Crossroads of Life

Chapter 20

~POV: Matt~
The shows drug on as all I could think about was Madison and the big decisions we had to make. My story line with Jeff over what happened to Maddy was getting old, so they were making it final once and for all at the pay-per-view.

“Bourne,” Jeff’s voice said behind me. I looked up at him as I laced my boots up. “Good luck tonight, you’re going to need it.” he said, an inch from my face.

“Jeff, if you like your nose the way it is, you better keep it out of my face. And I don’t need luck tonight, because you’re going down.” We stared off until the camera man signaled the camera was off.

“How’s Madison doing?” Jeff asked once we were alone.

“What’s it to you?” I asked. My anger toward him on camera was real. He shouldn’t of interfered in the match that way.

“I’m worried, okay, and sorry.” Jeff replied. “I know I shouldn’t of interfered, and I was asshole to her for no reason.”

“What the hell was that all about anyway?” I asked Jeff. “You two were so close, then bam, you started acting like the biggest jerk off on the planet.”

“I told you, it was Beth. Madison reminded me too much of her, so I thought Maddy would do you the same thing Beth did to me.” Jeff answered, hanging his head.

“Well, Madison would never do anything to betray me,” I said. “So there is a difference between the two, which you was wrapped in your own head to realize.”

“Do you want to know what she did to me?” Jeff asked. “Lied to me, told me she was pregnant when she wasn’t. She was cheating on me, and lied to my face.”

“Madison will never lie, she won’t cheat, and as for the pregnancy thing,” I stopped, realizing no one around here knew about the pregnancy. Mike will know by now since he went to visit Madison, but no one else did. “And I know she won’t lie about a pregnancy.”

“How?” Jeff asked, as if sensing my hesitation on answering. “How do you know she’ll never lie about that?”

“Because I know her, and,” I stopped again as I squeezed my eyes shut. “And because she’s really pregnant right now. There, you know, she’s pregnant, I’m the father, and things are hell right now, so I don’t need your ass to sit there and tell me how badly Madison will hurt me.” I looked at the clock on the wall and closed my kick pads. “Our match is next, let’s go.” I walked out of the room and to the entrance area.

“I’m not going out there until I know you’re not going to kill me,” Jeff said.

“Don’t worry Jeffrey, you’ll be fine,” I said as my music started playing. I quickly put on a face for the fans, running out and doing my normal stuff. Hardy came out right after me, and our match began.

~POV: Madison~
In the living room with Brian and Dad, we were getting ready to watch Matt’s match against Jeff. It was more than apparent to me that they had it out in the locker room during the commercials. Matt looked happy, but his eyes told me he was pissed.
Jeff didn’t look to happy either.

“The following contest is a 2 out of 3 falls match. The winner, will have to retire.” Matt Striker announced. Brian grabbed my hand as the match began. Since it was taped two days three days before, I already knew the outcome, I just didn’t know how the outcome came to be.

The match started with Matt having the upper hand. As quickly as the match started, the bell rang signaling the end of the first fall.

“And the winner of the first fall, Evan Bourne.” was announced. The rest of the match horrified me. Jeff kept the advantage, and he got the final two falls. The end is what horrified me the most. He attacked Matt as Matt started leaving the ring. I felt a hand on mine as Jeff grabbed a chair and smacked it against Matt’s head.

A knocking on the front door made me jump. Brian stood up to answer it. When the door opened, Matt walked through, a grim look on his face.

“Why?” I asked when I saw him.

“So you don’t have to go through anything alone,” he replied as Brian shut the door.

“Was the attack really necessary?” I asked as he sat next to me.

“Not really, but it made things seem final, while at the same time it gave me the edge I needed for when I go back.”

“I thought after tonight it was done, no more you and Hardy,” Brian said, sitting on Matt’s other side.

“Hell no, Vince isn’t going to let this go, it’s getting ratings,” I replied, rubbing my forehead with my hand. I tried to hold back a yawn, but was unsuccessful.

“Come on, let’s get you upstairs in bed,” Matt said, grabbing my hand. He helped me up and took his time with getting me into the bedroom. I was able to move, but just barely since I still couldn’t move my neck properly.

“Get some sleep,” Matt said as he helped me lay in bed. “I’m here for at least a month, we have tomorrow to talk about things.” I nodded, my eyes starting to close. The last thing I remember before falling to the darkness was feeling Matt’s arm wrap around my waist.

The next morning, I woke up with a more functional neck. I was able to move it more than before, so I was able to move myself around.

“Hey, you’re up,” Brian said, looking into the room. “Matt’s still out cold though, are you going to wake him up? You know you have an appointment today.”

“I know,” I said, walking to my closet.

“Why don’t you move out of here?” Brian asked suddenly. “You’re having a kid, you need a place of your own.”

“Can you leave so I can get dressed?” I asked in reply. He just shrugged and walked from the room.

“So, neck or baby today?” Matt’s voice asked from the bed.

“Both,” I muttered, grabbing a shirt from the closet. After a little bit of struggling, Matt ended up grabbing my shirt and helping me into it. He then grabbed a pair of jeans and helped me into those as well, followed by my socks and shoes.

“So, do you want to go?” I asked Matt, looking up at him. “I think it’s an ultrasound today.”

“An ultrasound? Why is something going on?” Matt asked, panic in his eyes. I couldn’t help but laugh at the look.

“No, but it’s just to make sure, plus so we can see the baby, that is if you want to.” There was a silence between us, one that lasted way to long. I glanced up at Matt as he stood up off the bed and went into the hallway, probably going to the bathroom. I sighed and slowly made my way down the stairs.

“Ready?” Dad asked as I went down the last stair.

“I-I think Matt’s going too,” I mumbled, sitting in the chair. I closed my eyes, trying to fight the tears that keep wanting to fall.

My waist line was getting bigger, so it wouldn’t be too long before I started showing more. I couldn’t control my emotions, no matter how hard I tried. It was getting closer to be time for us to make our final decision, but my fear would be, we won’t be able to make that final decision.

Then where would that leave us? With a baby neither of us are ready for. Perhaps one of us ending up leaving, and leaving the other alone with the baby. I knew that wouldn’t happen, but I also knew it was a big possibility, and one I didn’t want to happen.

“Maddy, we’re ready to go,” Dad’s voice cut through my thoughts. I opened my eyes and saw Matt standing by the front door, his expression unreadable. I knew he was upset over what I said, but there was no point in talking about it now.

Slowly, and with the help of Brian, I was able to stand up and head out to the car. Matt remained silent for the entire ride to Dr. Roberts office. He took the furthest seat from me in the waiting room, and just stared into space until I was called back.

“So, how are things going?” Roberts asked as he looked over my neck.

“I’m able to move it more now,” I answered. He nodded, but remained silent as he moved my neck for me.

“Yes, it seems I can give you the go ahead to start your physical therapy.” the doctor announced, taking a step back. “Now, since you are pregnant, there will only be so much you can do in the coming months, so I’m going to recommend going to a specialist on this.”

“There’s a specialist for physical therapy on pregnant women?” Brian asked, raising an eyebrow and looking at the doctor.

“There’s a fucking specialist for everything,” Matt snapped, staring out the window of the room. “Especially when it comes to pregnant women, and the babies they carry for nine months.”

I sighed, knowing exactly what his attitude was about now.

“Can you leave us alone for a second?” I asked everyone. Dad and Brian looked confused, but they both nodded.

“I need to get the number anyway, excuse me.” Dr. Roberts replied, rushing from the room. When the door shut behind Brian, I moved to where I was facing Matt better. “Look just because you’re pissed off at me doesn’t mean you can take it out on my brother.”

“Who said I was pissed? I didn’t, so don’t go assuming things, you’ll just make an ass out of yourself.”

“You’re being an ass right now, so what the hell is your problem?” I said, crossing my arms over my front.

“Oh, I don’t know, maybe it could be you’re pregnant with a baby we’re not ready, or it could be that your having to go through physical therapy, and I just feel bad about it, or it’s possible it could be because you’re still planning on giving up our baby for strangers to raise.”

“What the hell do you want from me Matt? Really? Do you want me to drop everything and move to Missouri with you, allowing your parents to see this kid while both my families go without? Do you want me to be the one giving up everything, just so you can keep everything? I don’t think so Matthew. We’re in a relationship, meaning I give some, and you give some, not I give everything and you take it.”

“Who the hell said I wanted that from you?”

“The only damn reason I’m even considering the adoption is because of you!” I screamed, standing up from the bed slowly. “Because I know you don’t want to move, and I can’t go anywhere. It would be better for both parents to be without a baby than just one!”

“That’s bullshit Madison,” Matt muttered, raking a hand over his face. “That’s complete bullshit and you know it.”

“Yeah sure, whatever. You know fine, if you don’t believe me, ask someone else. Better yet, ask my father! My biological father I should say. He wasn’t ready for me, but he was damn willing to do whatever he needed to raise me the right way. A lot fucking more than you’re willing to do. I just…” My voice trailed off, tears finally pouring from my eyes.

“You just what?” Matt asked, cocking his eyebrow. I took a deep breath, feeling my courage finally return to me.

“Right now, I’m just starting to wish the this had never happened. That we didn’t have that one night, and even that we weren’t friends.”

“You really feel that way?” Matt asked quietly. I nodded, my tears falling faster. “Alright then,” he said, nodding his head. He stormed out of the room before I could say anything else. Dad and Brian rushed into the room a second later, confusion in their eyes.

“He left,” I mumbled. Brian sighed and put his hands on his hips, shaking his head as he stood at the door. Dad rushed forward to me, wrapping his arms around me gently.

“He’ll be back,” Dad said gently, stroking my hair. “He’ll be back.”
♠ ♠ ♠
finally, an update. Sorry it took a while, I had writer's block from hell. So, in honor of the new album, I decided that in the next few chapters, it will be all Avenged Sevenfold. Everyone from Avenged will be in the chapter *minus two people* and it will be a fun chapter. I just have to clear my head enough to do it. :D
so, thank you for commenting. Means so much. And if anyone is interested, there's a story out called Don't Lose Your Nerve. It's a Matt Sanders/M. Shadows fic, and it's amazing! you should check it out. ;)
so, more story will be coming soon.