Crossroads of Life

Chapter 11

~POV: Madison~
The next morning I woke up with Matt in bed with me again. Just like last time I didn’t think to much of it, so I just got out of bed and got dressed, wanting to find Mike before we got onto the bus.

I ended up finding him in the pool, Paul was there with him and they looked to be practicing a skit they had coming up together.

“Hey Mad, take a load off,” Paul said with a smile as he jumped into the pool. Mike rolled his eyes and walked toward me.

“Why don’t you go grab your suit and hop in with us.” he suggested.

“No thank you,” I answered. “I was actually wanting to talk to you about something Mike.”

“What’s that?” he asked, sitting beside me.

“Remember how you offered to let me come live with you? When you heard I was planning on moving to Missouri.”

“Yeah, offers still open too,” he said.

“Well, I was thinking, we have a break coming up. I was wondering if it would be okay if I spent it in Texas with you. I think I might want to move out sooner than I planned and nothing’s been found in Missouri yet.”

“Absolutely,” Mike replied. “Yeah you can come stay with us.”

“Thank you,” I said, hugging him.

“Is there a certain reason you’re wanting to leave early?” Paul asked, his entire body dripping wet from the water.

“My brother,” I admitted.

“Brian? The one who didn’t believe you?” Mike asked. I nodded and sighed.

“We got into it last night, he was at the house show. He’s pissing me off and doesn’t realize when he’s doing it, and I’m just getting tired of it.”

“I would be too,” Mike muttered. “Okay though, I’ll call Rebecca and tell her to expect you with me.” he said.

“Thanks,” I replied. “I need to go to California first, but I’ll be there the day after break starts.”

“Sounds good to me,” he replied. I smiled and left the pool area, making my way back to my room. When I walked in, Matt wasn’t in the bed. A sheet of paper was on the pillow he had used the night before.

Went to my room to take a shower and change. If you want, meet me in the breakfast room before we have to catch the bus.

I smiled at how he used the name Joey to sign it. Rolling my eyes, I decided to take a quick shower and to get dressed before I went to meet him. He was waiting at a table with nothing around him.

“See you got the message,” he said as I walked up to him.

“Let’s eat, I’m starved,” I replied.

“So, no getting out of this, you and I are going to go out tonight and get wasted.” Matt said as we sat back down at the table, plates in hand.

“Oh really, and I have no say in that?”

“None at all,” he replied with a smile. I just shrugged and started eating my eggs. I wasn’t going to complain about more alone time with Matt. It was actually a reason why I was planning on moving to Missouri to begin with.

“I’m going to call Leana on the bus, check in on her and what not,” I informed Matt. He nodded as he ate a whole half of a piece of toast in one bite.

“You’re going to choke one of these days,” I said, taking a smaller, more rational bite of my own toast.

“You know what I was thinking about last night?” Matt asked suddenly.

“Killing my brother and letting me live happily ever after?” I replied, almost seriously hopeful. He laughed and shook his head.

“No, though that is a good idea right about now. No, I was thinking about when we first met. When I first seen you at Gateway.”

“Yeah, it feels like only yesterday that happened, and look at us now, seven years later.”

“Yeah, seven years and you’re Women’s Champ.”

“You was in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match for a shot at the WWE Championship,” I reminded him.

“I was so damn close to winning that match. Then Orton had to sneak attack me from behind.”

“All’s fair in love and war Korklan,” Randy’s voice said. We turned to look at him. He was walking into the cafeteria with John, Cody, and Ted.

“Yeah yeah,” Matt muttered.

“So, you two doing anything tonight?” Randy asked, sitting next to us with a cup of coffee.

“Just going to go out to a bar or something after the show, why?” Matt replied.

“Just wanting to get out and do something.” Randy replied with a shrug. “Mind if we come along?”

“Not at all, although we’ll be taking a taxi because we’re both going to get wasted.”

“Says you,” I muttered, taking a sip of my apple juice. “I’m just going with soda all night tonight.”

“If you want,” Matt said with a shrug.

“I know John will get fucked up with us tonight,” Randy said as John, Ted, and Cody came back up to the table. “Right Cena?”

“Sure, why not,” John replied, smiling at us. I rolled my eyes and finished my breakfast. Soon we were laughing and getting annoyed glances by other people when I looked up and froze. Blue eyes was staring at me. Blue eyes that I prayed I would never see again. The eyes that haunted my dreams for over a year.

“Mad,” Matt snapped his fingers under my nose, but I couldn’t take my eyes from him. He waved sweetly toward me, but it just made my breakfast roll in my stomach.

“Madison,” Randy shook my arm, but I still couldn’t look away. He blew a kiss my way, and that was enough for me. I quickly stood up from the table, rushing from the cafeteria. I didn’t even notice that Matt was right on my heels. I rushed to the room I knew was Vince’s and banged on the door.

“Madison, Korklan, what is it?” he asked gruffly.

“He followed me,” I said quickly, pushing myself into the room. “He’s here.”

“Who’s here?” Vince asked, sounding confused.

“Him,” I said. “Him, him, he’s here at the hotel. He saw me, he’s here!” Recognition hit his face full force.

“Stay here,” he said, rushing from the room.

“Maddy, is there something important I’m missing out on?” Matt asked, grabbing my shoulders. I didn’t want to admit it to him, but I knew I had no choice now.

“There was a guy in the cafeteria. He’s an escaped felon.”

“How do you know this?”

“Because he’s from Huntington Beach,” I explained. “And his crime was against me. His name is Steven Westerson, he’s in prison for sexual assault and…” I stopped and took a deep breath. “And attempted rape. He tried to rape me a year ago. He escaped from prison, and they haven’t found him yet, and they knew he would be coming after me, that’s a reason I needed to get out of California as well. Witness protection or some shit like that.”

“Why the hell didn’t you tell me?” Matt asked.

“Because I didn’t think he’d find me, and I didn’t want to worry your or get you in danger.” I said. “You’re lucky I’m still even talking to you right now. I was about to cut everyone out when I heard he escaped.”

“Vince knows?”

“Of course, I told him the second I found out. He’s had double security around me since.”

“Which included me,” a voice from the door said. We turned to see it was Randy. “I heard what was going on, and volunteered to keep her safe.” He gave Matt a look I didn’t understand, but Matt seemed to understand perfectly. “I’m sorry, I didn’t notice him.” Randy said.

“It’s not your fault Randy,” I muttered, collapsing in a chair. We were silent for a long time, and it was starting to worry me that we didn’t hear from Vince. When he walked into the room, he looked pissed.

“Well?” Randy asked, his hands on my shoulders. Matt had our hands resting in his lap.

“They got the bastard,” Vince informed us. “He had a hotel room under an alias, and his room wasn’t a pretty sight to see.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, slumping back in the chair relieved.

“Nothing but pictures of you everywhere you looked Madison.” He said. “Some, more personal, than the others.”

“How personal?” Matt asked. Vince sighed and pulled a stack of pictures from his suit jacket. He handed them to me, and the first picture was enough for me. It was me in the shower at my parents’ house. I tossed the pictures on the ground face down, covering my eyes with my hands.

“Take care of her,” Vince muttered to Randy and Matt. They both nodded and helped me leave the room. We passed the front door, and outside we could see a police cruiser. Steven was in the back of the car, glaring at me. Matt wrapped his arms around me and led me away, up to the elevators so we could get to our rooms and grab our stuff.

Once we got on the bus, I turned to Matt, who still hasn’t said anything to me.

“Mad at me?” I asked him. He didn’t say anything, but suddenly sighed and turned to face me.

“No, just scared,” He admitted. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

“I know, I’m sorry, I should of told you.” I muttered.

“I know why you didn’t, I understand.” he let his head rest against mine, lips mere inches from each other. Our eyes started closing, but a bang had us breaking apart quickly. With a blush I quickly grabbed out my iPod at the same time Matt got his. I snuck a peek at who interrupted us, and cursed when I saw it was John Hennigan.

I came to the conclusion then I knew too many Johns and needed to nickname them as well. So that’s what I thought about for most of the trip, which was only about 10 hours. We pulled up to the arena and I got off the bus after Matt.

“A win tonight,” Matt said, walking with me into the arena, “and you have to do at least one shot.”

“Fine,” I muttered, smiling at the same time. We reached my locker room first, so I quickly said bye to him and went in to get ready for my match. It was a live show since it was Monday, so that meant I had to make myself look better than the house shows. It was nearly time for my match when I was finally ready. I would be facing Natalya in a non-title shot match, so it wasn’t anything to big. Our match went quickly where the victory went to Natalya.

Backstage, we congratulated each other on a good match and went our separate ways. I was in my locker room watching Matt’s match as I got dressed. He won, so I knew he would have me take a shot of something. I didn’t mind, I just didn’t feel like getting drunk.

As we walked out of the arena, Randy, John, Cody and Ted met up with us.

“Ready to part-ay?” John asked slinging his arm around my shoulders.

“Let’s go,” I said, smiling back at him.
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since I'm on a role and haven't really been able to do much with this story in a while, I'm updating again. I have a really good idea on where to go with this that will test her relationships, which is something I am very good at. ;) lol
thanks AngelWithBrokenWings for commenting *even though I didn't directly reply lol* You're awesome, you rock, and I would bake you a huge cupcake if I could. ;) *BTW ppl, if you read this and don't already read her, check out her stuff. Seriously A-MAZE-ING! haha She has Randy Orton, John Cena, Matt Sanders/M. Shadows, Brian Haner/Synester Gates, and even Hollywood Undead. Check it out, she rocks. Nothing more to say. haha