"Billie, This Is So Wrong, but I Love You."

Chapter Thirteen.

It was time for some serious plan reinforcing. I needed to change how Billie thought, and felt.

I started putting on fake sobs.

Body rocking, stomach turning sobs.

"Adie, I'm sorry. I'm so... sorry." Billie said, taking my hand. "I love you, I should have never doubted that, or who that baby's father is. Of course it's mine. I'm so sorry."

"You should be!" I exclaimed. "I would never betray you, I would never hurt Joey. It was all Clara! She did that to Joey, and herself, and then she made Joey tell anyone who asked that I did all of it. Joey's been manipulated by her. She's a liar, and a killer."

"I know. Well, I don't know, because last time I saw her she was in a hospital and getting help. She's changed. I used to know her so well. And I can't believe that the second I saw her, my feelings for you fell. I love you so much, you're my soul mate."

I screamed as another pain shot through my body. No cars were coming, so Billie sped through the intersection, persuading me it would be okay.

"Please, hurry Billie!" I yelled, and suddenly the hospital came into view.

"We're here, honey, we're here." Billie said softly, finding a spot quickly and running over to the lifts.

I watched him run over to the emergency doors, taking a wheel chair and running back to our car. He helped me out of the car, and onto the chair rushing me into the emergency rooms. He took us quickly up to the front desk, and again I screamed as another contraction came.

"My wife's having a baby." Billie said frantically, and the nurse buzzed another nurse who took us up into the maternity wards.

The nurse guiding me into a room, and then a doctor came in and took all my details.

"You're almost fully dilated. This should be a quick birth. A second child, correct?"

I nodded, biting my lip so hard blood came. I felt Billie's sweaty hand clasp my own, and I smiled, feeling accomplished. He loved me again, and I was having "his" baby, Clara would be out by tonight, everything was going very well. The nurse gave me some drugs for the pain.

"I think you're ready now. Do you feel alright? The contractions are only about forty seconds apart now."

"I'm ready." I whispered, and they moved me finally to a delivery room.

"Okay, now when the contractions come, I'd like you to push, alright? And stop when I say so." The doctor explained, and with one final terrified look at Billie, I gave birth to my son.


"Clara, don't you dare lie to me, or get my son to lie for you. Leave my house."

"No! Billie! Please, I didn't lie to you! It was Adie who's lying! She hurt your son and me, obviously. Why don't you believe me?"

"Because Adie told me a different story, and over you or her, I'd pick her."

"But Joey says the same thing as me."

"Because you told him to! And why should I believe you over Adrienne?"

"I didn't tell Joey to lie for me, Billie, you should know that. And you should believe me over Adrienne, not only because it's the truth, but because four years ago we were having a student teacher affair, and I loved you and you loved me, and I don't know how or why that changed but I wish it didn't. I wish you still loved me like you used to, and supported me too. I love you so much, Billie. And one day you'll realise, I'm not going to wait forever and the day you realise is the day you'll try to come back to me, but I'll be in someone else's arms... A person who will actually truly loves me... For who I am not what I am and although thinking about the future is just as hard as remembering about the past. But I'll always be thinking of you, Billie, I'll always be wanting you. What happened to us, Billie? You've changed so much... You're not the person I used to know. You're not the person who walked me to home room. You're not the person who offered me and my Aunt your home, and came and woke me up in the morning, laying on my bed and kissing me. You're not my protector anymore. You're not Billie Joe Armstrong to me."

Billie had tears in his eyes, and I had tears in mine. I just stared into his beautiful emotion filled green eyes as his body stood still in front of me. I waited for a response but got none. I waited for him to show some sign... Something. But he just stood there, more and more tears filling his eyes, and more cascading down his cheeks.

"You should leave." Billie said finally.

His voice cracked, and that made me cry more. I swallowed back sobs. This was it. Billie's heart was somewhere else, with an evil conniving bitch, who, when I was at my most helpless swooned in and stole his heart that had belonged to me. He broke the law for me.

"Please don't do this, Billie." I murmured.

I didn't want this to be over. I would give up forever to touch him, I would give up the world for him to love me. I needed him, he's what had gotten me through the years. What could he possibly see in Adrienne? I was a better mother, a better lover. I was nicer, and probably easier on the eyes. What did want with her?

He sniffed, and gulped down more tears as he said his final words to me.

"Clara, people and times change. I don't love you like I used to. Things have changed now. I have Adrienne and my sons. I can't deal with you. You need to leave my life, forever. It's the only way to get over each other."

"No, Billie, you don't mean it! Please!" I sobbed.

"Clara! I do! Just leave!" He cried, and I took the hint.

"I'll be staying in Berkley Hotel." I said finally.

I went to walk out the door, and saw once again the picture of Billie and I years ago on the ceiling. I jumped up and peeled it off, walking back to where Billie was. He didn't see me as he called,

"Can I call you a cab, at least?"

"Sure, Billie, sure." I said from the doorway. "If you don't love me, answer one question." I stated, knowing this was my final chance.

"Okay, what?" Billie said dialing the number of a cab company.

"How come you have a picture of me on your ceiling?"

"Pictures don't change, even if the people in them do." He whispered, and I ran upstairs to get my bag.

I was crying because I knew this was the end, he didn't want me. I walked past Billie's bedroom and placed the picture of us on his pillow. I walked into the guest room and grabbed my bag. On my way down the stairs I saw Joey and kissed him good bye.

"Thank you, Joey." I said as I kissed his forehead. "You're a special boy, and if anything happens I want you to call me." I gave him my cell number and walked off into the kitchen.

"The cab's here." Billie said as I stepped into the room.

I walked up to him a final time, running my hands down his back and through his hair. I wiped his tears away and kissed him, one last time.

"Good bye, Billie."

He returned my kiss and walked me to the door.

I opened the door and walked into the pitch blackness of Berkley, and up to the cab. Billie stood in the doorway, his silhouette casting a sad shadow on the pavement.

"I'll never forget you!" I cried out the window, and my tears that had leaked onto the road were the only trace of my existence in the Armstrong's house.
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I hope you liked it.
I don't have anything against Adrienne, so you know.
It just makes the story interesting !
Comments make me update faster.