"Billie, This Is So Wrong, but I Love You."

Chapter Eleven.

Joey's blood was under my nail. I felt so... bad. Why did I hit my son? I love him.

"Billie!" I called happily, walking over and kissing his cheek. He looked at me weirdly.

"Adie, you've got blood on your shirt." He said.

"Oh, yeah, I cut my finger." I lied lamely. He didn't believe me, but he didn't think I'd hit Joey either.

"Baby, I need to talk to you." Billie said.

Clara walked into the doorway, and I watched her. She looked at the amazing ceilings and started to cry silently as she saw a picture of her added in there. I started getting angry again, but this time I couldn't take it out of Joey. Billie led me into the back room, and took my hands.

"Clara's going to be staying with us for a little while. She can look after Joey while you work. She's getting a job soon, but for now she needs to settle in. I have a lot of history with her, and I owe it to her to accept her here. It will be good to have someone else here in the day while you're this heavily pregnant, too, Adie. You can sleep in as long as you like now."

Billie smiled that grin that made my heart flutter. It didn't tonight. I didn't feel any connection with him anymore. I was only with him because of that sense of possession. He loved me. This child wasn't even his, and he didn't know it. Sure, sometimes I hated myself for feeling this way. Sometimes, for periods as long as years, I convince myself I love him and Joey, and try to be a good wife and mom. But, then, theres often times like this, where I show my true colours.

"Are you okay with this, baby?" Billie asked.

"Yeah, totally. Can I sleep with Joey tonight? He fell on the stairs and hurt himself. I want to comfort him."

"Okay. Well that works because now Clara can sleep in our bed with me for the night. I love you Adie. Thank you for being understanding."

I smiled at him, but on the inside I was on fire! That stupid mother fucking SLUT. I ran into Joey's room, and started hitting him again. He cried out for his father, but I silenced him. I hit him for ages, until I saw the door open. Clara stood there, looking at me with round eyes.

"I- I'm so... sorry. I thought... the bathroom... I ... What are you doing to him?"

I stopped hitting him, and Joey got up and ran to Clara. He wrapped his arms around her legs, and sobbed into her black skinny jeans. She went to pick him up and run out the door to Billie, but I stood in front of the door.

"Move, Adrienne, or I will call the police."

"You're a guest here. Don't order me around, whore."

"I don't fucking care if I'm a guest or not, you selfish bitch! There's no excuse for HITTING YOUR SON!" Clara yelled.

I didn't know what else to do. She had to keep quiet. I slapped her, and Joey screamed out at the sight. I dug my nails firmly into her neck, and blood spouted out of her neck.


"Don't Joey! Don't!"

"DADDY!" Joey screamed. Obeying her.

Suddenly Billie was at the door, and Clara was crying with Joey over in the corner of the hallway. I was standing in Joey's now blood soaked bedroom. Guilty as sin.

"What the fuck Adie! Who the fuck are you!" Billie screamed at me.

Clara was shushing Joey, carrying him into the bathroom. She undressed him, and ran him a bath. I watched as she carefully cleaned his sores in the bath, telling him it's okay. He'll be okay. He cried into her chest the whole time. She washed him face, kissing his cheek and taking him out of the bath, drying him. She dressed his wounds, and then grabbed some new clothes and a pull up from the laundry next door. Wrapping him in a blanket, she picked him up and took him out to the backyard. All the while, Billie was screaming at me, and I was screaming at Billie.

Then everything went silent.

We both looked down to the floor.

Shocked and horrified.

This was a mistake.