Sequel: What the Frank
Status: THE END!

Oh Em Gee

Let your voice shred miles of diamond skies

After a couple of hours Lindsey and the nurses finally got me off the floor and into one of the chairs. I was still freaking out so they forced some type of pill into my mouth and I was kinda loopy for 2 hours.

~~Three hours later~~

Finally my pill wore off and I drove us both to my house. Once I got home I immediately threw up in the toilet, from nervousness and from the pills. I walked back into the living room to find the mother of my unborn child lounging on the couch watching tv. I sat down next to her and she caressed my hand and kissed along my jaw line and parts of my neck.
“Geebear I’m sorry about the fight, will you take me back?” she asked me innocently biting her lip.
“Of course Linds” I said and leaned in for a kiss. I let my hand travel down a little and grab her ass, tightly. She ran her hands down my sides, making me moan. My grip tightened and made me hornier. All of a sudden she yelped and slapped me.
“Gerard that hurts!”she pushed me off and growled.
“What hurts?”I was so confused.
“The way you were holding my butt.” She looked like she was gonna cry.
“God you're so rough!” I frowned and she stood up.
“And you don't even know what you did. God. Such a jack ass.”

“I'm a jackass?! I didn't do anything! You're the one who's trying to like seduce me, you whore!”

“I am not a fucking whore! I can't believe you said that! No wonder Eliza broke up with you and killed herself!”My breathing stopped and my blood boiled with anger.
“How fucking dare you say that?!” I screamed and her eyes went wide.
“Geebear I’m sorry I-“she started but I cut her off.
“Don’t fucking call me that you fucking bitch” I said through clenched teeth.
“ I am not a bitch! I only said that to make you-I mean I only said that cause of my hormones.” She said quickly.
“Get out” I said pointing to the door.
“What?” she asked innocently.
“I said get the fuck out of my house!” I screamed and slammed open the door. She slowly walked towards the door and I pushed her out and slammed the door shut and ran upstairs to my room. I laid face first on my bed with my mind drift off to thoughts of Eliza.
I walked up the driveway of Eliza's house. It was our three year anniversary and to celebrate I brought, all of her favorite movies, candy, and a bouquet of roses. I rang the doorbell, only to find the door was already unlocked. That was odd.
“Eliza?”I called while shutting the door behind me and walking up to her room.
“Are you here honey?”No reply. I started getting nervous and felt my palms get sweaty. Her bedroom door was shut and the house seemed eerie and quiet. It was scaring the shit outta me. I knocked on the door.
“Eliza? Are you okay?”I felt like I was annoying. I opened the door anyways though. The room was neat and tidy, which I found very odd because usually it was messy as can be. I set my things down on her bed and continued to walk around. I found a small paper that was folded in two and had my name written in Eliza's elegant handwriting. I opened it up and bit my lip.

Dear Gerard, how could you do this to me? You said you loved me and wanted to marry me. But whenever we fight you always say how I'm a problem, and we break up every time. I'm so confused because all we do is fight. Whenever I'm in the house it is always fighting. I want out of all of it. I want the pain to stop. All of it. I want the confusion to be taken away.
I'm all alone, nobody cares whether I live or die. All I ever do is cause problems for everyone. Mom and Patty have left me. Can't they see how bad I am? Don’t they care? Please God do something for me and make this my time to go. I cannot make the grades like Bob and I'm so ugly nobody wants to care for me. I'm so stupid to think that you care about a bitch like me, Gee.
I can't make it through school, I cause my family problems, and I probably annoy the shit out of you. I'm a failure in everything that is important to me. The only way out of this is to die. How can I trust anyone? I want to say goodbye to mom, Patty & Bob. You are my family and mean more to me than my life. I'm sorry I have caused you so many problems and fights.
Tell mom I wish I could have been the person her and Dad wanted me to be, but I couldn't because I'm not smart, pretty, athletic, or skinny. Tell her that I know her and Dad never wanted me when I was born and I wish like hell that I wasn't born in the first place. I can't do anything right and all I do is cause everybody I love to fight.
Why can't I have a talk with you? You're so busy and here I sit. Please do something so I can't feel the hurt anymore. I hurt so bad, what can I do? I'm trying to watch TV but I don't know what I'm watching. It's so lonely here. I want to sleep but it just won't come. I'm so tired of hurting and being alone. I keep thinking about the pills in the cabinet but I'm scared. My head hurts so much from crying but if I take anything for it I'm scared I won't stop and I would want to stop. I don't have any choice in the matter. To make everything better I have to die. I can't make it right by living. I'm so scared I want out but oh I don't know. Gerard, I wish you would call to say everything is all right. I wish I could just die, then I wouldn't be such a 'problem' anymore.

My lip started to tremble and I tried to hold back the tears. I looked up and saw that her bathroom door was cracked open and the light was on. I opened the door and my heart stopped from the sight that I saw. She was on the floor in a pool of her own blood. A hole in the left side of her head from where she shot herself. I broke down in tears and collapsed on my knees and cried onto her cold dead chest.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry” I sobbed and kissed her cheek one last time. I heard the front door close and light footsteps coming near.
“Eliza sweety, are you okay? Your door was open” said her mother from the hallway.
“Eliza?” she asked once again, sitting on the bed. I heard the crumpling of paper; she must’ve found the note. A few minutes later I heard her sob and sniffle lightly, then I heard her scream and cry. She turned and noticed me in the bathroom and her pained expression turned into pure hate and anger.

“You” she said through clenched teeth. She got up and slowly walked towards the bathroom.
“You forced my daughter to do this! This is all your fucking fault! I told her she shouldn’t have ever started dating you because I knew you were nothing but bad news from the start!” She screamed at her with tears streaming down her face and her voice going hoarse.
“Now look at her, my baby…my baby is gone and I can never have her back again!” screamed her mother who pushed me away and bent down beside her daughter.
“I can never hold her again, she can never cry on my shoulder when you too had a fight, my little girl is gone forever!” she screamed onto her daughter’s lifeless chest.

“Get out of here now! Leave me to grieve with my daughter!” she screamed looking at me. I was grief stricken and I just stood there with tears streaming down my face while trying to catch my breath.
“Did you hear me?! I said get the fuck out!” she shouted once again, but this time she got up and pushed me out of the bathroom. My senses came back and I walked away, but I turned around to look at Eliza trying to get this through my head that this was really happening and not a tragic nightmare.

~~~ Next Day~~~
“Gee? Gee wake up!” shouted Mikey while violently shaking me awake.
“What?!” I screamed back.
“Gerard you have to get up to go to school!” he screamed and then ran downstairs to catch the bus. I sighed and sat up and went to the bathroom. I started brushing my teeth when I looked up at my reflection. I must’ve cried in my sleep because my eyes were red and bloodshot and my cheeks were tearstained. I brushed my teeth, combed my hair, and threw on a fresh t-shirt and I drove to school.
I picked at my nachos before Bert grabbed them and ate them.
“Dude you okay?” Bert asked me with nacho cheese on his face and his mouth full.
“Yeah I’m fine man” I said with a sigh and pushed my tray away from me so I could lay my head on the desk.
♠ ♠ ♠
chapter title from The Used
song: Wake The Dead

so I decided to take you on a trip down memory lane to show ya some on Gerard's past