
Chapter 1

We drove fast down the highway. Annabelle and Nick were in the back, making out as always, and Jamie sat beside them, trying not to barf. I sat up front with Andy, who blasted his music as he drove. I stared out the window and listened to Limp Bizkit. Andy put his hand on my leg, and i faced him. He smiled weakly. He was so cute. Unfortunately, i had to leave my boyfriend behind, since he decided to make plans with his friend last minute. It was pathetic, really, because i knew all they were going to do was play Call Of Duty every day for the next 4 days. He'd make an excuse later when he loses his job.

Trees suddenly surrounded us. Andy turned down a lonely dirt road to our left.

"Are you sure this is the right way?" I asked. He took out his directions.

"Yeah, dirt road on the left," he read off. I sighed and closed my eyes. The car rocked and shook from the divots in the road. I held onto the handle and turned to the back. Nick and Annabelle put their tongues away for the time being and sat there, holding hands. Jamie stared out the window, looking spaced.

"You okay, James?" i asked.

"Yeah, just ready to get out of this car, i've had to piss since we stopped in Burkittsville."

"Hey, aren't these the same woods that they shot that one movie in?" Annabelle asked, looking scared.

"Yeah, The Blair Witch. Don't worry about it, it was all bullshit. I guess people came out here looking for her, but didn't find anything. People committed suicide, performed rituals, dumb shit like that," Andy replied.

We passed a weird looking house, and cars were parked in what one would call a little driveway. The house looked old and worn, the paint peeling and stairs broken. Tattered curtains flew out into the wind from shattered windows, and the roof was caved on the right side. I wouldn't be surprised if the second floor had fallen through yet. The cars in the driveway looked brand new, though. After the house was out of my vision, Andy turned onto another dirt road, less bumpy than the one before. It felt like hours before we reached our cabin. Annabelle and Nick jumped out without their suitcases and ran to the house, opening it up and slamming another door.

"I knew it," Andy sighed as he popped the trunk. I helped him with the suitcases, and Jamie grabbed hers as fast as she could. She looked puzzled as she walked into the house. I gave Andy a look, and he rolled his eyes. She was always weird, different from the rest of us. She had piercings, tattoos, and always had bright red hair. She reminded me of a gothed out Kat Perry. She was very, very pretty, too. We walked into the house and sat our stuff down. It didn't look too bad, it was furnished, with a fireplace and a kitchen. There were doors all over the place, so i couldn't tell what was a bedroom, a bathroom or a closet.

I could hear a loud banging on the wall next to the kitchen, and i knew it was Belle and Nick. I slammed my hand on the wall.

"Keep it down, there are people here that would rather enjoy some peace!" Jamie swung the door open and walked outside.

"Where're you going?" i asked, a bit worried and confused.

"I used to come out here all the time, remember? I'm going for a walk."

"You know, she's starting to piss me off, because i know there's something up with her," Andy said, pulling 2 Diet Cokes out. I plopped down on the couch and opened up my laptop.

"Wanna watch a movie?"

"Yeah, hold on," he said, setting his coke down and disappearing into the main hall. He came back with a fuzzy blanket and wrapped it around us both. I opened up the slot. American History X sat there, still spinning a bit.

"Hope you like Edward Norton."

"Not really, but it'll do," he said as he snorted.

"No no no, don't even get me STARTED on Edward Norton," i yelled slapping his chest. He giggled and intertwined his fingers with mine. The awkwardness obviously wasn't mutual, but i let it slide as we watched in silence.
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This is something i'm doing for a friend, so you can comment if you'd like.