Crossroads of Life

Chapter 16

~POV: Madison~
“What the hell is she doing here?” a voice screeched, waking me up.

“She’s my sister,” Brian’s voice replied. “Why the hell are you here Michelle? I dumped your ass a month ago.”

“We’re just taking a break, get that whore out of my house.” My eyes flew open and Brian sighed.

“Great, you fucking woke her up,” Brian muttered. Michelle didn’t reply, she just walked toward me and grabbed my arm, trying to force me to stand causing my neck to jerk and pain shoot through my head.

“What the fuck Michelle? She’s fucking injured.” Brian shouted, grabbing Michelle’s hand.

“She’s faking, just like she faked that I tried to kill her. I would never hurt anyone.” Michelle had tears flooding down her eyes.

“I beg to differ,” I said, reaching for my cell phone. I brought up my voicemail and got to the saved message from her. I put the phone of speaker and let the message play through the room.

“You stupid little bitch. You will die for what you’ve done. If you ever show your face around Huntington Beach again, I will make your life a living hell. I should of finished you off when I had the chance. If it wasn’t for Brian calling that day, the poison would of done you in completely. Stay away from here, unless you want your family joining you in hell!”

“That’s it, get the fuck out!” Brian shouted at Michelle. Michelle stared at me before completely ignoring Brian and rushing toward me. She grabbed my hair and was able to throw the neck brace off and jam my head back a few times before Brian got a hold of her.

“Get the hell out Michelle or I’ll call the police on you for trespassing and assault. Get out!” Michelle stared at Brian for a long moment before bursting into tears and running out of the house.

“Maddy, are you okay?” Brian asked, rushing to my side. I had pain going through my entire head, so much it was making me nauseous.

“Bucket,” I said in a rush. Brian quickly got one, where I lost the contents of my stomach.

“Better now?” Brian asked, rubbing my back.

“A little,” I replied. “Hardy is going to die along with Michelle.”

“Let me deal with Michelle.” Brian said, helping me back to the chair. He gently wrapped the brace back around my neck and stood back, sighing.

“Need anything?” he asked.

“A new neck,” I muttered.

“Sorry, can’t do that, but I can give you some pain killers.”

"Please?” I asked, wincing. He nodded and ran up the stairs, returning a minute later with a bottle of pills. He grabbed a glass of water and handed me two pills and the water. With a little difficulty, I got the pills down.

“This sucks,” I muttered. “Crap I forgot to call Mike,” I said. I was supposed to call Matt as well, but I didn’t want to argue with Brian when he was being so helpful right now.

“And Matt probably,” Brian said. “I’m sorry about that sis. He makes you happy, I can see that. I shouldn’t get in the way, and I also know that you can take care of yourself. If you want to be with him, go ahead.”

“Wow, great 180 bro,” I said. “Thanks though. You really have no idea what kind of guy he really is. The only reason he said all that to you was because he was defending me.”

“I know, I shouldn’t of said any of the things I’ve said to begin with. When you talk to Matt, I want a word with him as well.” He handed me his house phone, so I called Mike’s cell phone first. I told him I was alright, I was at home and relaxing.

After hanging up with him, I called Matt.

“You doing okay?” Matt asked when he answered his phone.

“Yeah, I’m good. I’m at Brian’s house right now.”

“Brian, really? He isn’t giving you a hard time?”

“No, actually he nearly kicked Michelle’s ass for trying to injure me more.”

“Wait, Michelle, his ex Michelle?” Matt asked.

“Yep, she showed up here and saw me here. I proved to Brian how she tried to kill me and she ripped my brace off and threw my head around.”

“You’re ready to kill her,” Matt stated rather than asked.

“I am, but Brian said he’ll deal with it.” I said. “Speaking of which,” I said as Brian walked into the room. “Brian wants to talk to you a few minutes.” I handed the phone to Brian, who took it into the kitchen.

~POV: Matt~
“Matt, this is Brian, Maddy’s brother.” Brian said.

“I know, what can I do for you?” I asked, sitting back in the bed of the hotel.

“I get the hostility,” Brian said. “I just wanted to say I’m sorry for everything. I’m changing my attitude, and that means being nicer to Madison.”

“Really? Glad to hear it,” I said.

“I don’t know if Maddy told you this, but we kind of had an argument when I heard you two were dating. I just wanted to let you know that I talked to her about it, and it doesn’t bother me anymore. I can see you make her happy, and that’s all I really want.”

“That takes a lot for a man to say,” I replied. “I appreciate it as well.”

“So, are you going to come out here anytime soon?” Brian asked.

“Maybe in a little bit, when I get time.” I replied. “Hey, do me a favor, since I know she’ll be too out of it, call me after her appointment tomorrow and tell me when the surgery will be.”

“Will do,” Brian replied. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow then.”

“Later,” I said. “Hey,” I said quickly. “Let me talk to Maddy for a sec.”

“Hey Matt, getting off?”

“Yeah, I have to head to an interview in a minute,” I replied. “I just wanted to say that I’ll probably be over there to see you later.”

“Okay, Can’t wait.” she said, sounding tired.

“Are you tired?” I asked.

“Yeah a little,” she replied.

“Well, get some rest then. I’ll see you later.” I said.

“Matt, I love you.” she said.

“I love you too Maddy.” I said with a smile. “I truly do. Now get some rest.”

“Okay,” she hung up the phone, and I sighed, standing up so I could go get ready for the interview. I didn’t expect that to come from her, but I’m glad it did.

~POV: Madison~
“So, what are we looking at here?” Dr. Roberts said the next day. He ran his hands over my neck, which hurt, but not as bad as it used to.

“Torn ligaments,” he responded. “I’ll take you to get X-Rays so I know myself how bad the damage is.” he said. Brian nodded his head for the both of us. After the X-Ray, I was put back into the room I was in before. Brian walked in a minute later. Afterward Dr. Roberts walked back in and put the pictures of my neck on the lighted screen.

“That’s some pretty good damage,” the doctor muttered. “I think we will need to surgically correct this.”

“So, how long will I be out of commission?” I asked.

“I’d say 5-6 months.” he replied. I groaned and covered my face with my hands. “It’s not career threatening, but it’ll be a pretty time consuming recovery.”

“When can you do the surgery?”

“I can schedule it for sometime in the next two weeks.”

“As soon as you can get it,” I pleaded.

“Okay, I’ll call and let you know.” he said. We thanked him and left. In the car, let my tears overwhelm me.

“Five to six months? What the hell am I going to do for that long?”

“I don’ t know, maybe you can make appearances after a while.”

“No, they don’t go for that.” I muttered, rubbing my hand over my head.

“Just relax sis, it’ll be fine.” Brian replied, grabbing my other hand.

“Gah, sorry, I’m just moody right now. I think I’m PMSing,” I muttered, wiping my eyes.

“Oh yeah, I know how you are with that.” Brian muttered, smirking. He drove back to his house, and I was surprised to see cars in the driveway.

“Lil’ Maddy, back again already,” Matty said, walking toward me. I knew a bear hug was coming, and neither Brian nor me had time to warn him, so when I screamed when his arms wrapped around my neck, he freaked.

“Shit, I’m sorry,” Matt said quickly. “I’m so sorry Maddy, did I hurt you?”

“No, Jeff Hardy did,” I said, trying to breathe through the pain.

“What the hell did he do?” Zack asked, his eyes squinting.

“Tore ligaments in my neck. However long you guys are here, be ready to see me around here as well. I’m out for at least 5 months.”

“That sucks,” Matt muttered. “So what’s this I hear about you having a boyfriend? Do I have to kick his ass if he messes with my lil’ Maddy?”

“No Big Matty, you don’t.” I said, laughing. “Brian already had a talk with him.” Brian scratched his head before muttering something about making a phone call.

“He doing any better?” Zacky asked as they helped me into the house.

“Yeah, he’s been taking care of me since I got back yesterday. I was supposed to go to Mom and Dad’s house, but they’re busy so I’m here with Brian.”

“That’s good though,” Matt replied. “It’s building your relationship with him.”

“Yeah, it is,” I replied. “Sorry guys, but I’m kinda tired, I think I’m gonna nod off.”

“Do you want to try sleeping in the bed?” Brian asked, walking into the room.

“Nope, I’m comfy right here,” I said. “Oh, how’s Johnny doing?”

“Needs a good foot so we can shove it up his ass,” Matt replied with a smile. “He’ll be back on his feet in no time, but now that you’re here, we may just cancel the rest of the tour to be able to help you out.

“You don’t have to,” I started saying, but Zack cut me off.

“Maddy, we have to be honest, this is the first tour without Jimmy, and I’m sorry, but my heart just isn’t into it. I think we started this too soon after.”

“I’ve been thinking the same thing,” Brian said. “I know Johnny feels the same way.”

“Oh, speaking of Johns,” I said suddenly, looking at Brian. “I saw Jon-Jon in…” My voice trailed as I tried to remember what city I saw him in. “Oh, it was Phoenix. I saw Jon-Jon in Phoenix.”

“Oh you did? What was he doing there?” Brian asked.

“Said he was on vacation.” I replied, my eyes drooping.

“We’ll let you rest Mad,” Matt said. They walked into the kitchen, but I still heard the low murmur of their voices.

“Is she really going to be okay?” I heard Matt ask.

“She’ll be fine.” Brian replied. I couldn’t listen anymore. I couldn’t stay awake.

Two weeks later, I was in a bed, getting ready to undergo the surgery.

“Hey beautiful,” a voice said. I moved my eyes to see it was Matt.

“Hello you handsome devil you,” I muttered, grabbing his hand.

“So, getting ready to go through with it right?” he asked, using his fingers on my palm to tickle it.

“I’m so scared,” I admitted to him.

“Baby, it’s a routine procedure,” Matt replied, bringing my hand to his lips. “Doctors do this all the time, you’ll be fine.”

“I hope so. I’m going to be out for five months.”

“I know, I had Brian call me after the first appointment.” He informed me.

“Ms. Haner, are you ready?” a nurse walked in and asked. I took a deep breath as I nodded slightly.

“Hey, I love you, you’ll be fine. I’ll be here when you wake up.” Matt said, bending forward to kiss me.

“I love you too,” I replied. Matt walked out of the room and they placed a mask over my face. Instantly I felt drowsy. The last thing I remember was going through the hallway toward the OR.

“Everything went fine Brian,” a voice mumbled. “She’s perfectly fine, she’ll just need rest and rehab.”

“You’re sure?” Brian asked. The other person, who I now realized was my boyfriend, said he was positive. My eyes opened on their own accord.

“Maddy, how you feeling sis?” Brian asked, grabbing my hand.

“I don’t know,” I replied honestly. “Did everything go okay?”

“It went fine,” Matt answered.

“So it wasn’t a dream, you did show up,” I said, smiling weakly at him.

“Told you I would didn’t I?” he teased. I just rolled my eyes and sighed.

“Do I want to know what’s going on with the feud?” I asked Matt.

“Not right now. You need to rest right now. The more you rest, the faster you’ll heal up.”

“Just tell me one thing, did anything happen to Jeff yet?”

“Oh yeah, it was Matt and him against Mike and me. Matt turned on him during the match and helped us. Matt is still pissed at Jeff for doing that.”

“Matt is Jeff’s brother right?” Brian asked. Matt nodded and smirked. “See sis, even they have hard times.”

“Yeah sure,” I muttered, smirking at Brian.

“So, Matt even got involved?” I asked. Matt nodded.

“Hell yeah he did. You have a lot of friends in this business.” he said.

“I can believe it,” Brian said.

“So, when do I get out of here?” I asked, moving my eyes to look at my brother and boyfriend.

“A couple days, once they make sure everything truly did go alright and that no complications or setbacks pop up.” Matt answered.

“I hope not, I want you home,” Brian said. “I’m getting used to you’re little ass being around.”

“Yeah I guess I’m getting used to you too,” I replied with a smile.

“Love you too sis,” he muttered.

“So, Matt, how long you in town for?” Brian asked.

“I took vacation time,” he replied. “I’m here for a couple weeks.”

“Awesome, I would offer you my guest room, but this little butthead will be taking it, not unless I can trust the two of you in the room together.”

“Believe me Bri, nothing will happen,” I said.

“I know, because of your neck,” he smirked. “We’ll let you rest while I go take Matt to the house.”

“Thank you Brian, for everything. I love you bubby,” I said.

“I love you too.” Brian said, kissing my forehead.

“Do I get anything?” Matt asked when Brian left the room.

“Oh yeah you do,” I said as he bent and kissed me on the lips. “I love you, don’t give Brian too much hell, he’s really been very helpful.”

“I won’t, I have no reason to anymore,” Matt replied. I smiled as he kissed me again. “Get some rest, I’ll be back later.”

“I’m going to have to find a way to get some sleep without hurting myself more.” I muttered.

“You’ll be fine,” Matt said. “I’ll be back,” he gave me on final kiss before turning and leaving the room. I let myself relax enough to where I was comfortable, and I drifted off to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Michelle tried to get revenge, but it backfired big time. haha. Obviously I had the surgery go well, so no complications, but nothing is out of the woods yet. ;)
thanks for the comment, you know it's greatly loved here.
more story will be coming soon