Status: slow active

Power or Love?

aunty dearest?

I was sleeping peacefully until I I was thrown from my bed into another damn wall. I attached as bricks crumbled down around my small form. If this damn bitch keeps pitching me through walls we are going to run out one day. I sighed and stood up whispering a spell under my breath to fix my wall. If you’re wondering what just happened Danica just threw me through my bedroom wall to wake me up. She’s a witch like me and we’ve worked together a lot over the years. She’s my great-great aunt. She’s a very powerful and very well respected woman in our community. Truth be told she scares the living shit about of me.

“Must you always throw me through the damn wall?”

“How else am I going to wake up your pathetic whiney ass?”

“How about yelling ‘hey frank wake up‘?”

“Just shut up and start your morning exercises”


I put on a pair of shorts and a tank top. Tied up my tennis shoes and started my six mile run. It was a short run but didn’t feel like running anymore today. I need a chance to be lazy sometimes. I collapsed to the living room floor and did two hundred sit ups a hundred and fifty pushups. After all the physical shit was done I started flexing my magic. I ended my exercise witch an hour of meditation. It’s so relaxing that is until danica threw a fireball at my head. God she is suck a bitch.

”Your such a waste of space Frank! You can’t even block a simple spell like that”

“I-I’m sorry. I’ll t-try harder”

“you better and stop stuttering like a goddamn human”

“I’m sorry”

“I still don’t know how you got your witches license. I swear they just give those things away
if they gave you one”

One second she’s yelling the next I feel her foot connect with my stomach knocking me through three walls. She is one strong woman but she’s older than dirt to. She is exactly 6324 years old now. I swear she was alive living in a cave with the cavemen. I pulled myself up with a sigh my back was throbbing right now but there was nothing I could do. She was stronger and there’s no such thing as child abuse in our world. We live by survival of the fittest. You can kill your own mother, father, son, or daughter as long as it was a fair fight. I’m lucky to still be alive. My family hates me but they were told by a seerer that I would do great things in the future. I wish the future was now so I could be rid on Danica.

“I should jus kill you now your such an ungrateful little brat. You don’t practice hard enough
and you don’t try to keep yourself alive anymore”

“I’m sorry”

“No you’re not. Uggh you are so weak it’s slicking”

I bowed my head I shame.

“Sara told me to send you out on a hunt today”

“Who am I hunting?”

“His name is Michael. HE gave humans enchanted items and the council wants him alive”

“Okay I can handle that”

“You better”

She left and I mde my way up to my room. I pulled on a baggy pair of jeans and a snug
t-shirt. I quickly snapped extra knifes around my wrist and ankles and prepared myself for a fight. This would be fun.
♠ ♠ ♠
Gerard probably won't come in for a couple of chapters because I want everyone to get a god view of Franks like.
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should I keepit or trash it ??
