
Avenged Sevenfold Oneshot

I ran as fast as I could, my feet hitting the pavement at a rhythmic pace. I was trying to run from my life, or at least, what was left of it. But it wouldn’t work. I knew that no matter how far away I got, I would never be able to forget it. Forget him.

He was my everything. The kind of man every girl dreams of. The day I met him was supposedly the luckiest day of my life. He loved me, and never let me forget it. He was my protector, my savior, my life.

But I soon discovered he had a dark side. His consumption of alcohol turned him into a monster. When he drank, he was no longer sweet and compassionate. He swore and hit me. The bruises he left on my skin were only skin deep, but the bruises he left on my heart will last forever.

I snapped out of my thoughts as my foot hit a crack in the sidewalk, and I fell to the ground. I quickly picked myself up and kept running, yearning for my place of sanctuary.

I arrived and hid myself from view, because I knew he would come looking for me, for what I didn’t know. Maybe he cared today, or maybe he just wanted a fuck.

The sound of approaching footsteps caused my heart to jolt, and I peeked around the brush to see him standing there. He looked around frantically, searching everywhere except the very place I hid from him.

He became desperate and called out my name. “Anna!” His voice made me shiver, made me want to just forgive him again and walk back into his arms. But I knew I couldn’t.

Suddenly, he glanced in my direction. I froze, scared that he may have spotted me. He approached my hiding place and stuck out his hand.

“Come out of there, Anna.”, he said softly. “I won’t hurt you.”

I won’t hurt you. The promise he made me every time he put a bottle to his lips, and every time that promise was broken.

I could smell the alcohol on his breath, and I was afraid. I knew if I went with him, there was a chance I would end the night with more pain. But if I stayed, he would get angry, and my pain would be worse.

I sighed and took his hand. He pulled me up and into his arms.

“I’m so sorry, Anna.”, he cooed. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

I pulled away from his embrace. “You say that every time you lay a hand on me, but you never mean it. You’re not sorry. You never are.”

I saw the features of his face contort with anger. “Yes, I do!”, he yelled. “I always mean it.” Then his features softened. “I love you, Anna.”

Hearing those words come from his mouth almost made me melt. Maybe he really was sorry, maybe he didn’t mean to hurt me.


The word rung out in my mind so loud, I thought I’d said it out loud. I knew what it meant, even if I didn’t want to believe it. I pushed away from him and turned my back.

I could feel his eyes piercing the back of my head, I knew he must be angry. “What’s wrong, Anna?” His voice was calm and controlled, obviously hiding his fury.

I took a deep breath. “I’m sorry.”, I whispered. “I can’t live like this anymore. I love you, but I’m scared of you. You promise me you won’t hurt me, but you always do. And-and I need to be able to know that you won’t do that anymore. But I know you can’t promise me that.” I paused, tears forming in my eyes as I thought about what I had to say next. “Good-bye.”

I turned to walk away, but he reached out and gripped my arm, violently yanking me back towards him. “NO!”, he screamed. “You can’t leave. I-I need you, Anna. I can’t live without you. You have to stay.”

“No.” I struggled against him. “Let me go.”, I said calmly.

“No.”, he repeated. “I’m never letting you go. Not again.”

“Let go of me, Goddammit!”, I shouted, and wrenched my arm free of his grasp.

Suddenly, I was hit by a blow to the side of my face. I fell back onto the pavement, hitting my head. I lay there, sobbing, hoping that he would leave me. I was horrified when he sat down next to me, sweeping hair from my face.

“I’m sorry, Anna.”, he cooed. “But I can’t let you leave.” He leaned down, his face swimming in front of mine, and kissed me. I shoved him away.

“Don’t touch me.” His voice was hard and cruel, the alcohol controlling him again.

I watched as the edges of my vision went black, and I passed out on the pavement, while he still sat next to me, telling me promises I knew he would break.

I’m so sorry, Anna...