"Billie, This Is So Wrong, but I Love You."

Chapter Three.

"So, Class, because I'll be away in Europe for the rest of the semester, you will have a new form teacher. He's new, himself. Some of you may have met him in music class, his name is Mr Armstrong." My teacher informed us.

I sat there, shocked. Billie Joe walked in through the door, even nicer than yesterday.

"Hey, guys. I'm sure we'll have fun this term."

Everyone stared at him in total awe. The girls thought he was hot and the guys thought he was extremely cool and down to earth. They all started smiling as Billie talked. The bell went for the next class. Music was my major, and so I has strings again.

"Hey, Clara." Billie said, addressing me and holding my hand as we walked down the empty corridor to the music building.

"Hey, Billie. How are you?" In asked.

"I'm good. I need to talk to you."

"Sure?" I asked questionably.

Billie took both of us into a utility cupboard and cupped my face in his hands.

"Clara, this is wrong, I know. I'm your teacher and I will get in a lot of trouble if anyone finds out. I love you, and I need you, and if you want to take this further, I will." Billie said.

"Billie, I agree. I know."

He kissed me, and then pushed his tongue in between my lips.

We parted, and I whispered.

"Billie, this is so wrong, but I love you."