"Billie, This Is So Wrong, but I Love You."

Chapter One.

My new day at Parkson's High school was a blur.

A totally, horrible... Blur.

Not one single person dressed like me, spoke like me... Or liked me.

At lunch there was no one to sit with.

I forgot my locker combination.

I was just walking out of the locker rooms, trying to find my way to fifth period, when I ran into a young man.

He didn't look like a student, more like a teacher, because he was carrying books and music papers.

"Woah, sorry..." He trailed off, picking up his things.

I stood there, shocked. He was gorgeous!

"Uh, no... That was my fault..." I was searching for his name.

I mentally slapped myself. I'm new, of course I don't know him!

He extended his arm out to me, willing me to shake it.

"Hi, I'm Mr Armstrong. I teach G level strings, period five,Mondays. I don't believe we've met?" He asked. "Are you a student or a teacher?"

"My name's Clara Chambers. I'm a new student, today. I think I'm in your music class?"

"Oh, really? Awesome! I'm new this week, so I'm still trying to get a grip on this whole teaching thing."

"Oh, cool." I was surprised at the excitement in his voice when I told him I was in his class.

"I guess we should walk down there now, I'll show you, if you like."

"Sure, thanks Mr Armstrong." He cringed.

"Uh, you can call me Billie Joe. Or just Billie."

We walked to the class room talking about music. Billie told me he has a band, called Green Day, and apparently they are playing at the local pub this Friday. I'm so going. As soon as I get home I'm calling Grace.

We arrived in the class room. I was so mesmerised by the amount of guitars, basses, violins, violas, cellos and double bases.

"Good afternoon, everyone." Billie Joe said brightly, smiling at the class. My heart and stomach fluttered.

"Today, as it's last period, I'll give you all a bit of a break. Can any of you recall when we learnt that song I had been writing? 'I Want To Be Alone' ? How pro we got at it? Well today we're going to just play that. Refreshing our senses for those wonderful chords. Go at your own pace, but try to keep with the tune, okay? Right, everyone grab your guitars and take a seat."

He smiled again, this time at me, and I noticed he had one of his front teeth chipped.

It was another adorable feature...

Clara Chambers! Stop thinking like this, he's your new teacher! I thought to myself.

"Clara, as you're new you get to have some practice with me. I'll show you how to play it. Everyone else, get going. Try to keep in time with each other. If you think you need to get it alone, ask me and you can go out to the court yards. Okay? Go."

Billie beckoned me over to a quiet room in the corner at the other end of the room. We were all alone. He grabbed a guitar and held it to his chest, taking a seat and motioning for me to do the same.

"Okay, so, do you play guitar? All of this class does."

I nodded, blushing.

Billie was blushing too, licking his lips nervously.

"How long have you been playing?"

"Since I can remember. My parent's gave me my first guitar when I was about... Four or five. From then on I've had a growing passion for it. Now, however, I've sort of stopped because they both... Um... Died a month ago." A hot, wet tear slid down my cheek. Billie sighed, and wiped it away with his thumb. He got closer and hugged me. The feel of his skin touching mine was unbearably... wonderful. I shuddered in delight.

"My father died when I was eleven. It was hard, but now every thing's okay. So I'm telling you, everything will eventually be okay."

"I know."

I faked a smile, trying to mask the deep pain.

Billie saw through it.

"You're going to be fine."

Without knowing what was happening, Billie Joe leaned in and kissed me.

We pulled apart when the bell for the end of the day singnaled.

I got up and rushed out the room.

What just happened?