Status: slow active

Power or Love?

A Date?

Is was now nine o’clock and I was fully dressed for the party. I touched up my makeup and gathered my group. Yes I’m bringing a group of men with me for performance only. They were happy to oblige it is rare that a normal witch is invite to a council party.

“Okay is everyone ready?”

“Yes” they chorused.

“Okay when I say three zap yourself in. One. Two. Three”

We appeared into the room covered in flames. The fire danced over our skin as the men began to dance around me. Hurling themselves up into the air leaving a small trail of fire behind them. Their bodies coming back to surround me as I stood there in the middle of the room. I shot spells of dragons made of pure fire into the air. They swam through the air around people’s heads. I smiled a wickedly at the crowd of lesser witches before making my way to my seat with the rest of the council.

“No date tonight Frankie?” The earthmover asked.

“I chose not to have one I do not feel like having so low ranking witch being a clingy
asshole because I’m on the council and have enough power to get them what they want”

“Smart boy but you could just kill them if they piss you off.”


I smiled with I saw a black cloud appear and shadows come racing out from it. The
shadows shot up over the head of the cloud and began to dance the dance of love. Wow he’s never done love before. The cloud of smoke slowly disappeared and there stood the traveler. He was dateless as well just as I had hope. Tonight was going to be interesting. I watched him slowly make his way over to us. His black robe flying out behind him. He was wearing tight black pants and red shirt and a silver mask. His long black hair fell over part of his mask. He looked so breathe taking beautiful.

“How are you tonight traveler?”

“I’m good frank yourself?”

“Fine just not very thrilled about being here. I’d rather be at home or out hunting personally”

“Your days of hunting are over though”

“Yes they are but this what not the life I wanted”

“Then why did you challenge Danica?”

“She pissed me off one too many times.”

“Ah so it was revenge and this was just a gift that came along with it”

“No this is Danica last way of saying fuck you frank I win”

He laughed at my statement.

“Maybe something good will come from you getting a seat on the council”

“There is one thing I was hoping for once I got on here but it’s just a distant dream”

“Oh and what might that be?”

“A date with a council member that’s still single”

“I don’t know who wouldn’t want you Frankie”

“Then go on a date with me tomorrow night?”


I smiled as he walked away. I finally get a date with him could life get any better?
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fillerish but its still an update lol.
and please guys comment I have one commenter and like twelve subscribers so thats just not cool but thanx for always commenting Annalia