Crossroads of Life

Chapter 15

“Let’s go,” I said, shaking my head out. It had been two weeks since the meeting, and Jeff still hasn’t changed his opinion on me, nor I about him. It didn’t matter though, staying true to his word, Matt gave Jeff exactly what Jeff had coming to him, which included a busted nose and an ass kicking Jeff will never forget.

My relationship with Mike hasn’t changed much, but it’s getting there. Brian hasn’t talked to me since the day I exploded on him on the phone, not that that really bothered me. I’ve gone longer without talking to him.

“Mad, we’re up,” Matt’s voice cut through my thoughts. I shook my head to clear it, and started jumping from foot to foot.

“Good luck honey,” Matt said as our theme music started playing. He gave me a quick kiss before following me out onto the entrance ramp. I was against Beth in a singles match, both representing our groups. I waited in the ring with Matt beside me, giving me pointers and what to avoid.

“Damn it,’ I muttered.

“What?” Matt asked, concerned.

“I have to pee,” I replied with a smile. He rolled his eyes and discretely squeezed my hand as Beth’s music filled the arena. I smirked when I saw Jeff was coming out with her.

“He won’t do anything, I’ll see to that.” Matt muttered to me. I just nodded and shook out my hands, watching Beth enter the ring.

“Good luck,” she said genuinely.

“You too,” I replied. I saw Jeff roll his eyes from the corner of my own eye. “What the hell is his deal?”

“No idea,” Beth replied honestly, noticing Jeff’s eye roll as well. The bell rang and the match began. About halfway through I went to bounce off the ropes for a clothesline when I found myself going face first into the ring mat. I looked behind me and saw Jeff standing with an evil smirk on his face.

“What the fuck Hardy!?” I called out as Beth picked me up, obviously not seeing the interruption. She put my in the Glam Slam , stunning me enough to get the full three count even though I was supposed to win the match. I couldn’t lift my head if I tried, not from shame, but from the fact that I was still stunned from the finisher. Finally I was able to sit up with a huge pain in the back of my head.

“What the hell happened?” Matt asked getting into the ring with me.

“Ask Hardy,” I replied. I rolled myself out of the ring and headed toward the ramp, stumbling as I walked. Matt reached my side and helped me the rest of the way up.

“Jeff tripped you didn’t he?” Matt, Jeff brother, asked walking up to us.

“What the hell is his problem with me?” I asked, sitting in a chair as someone brought me and ice pack for the back of my head.

“You really want to know?” Jeff asked, leaning against a wall. “Because I can tell you’re just like that bitch I was getting ready to marry. I know Korklan, he’s too good a guy to be getting involved with you.”

“What the hell does that mean?” Joey asked, standing up to face him.

“She cares now, but just wait, she’ll start using you, just to get herself ahead in life. She’ll get her fill of you, then dump you for someone more exciting.”

“What makes you say that?” Matt asked his younger brother.

“She’s just like Beth, Matt. Can’t you see it? She’s this sweet, caring person that uses it to her advantage.”

“I would never use anyone like that.” I said, wincing as pain shot through the back of my neck more. At this point I was thinking there was an injury involved.

“Jeff, you don’t know anything about me. I graduated high school two years early, but that was only so I could start my wrestling career early, so I could get away from my brother. His ex tried to kill me three years ago, and he trusted her over me.” Pain shot through my neck again, and this time it made me gasp.

“Maddy,” Joey muttered, rubbing my neck, it just made it hurt worse, and when I tensed, he seemed to realize that.

“Let’s get you back to the medics,” Mike said, helping me up.

“I’m fine,” I said, pushing off of him. “Probably just jammed something.”

“Well, I want it looked at too,” Joey said.

“Madison, give up the fight, you’re surround by men who can take you. Hell even Beth will be able to take you on her own.” Mark said. “You’re going to get that checked out.” I was lead to the medical room, where I was forced to lay back on the stretcher.

“We may have to take her to get X-Rayed,” one of the medics said as he felt around my neck. He decided to go through with it, so I was loaded up into the ambulance.

~POV: Matt~
I watched as they loaded my girlfriend into the back of the ambulance. Mike was going with her since he had nothing, but I was stuck here because I had a promo to do with Jeff and Matt.

“Hey, will she be okay?” Shannon asked, walking up to me.

“I hope so,” I replied, walking down the hallway. I passed a monitor and stopped to watch it.

“We just received news that after the Diva’s match, Madison Skye was experiencing pain in her neck and they just took her to the hospital for X-Rays. I hope there’s nothing seriously wrong.”

“Korklan, our promo’s up,” Jeff said. I didn’t reply to him, just pushed myself past him to get to the designated area. After the promo, which it was obvious there was a lot of tension, I quickly packed my stuff and called Mike. He said they were still doing the X-Rays, and to just head to the hotel.

At the hotel, I went straight to the gym, thankful they had a punching bag. I taped up my hands and went full out on the thing.

“Matt,” a voice said behind me. I turned to see it was Beth, guilt all over her face. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt her.”

“It wasn’t you,” I replied, sitting on the bench. “I saw how she landed during the Glam Slam, it wouldn’t of done it. Her neck snapped back when Jeff tripped her though.”

“He probably started it, and I could of made it worse,” Beth pointed out.

“You were just doing what you had to, no need for you to be guilty,” I said. She nodded, though I could tell she wasn’t convinced.

“How did I know I’d find you in here?” Mike’s voice said behind us.

“How is she?” I asked in reply.

“Tendon damage on her neck, requires surgery to repair, so she’ll be out for a few months.”

“Do they know what caused it?” Beth asked.

“The trip Hardy did. Her neck jerked back and it tore the ligaments. Your move had no affect. She must of realized she was hurt and made sure to angle her head to where her neck didn’t get anymore damage.”

“That sounds like something she would do,” I muttered. “So what, she has the surgery, she goes home on bed rest and then she comes back?”

“That’s about the gist of it,” Mike replied.

“She won’t like going back to California for that long,” I muttered.

“Rebecca’s at home, she can watch after her.” Mike suggested.

“Beck’s busy enough with two kids,” I replied. “I guess I can let her go to my house, my parents will keep an eye on her while she’s recovering.”

“I’m going back to California,” Madison’s voice replied. I turned to see she was standing in the doorway, a brace around her neck.

“They let her leave as long as she wears the brace,” Mike explains. I nod, thankful to see her.

“Babe, you go back to California your brother will torture you, and probably Michelle.” I pointed out.

“Michelle won’t do shit to me, she’s all talk.” Maddy replied. “And Brian’s on tour. I don’t want to be a burden to anyone else’s family. I already called my parents and told them. I’m going home tonight and tomorrow I go in to set up an appointment for the surgery.”

“If it’s what you want,” I replied. I helped her pack and get into the car. Making sure she was alright on the plane, I watched as the plane took off.

“She’ll be alright,” Mike muttered.

“Do you think they’ll replace her?” I asked.

“No idea,” he replied honestly.

~POV: Brian~
“Dad, what’s up?” I answered my house phone. We had to cut the tour short because Johnny ended up messing up his ankle.

“Hey, I need you to go pick up Madison from the airport,” Dad said.

“Airport, what is she coming home?” I asked, grabbing my car keys from beside the door.

“Yeah, there was an incident and it left her with torn ligaments in the back of her neck. She needs surgery to repair them.”

“Shit,” I muttered. “When’s her flight land?”

“About an hour,” Dad answered. “I would go but I’m stuck in the damn meeting and Suzy can’t get out of work.”

“I’m on my way. What terminal?” He gave me the flight info, and I was on my way to pick up my sister.

I got to the airport with a few minutes to wait, so I just sat by the gate. When the person announced her flight landed, I stood up, and she was the first one through the gate. My heart froze when I saw the neck brace around her neck.

“Brian, what are you doing here?” she asked as she walked up to me.

“Dad and Suzy got stuck in meetings,” I replied.

“I thought you were on tour,” she replied.

“Had to cut it short,” I shrugged. “Short shit fucked up his ankle pretty good.”

“Is he okay?” She asked.

“He’ll be fine. What about you, what the hell happened?”

“I was in a match and fucking Jeff Hardy tripped me,” she answered. “My neck jammed backward, and you can guess the rest.”

“He’s dead,” I muttered.

“Oh, he’s got his own brother, Matt Korklan, Mike Hickenbottom, Beth Carolan, Mark Calaway, Glenn Jacobs, and so many other people on his ass right now.”

“Nothing trumps the rage of a brother.”

“What about the rage of a father?” she asked.

“Not even that in this case,” I replied. “Let’s get you home so you can relax.” After getting her luggage, I took her back to my house.

“Why not mom and dad’s house?” she asked.

“Because no one’s there and I want to keep an eye on you,” I replied. Maddy just shrugged and sat down on the reclining chair as I took her stuff to the guest bedroom. When I walked back down the stairs, she was fast asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
update, surprise? lol
I swear I'm not meaning to make Jeff a jackass in this story, it's just the way it's coming out. I really do love Jeff and don't mean anything by any of this.
Thanks AngelWithBrokenWings, the only one who comments. I'm not worrying about them anymore, I'm just writing because I love this story and I'm updating faster than I can keep up with the updates. haha