Sequel: What the Frank
Status: THE END!

Oh Em Gee

Hey ***face!

I was laying in a hospital bed with stitches and bandages on my penis. The doctor said my penis had to get stitched up quickly or else it would get infected. I was let go a couple of hours after I was stitched up.
“Hey dude! I heard about what happened! I feel so bad for your dick right now!” shouted Bert entering my room.
“Yeah it really hurts now”

~~~Next Day at School~~~
Bert and I walked down the hall, well I limped, and we saw Frank.
“Hi!!!"he squealed and skipped up to me. I pushed past him like he was a bug. I had to impress Bert so he wouldn't think I was a queer or something. I glanced at Frank's face. He looked hurt and slightly confused.
"HA!Dude did you see the expression on the fag's face?!"shouted Bert while laughing his ass off.
I ignored him in all of my classes except for when I would butt into his conversations and say something mean. By the end of the day I had made him cry quite a few times. Good, good, Bert needs to think I’m cool...
“Dude you made the faggot cry! Nice!” he said and high-fived me.
"I know right!"I grinned and laughed with him, though deep down inside, I felt guilty..

~~~After School~~~
I sped home because it was friggin 110 degrees outside and I didn’t wanna die of heat stroke.I slammed my car door shut and ran inside of the house. I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and walked into the living room where I saw Frank sitting on my couch.
What the fuck..
“Oh Gerard thank God you’re here!” Said my mom really fast."I was driving home from work and I saw this poor young man collapse on the sidewalk! I'm taking him to the doctor's office because he said he didn't feel good."she said while grabbing her purse.
"I want you to come too if that's okay."I bit my lip and looked over at Frank who was looking down at his feet.I groaned a little but nodded.
This should be interesting.
♠ ♠ ♠
poor Gee's penis
you shall never be the same again