The Father I Never Wanted is the Person I've Always Needed

we got to stop meeting like this

“Sophia, will you take this outside to Matt for me?” Val handed me a plate of raw meet and walked away not giving me a chance to say no. I sighed and walked out into the back yard. He stood with his back to me working on getting the grill ready.

“Here, Val wanted me to bring this to you.” He turned to face me glancing down at the plate in my hand. He grabbed it and smiled at me. “Thank you.”

I rolled my eyes and started walking back to the house. “Sophia, please can we talk for a minute.”

I stopped walking but didn’t turn around. “We really don’t have nothing to talk about.”

“Yes I think that we do. Please just humor me.” I sighed heavily before turning around.

“Fine Matt what would you like to talk about? Want me to tell you all about my life, things I like and don’t like tell you about the people that’s hurt me so I can cry on your shoulder and make you feel like my Dad?”

“Look Sophia I know that I’m not your favorite person in the world but you need to realize that your attitude isn’t going to help us, I just want to get to know my daughter and I want for you to get to know me. I know I haven’t been in your life but I’m trying.”

“Yeah well I’m not ready to forgive you.” I turned around to face him “You don’t know anything about me but I know a lot about you. “ I laughed “I know your favorite color, I know your first bands name.” I slightly glared at him. “I also know you want kids ‘someday’ but at the moment you don’t have any.” That was his words on one of his interviews.

“I didn’t think you would hear that.”

I laughed “Of all the things to say you chose the worst.” I shook my head ignoring his calls for me walking back into the house.

“I guess it didn’t go that well.” Val whispered to Michelle as I walked past them.

“No it didn’t fucking go well, should have known that before you sent me out there.” As soon as I got to my room I slammed the door shut. I knew that everyone just wanted me to give Matt a chance but for my own reason’s I wasn’t going to do that. I’ve been hurt with my mom way to many times when she wanted to ‘be apart of my life’ and she promised that ‘things will get better soon’ and they never did. finally Grandma stopped letting her come over and I was happy.

I walked over to my closet and picked out the outfit I was going to wear tonight to the party. I was really looking forward to seeing Dylan again but I was kind of nerves because I know that I’m not going to know anyone their.

“Sophia can we talk.” I glared at the door.

“No.” I started throwing the clothes that I liked onto my bed when I heard my door open.

“I said no.” Matt stood in my doorway staring at the clothes on my bed. “What’s going on here?”

I rolled my eyes “I’m looking for something to wear.” He’s eyes seemed to lighten up.

“Sophia you can’t just keep running away from me.”

“You ran away from me all my life I’m just returning the favor.”

“Would you stop fucking say that damn I know I fucked up but could you stop being so god damn stubborn for five minutes and let me explain myself.”


“I don’t even know why I bothered bringing you here its just a waste of fucking time.” I could see the anger in his eyes “You just fucking like her and its driving me crazy.”

I didn’t hide the hurt look that I knew was on my face. “Yeah, I don’t know either. And don’t you ever compare me to her.” I walked over to the door and slammed it in his face locking it. the banging on the door didn’t stop and I could hear him on the other side cussing. I quickly changed my outfit and opened my window. I laughed claiming down the latter

Who’s stupid enough to put a latter by their kids window I mean come on now. I glanced down at my phone to see it was only 8:30 so I had some time to kill before the party. I decided to get something to eat. I walked until I found a Wendy’s and quickly walked inside.

The guy behind the counter looked really bored he was leaning on his elbow talking to one of the other workers. He glanced over at me when he heard the door. “Well hello there baby, what can I get for a fine girl like you except for my number?”

I rolled my eyes “I want a number one with coke and no thanks on the number.” I handed him the case ignoring the shocked look on his face and the laughter coming from behind him.

“Well isn’t someone a little stuck up.”

“I’m anything but stuck up thank you but that must be your type right?”

“Here’s your food. Thanks for choosing Wendy’s” I smiled at the girl and said thanks before walk over to a table. I sat staring out the window while I ate ignoring everyone around me until someone sat down in the chair in front of me.

“I thought you were locked in your bed room?” I looked at the person confused until he took of his sunglasses.

“Well, obviously I’m not if I’m sitting right here.”

“You know your dad didn’t mean what he said, he just doesn’t know how to make you like him.”

I laughed. “Well he’s going about it in the wrong way.” I stood up “Well it was nice having this chat with you but I got somewhere I need to be.”

Johnny grabbed my arm. “Where do you think your going? You don’t know anyone around here, your going to get yourself hurt.”

I pulled my arm from his grip and shot daggers at him with my eyes “How many times do I have to tell you people I’m not a little girl anymore I know my way back and when I’m ready I’ll come back.”

“You know I’m going to have to call Matt.”

I smirked at him. “Well you do that have fun trying to find me.” I took off running I could hear him screaming my name but I kept running I haven’t felt this free in along time and I wasn’t about to stop now I don’t know how long I ran but I did know that my shoes where starting to hurt my feet. I had no fucking idea were I am. I glanced behind me to make sure he hadn’t fallowed me. When the next thing I knew I was on my back with someone on top of me.
“We really need to stop meeting like this.”

I looked up and couldn’t help the smile that formed on my lips “Dylan”
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