"Billie, This Is So Wrong, but I Love You."

Chapter Six.

The next day, I had to go to school.

My Aunt was still asleep, and so Billie came into my room and woke me up.

"Lay with me." I said to him, still sleepy. He was already fully dressed and showered, and as he laid himself next to me, I could smell his sweet scent mixed with his freshly put on aftershave.

"I like having you here with me." Billie said, fixing his eyes on the ceilings. He was studying the cool pictures, and smiled as memories flooded his mind.

"I love feeling safe in a home for once. And of course being with you."

"One day we can own our own house, with ceilings like this but better. And massive stair cases and rooms full of instruments. One day we will be able to be together with no shame on our relationship. One day it will be legal."

"I can't wait for that day." I said quietly.

Billie moved closer to me, not that that was really physically possible. He kissed me softly on the lips and I kissed back. Again, like the night before, we made out. This time I was the one who broke it off, saying I had to get ready. Billie showed me where everything was and I thanked him. When I came downstairs fully dressed and showered, Billie had a breakfast waiting for me which consisted of pancakes, toast, cereal and waffles. He poured me a coffee.

"Sugar? Milk?" He asked.

"Yes, two. And yes." I replied smiling. "Billie this is so thoughtful, thank you."

"Anything I do for you is a pleasure." He said, skipping over to me and linking my arm in his in an old fashioned English-man way. It made us both laugh.

"You're so silly, Billie."

"What can I say? It's just how I roll."

We laughed again and finished our breakfasts, brushed our teeth and made for the door.

At school he walked me to homeroom, continuing our conversations from in his car and at his house. I wished I was older and I taught here, then it wouldn't be so hard. He took his place at the front, and I took my seat at the back of the room. Alone.

Billie noticed I was alone.

"Um, Casey?" He asked, pulling a punk-ish looking girl to the side he whispered some things to her.

"Yeah, sure Mr Armstrong. We were actually planning on asking her to lunch with us." Casey said. Casey moved over to me and sat next to me.

We talked. For ages, and Billie didn't tell us off.

At lunch I sat with Casey and her friends, and got invited to a party on Friday night, and Casey asked me if I wanted to go to the city with her and Amanda on Saturday.

"Sure." I said, smiling.

"Awesome! You're a really cool person."

I had strings again with Billie for the last period, and then he drove me home to his house.

What we saw when we got there made me cry, Billie gasp and my Aunt scream... We thought we were safe...