff like this but when it comes to her she got’s this place in my heart I guess. “Valary, can I ask you something?” I could still feel his eyes on me I did my best to ignore him.

“Sure, you can ask me anything.”

“How come no matter how mean I am to you, your still so nice to me?” she looked shocked by my question she stopped mid step causing me to giggle to myself.

“Well, I know that this is hard for you and I’m just trying to make things a little easier for you.” The next thing I did shocked even me. I stood from my stool and walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. It took her a moment but she hugged me back. “Thank you so much I’ve never had someone care enough for me to put up with my crap like you have yesterday and I’m truly sorry for any pain that I’ve caused you.” I smiled at her shocked face before I walked back over to my seat. i could see little tears in her eyes as she looked over at Matt and smiled.

“How about I make you a pancake?”

“That sounds good to me.”

“Sophia.” I didn’t look at him when he said my name but the knots in my stomach came back. he sighed and walked over to stand beside me. “I know that this is hard for you-“ I snorted rolling my eyes. “-but I just wanted you to know that I’m not giving up on you.” Then he kissed the top of my head and walked quickly out of the room. I sat there shocked.

“If you set there with your mouth open you might get a fly.” I quickly shut my mouth and half glared at Jimmy he laughed and sat down beside me. “Your funny you know that kid?” I screamed when he started messing up my hair “Yo stay of the hair.”

He laughed “If I didn’t know any better I would say you were Brian’s.” I couldn’t help but to laugh when Brian suddenly walked into the room smacking Jimmy on the head.

“What it man or you wont have any hair on your head when you wake up tomorrow.” The horrible look on Jimmy’s face caused me to laugh even harder. I smiled when Valary placed my pancake in-front of me. I was shocked when Brain came up behind me taking a bit out of my pancake, I glared up at him. “Do that a gain and you wont have a hand to play gaiter anymore.”

Everyone in the room burst into laughter. “Nope can’t deny her being Matt’s.” I just glared at him even more. “Fuck off.”

“Little girls got a mouth on her don’t she?” I rolled my eyes at Zacky and went back to my pancake. “I’m going to go talk to Matt, boys leave to girl alone so she can eat.” I smiled at Val before turning to the guys “You hear that? I got the boss on my side.” They all grumbled and huffled off into the other room except for Zack who took Jimmy’s spot beside me.

“What do you want fuck face.” I asked not looking up from my food.

“You know for someone who don’t want to be like their dad you sure as hell act a lot like him.”

‘Yeah, yeah I get it I’m a girl Viersen of my father now if everyone could just get that in their head and stop talking about it my life would be a hell of a lot better!” Zacky stared at me with his brow raised.

“Someone got anger issues.”

I stared at him “Are you just realizing this?”

He laughed “No I guess not.”
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hope you guys like i would really love for some comments =) tell me what you think