Status: slow active

Power or Love?


I pulled up in front of small town house. It was nice I’ll give it that. I know what you’re thinking I’m going to walk up to the door and say your under arrest and read him his rights. Wrong! I climb out of my car and smile. I zap myself into the center of his living room where he’s sitting peacefully counting his money.

“Hello Michael”

“F-Frank, w-what are you d-doing here?”

“I’m here on business”

That’s when he jumped up and his fist connected with my jaw. That stupid son of a bitch. Power was flowing through my veins as I slowly released it letting it throw him through a wall. He quickly pulled himself up and I felt fire burning throughout my whole body. Why couldn’t they want this one dead? I drew a knife from my wrist sheath and watched as he ran. I threw the knife and watched as it soared threw the air and firmly planted itself into his back.

I smirked as I walked over to the man who was trying to get up off the floor. I bound his wrist in pure silver. The silver would bind his magic so he can’t cast any spells to escape. I closed my eyes and pulled both of our bodies into our world. I threw him down in front of the council and smirked.

“Here’s the little bastard alive.”

They just nodded their heads and had a guard take him away. Aunt Danica was sitting
there up under our lord Seth. Seth has ruled for longer than any of us remember. It’s believed that he was the first witch and will be the last. He can do things that even we believe are impossible. He can take damage that would kill anyone but it never kills him. My aunt has always been his little pet. He’s not with her he’d with a guy named Ariel. She is what he thinks a perfect witch should be cold, heartless, killer, and evil.

I walked out of the building catching a glimpse at the one council member that no one understands. He wears a mask over his face at all times and never takes it off. We call him the traveler for he can take over anyone’s body and make it his own. He powerful and impossible to kill. He’s wearing a long red cloak today that drags along the floor. He is the only witch I have ever seen that covers up that much.

The traveler is believed to have no face. So he must wear a mask at all times. Some believe he covers himself so well to hide scars. The traveler has never been figured out by any of us but something about him p[pulls me in. I have to figure out the truth behind this man.
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