"Billie, This Is So Wrong, but I Love You."

Chapter Twenty Two.

When I woke the next morning, Billie wasn't beside me. My mind drifted to the night before, and a sudden rush of panic swept through me.

Did it really happen? Or did Billie just use me again?

I couldn't understand it, and as proof I pulled the covers up to see my body. I was naked, and had love bites all the way down my stomach.

So, it did happen, but where's Billie?

I was so panicked I threw the covers off me and ran down the stairs stark naked. I wouldn't be able to survive if I'd lost Billie again. I walked around the whole of downstairs, and that's when I heard it. Coming from the kitchen. I moved quicker as I heard the sound of... Moaning?

Was Billie cheating on me in my own home?

I was shocked, and appalled, my pace quickened and I was suddenly running for the kitchen door. When I opened it, the image I saw made me halt. I froze up and felt tears pricking behind my eyes. I slowly made my way over to the pool of blood that surrounded Billie, and the sobbing heap that was Billie.

"Billie? Honey, what did you do? What happened?"

"S-s-she's d-dead, C-Clar-a-a!" Billie hiccuped.

"I know Adie's dead, I know. Why did you do this?"

"N-n-ot Ad-die!"


"My m-my M-mu-u-um!"

"Your mother? Ollie's dead?"

Billie tried to nod, but didn't have enough strength to do so. His face quickly turned pale and his body became limp. I suddenly realised that Billie was seriously injured. I took one last look at the blood soaked knife and then at Billie's useless body and started to break down crying as I ran over to the phone. I dialled 9-1-1 almost instinctively and tried to calmly give the details to the nice operator. As soon as I hung up I ran over to Billie and cradled him in my arms. He seeped in and out of consciousness so frequently it really scared me. I heard sirens racing toward me as I cried into his shirt. He was unconscious and his breathing was... Strained. Paramedics burst through the door with out knocking, and I stood up to greet them, completely forgetting my nakedness. They tried not to stare at my perfect figure, but a few of them just couldn't resist. The others ran to Billie and placed him on a gurney and asked me questions. I answered them in the same tone, and they told me what hospital he'd be bought to. The same as Jakob's.

I ran upstairs and into my bedroom. Quickly I had a shower and washed, threw on some clothes and make up, fixed my hair and I bolted out the door. My fingers were dialling Natalie Grace's mobile number before I even realised it. I poured out the whole story to her and said I'd meet her out side Jakob's room.

When I reached the hospital I saw the ambulance that had bought Billie here in the "Emergency" parking bay. I bit my lip to hold back sobs and sprinted to the reception desk.

"How may I help you?" The receptionist asked.

"My boyfriend, Billie Joe Armstrong was bought in a few minutes ago. Where is he? Can I see him?"

The receptionist fiddled around on her computer for a minute and then answered.

"Mr Armstrong is in surgery. You can't see him at the moment. Come and check in a few hours."

"Thanks." I mumbled, walking toward Jakob's room.

When I reached Jakob's room I heard Natalie Grace screaming. She was yelling at someone, but I couldn't hear exactly what she was saying. Panic flooded over me once again and I started bolting toward my son's room. When I finally reached Natalie Grace, I realised she was yelling at Jakob's doctor.

"What's wrong?" I demanded worriedly.

"This bastard!" Natalie Grace screamed, slapping the doctor.

The doctor stumbled backward into the glass of Jakob's room. I ran into Jakob's room and froze once again. My heart beat so fast I couldn't think straight. My body started to sway and I felt so dizzy that I fell over. I got up and just stared at the bed. Jakob's bed. The now empty bed.

"Where's Jakob!" I yelled so loud my own ear drums hurt. "What the fuck have you done with my son?"

Natalie Grace was laying in a heap on the floor, her head in her hands and tears streaming down her face. The doctor had a red hand mark where Natalie Grace had slapped him.

"They took him away." She said. "And they're taking you, too."
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sooooooooooooooo sorry I haven't updated!
I've been having the best time ever!
Here's some more. I might update later, but I have to update my other stories too.
Comments = Quicker updates.

Thanks, and sorry once again!!

:D xx