Crossroads of Life

Chapter 22

The rest of the ride was silent. I knew what Leana said was true, if Matt, Johnny or Zack knew that Matt left me alone and pregnant, then they would be extremely pissed and if he ever came back into town, he would be hunted down like a rabid animal.

“Zack needs an explanation,” I said as we pulled up to Matt and Val’s house.

“No he doesn’t,” Brian replied, glancing over at me.

“No, he does,” I insisted. “They need to understand why I got upset over what he said.” I didn’t wait for either of them to reply. I stormed out of the car the best I could and joined the others at the front door.

“What are they doing?” Matt asked, looking back at the car where Leana and Brian was sitting, probably stunned.

“Stunned because I’m ignoring them,” I said as Val opened the front door. “There’s something you guys need to know. Matt, no not you,” I rolled my eyes as Matt looked confused. “The baby’s father, we had a fight today, and he left. He went back to Missouri.”

“He’s staying around for the baby right?” Gena asked, grabbing Zack’s hand as she sat on his lap.

“I doubt it,” I muttered. “I told him that at this point, I wish we’d never even met, so he left. It’s my fault, I shouldn’t of said that to him.”

“What were you arguing about?” Matt asked, sitting in a reclining chair.

“What we’re going to do about the baby,” I replied. “I’m not ready for a baby, you all know that as well as anyone. I’ve been thinking about adoption.”

“It’s what you want to do Mad,” Matt said as Brian and Leana walked into the house. “All we can do if give you our opinions, which mine on that matter is, I don’t think giving the baby up is a good idea, not unless you give him or her to a family you know will take really good care of her. You have Val, Zack, Gena, Johnny, Lacey, Leana, your family, and your birth father and his family. You have enough people to help you through this.”

“I know, but it all comes down to me and what I think is best for her, and I don’t think being born into a single parent family will be good for anyone.”

“Korky will come around,” Zack said, even though I knew it killed him to. He hated Matt as much as Brian did.

“No, he won’t, I was to hurtful to him,” I muttered, wiping at my eyes. Suddenly a humorless laugh escaped from me. “You know, we’re sitting here, discussing it all, and the only thing I can keep thinking about is what Jimmy would of wanted.” I sobbed harder as my knees gave out. “I miss him guys, I know you do too, but I miss him. I want him back.”

“We know,” Leana said gently, rubbing my shoulders.

“Let’s go home sis, this is enough excitement for you for one night,” Brian said, pulling me up from the floor. I didn’t argue, just let him lead me out of the house and to the car. I heard people mutter to Brian through the door, but I couldn’t tell what they were saying, or who was even talking. The last conscious thought I had was myself asking the same question I asked before, what would Jimmy want, and what do I truly want?

~POV: Matt K.~
“What the hell are you doing here?” Jeff asked as I walked through the arena hallways.

“Back,” I replied with a shrug, storming into my locker room. Making sure the door was locked, I sat on the bench and pulled out my cell phone. It’s been almost two months since I walked out on Madison, and I haven’t heard from her. I’ve tried to call a few times, but she never answered. I knew she would be pissed, but I didn’t think she would last this long.

“Korklan, open the door,” Vince McMahon’s voice said through the door. I groaned and stood up, unlocking the door and opening it to reveal the chairman.

“You’re going to be going against Jeff Hardy tonight as a follow up for when you left, so be ready, you’re the third match of the night.” I just shrugged, grabbing my bag that held my ring gear in it.

“How’s Madison doing?” Vince asked.

“When you hear, let me know,” I replied, throwing the empty bag at the lockers. “I haven’t talked to her in two months.”

“Why?” Jeff asked, walking in behind Vince.

“Because she’s wanting to give up the baby, but I don’t want that.” I snapped at him.

“If you want to have a baby Matt, it’s going to take a lot of sacrifices, and a hell of a lot of compromises.” Vince replied, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Yeah well, she’s not budging an inch,” I muttered, taking my shirt off and throwing it on the floor. I gabbed my tape and starting working on my wrists.

“She’s already given up a lot, from what I can tell, you haven’t given up a damn thing.” Jeff spoke up. Tossing the tape on the floor, I stood up to face him.

“What the hell does that suppose to mean?” I asked, walking to where we were inches from each other.

“Just that she’s given up her career, her body and her life to even have this kid, while what are you doing? Not talking to her for two months? Not making sure she’s okay and that she hasn’t gone into pre-term labor or miscarried the baby? Sounds like you’re doing a hell of a good job with this Matt.”

“I have to much in Missouri to just give up!” I shouted, turning away from them.

“What?” Jeff shouted, pushing me against the locker. “Your company? Your parents? Do they even fucking know that you’re not with your pregnant girlfriend right now? Do they even know you walked out on her?” I didn’t reply, because he was telling the truth. They didn’t know what was going on with Madison and me, and I wasn’t about to tell them anytime soon.

“That’s what I fucking thought,” Jeff muttered, pushing me into the locker more. “Vince, cancel our match or else you’ll be minus one superstar.” Jeff didn’t wait for a reply, he just left the room, smashing his hand into a locker on the way out.

“He’s right Matthew,” Vince said coldly. “You want Madison to do all this in order for you two to have the baby? It’s going to take more than her giving up everything, you have to be willing to make sacrifices and to compromise, otherwise, it’ll leave Madison alone with a baby, and that won’t be any good for her, your child, or even you. I don’t want Jeff performing against you tonight in the mood he’s in, so the match will be cancelled.” He started leaving the room, but stopped just outside the door.

“Go to the hotel,” he said. “You’re not needed here tonight. Go and think about what you want, get your shit together.” He walked down the hall, leaving me alone in the room with only my thoughts. Heels clicking on the concrete floor told me two women was walking past the door. Melina and Layla passed the door. They took one look at me and scowled.

“You’re lucky, Jeff would of killed you tonight,” Melina said before walking down the hallway again. Layla stood for a minute before opening her mouth.

“She’s right,” Layla said gently.

“I don’t need to hear anything…” I started saying, but was cut off by Layla holding up her hand.

“You have no idea about Madison do you?” she asked.

“I know everything about her,” I snapped.

“Obviously not, or else you would understand that’s she’s terrified of dying while giving birth like her mother did, and she doesn’t want her baby to go to an orphanage like she had to. She wants to make sure the baby is in good hands, whether she lives or not.”

“That’s stupid, there’s nothing wrong with her that’ll cause her to die while giving birth.”

“I’ve known so many people who died while giving birth to their children,” Layla snapped. “And all of them had perfectly healthy pregnancies. Anything can happen Matt, and Madison just wants to make sure it all taken care of, in case something does happen, if you would get your head out of your ass for two minutes, you would realize that.” She turned on her heel and stormed out of the room, but she left me thinking. She was right, Madison would be scared about dying while delivering the baby, since Maddy’s own mother died giving birth to Madison, it only made sense that Maddy would be scared of something like that.

One thing was certain though, in a little over three months the baby would be here, and I had no idea what Maddy was planning, but I do know I will find out.

~POV: Brian~
Stirring in bed, the phone’s shrill ring brought me from a deep slumber. Since it was early and I was half asleep, all I cared about was killing the caller and not who it was.

“Brian? It’s Matt Korklan,” the caller said.

“You have a lot of balls calling me at this time of the hour,” I said, clearing my throat since my voice was thick with sleep. “Especially after what you’ve done to my sister.”

“I know,” Matt replied. “I just, I need to talk to her Brian.”

“No, you don’t,” I snapped. “We had our attorney send you paper work, all you had to do what sign it and you would be free of everything.”

“What type of paper work?” Matt asked, skepticism in his voice.

“Termination of your rights to the child,” I replied bluntly.

“I’m not signing them, meaning if Madison wants to go through with adoption, nothing can be finalized until I say so.”

“What the hell is your problem Korklan?” I asked him suddenly. The phone beeped, meaning I had another call coming in. “I have another call, one probably less time wasting than this one, call here again, it better be to tell us the papers have been signed, sealed and delivered.” I pressed the call waiting button, and sighed when I heard it was important. It was the band’s tour manager, telling me there was a meeting for today.

Since it was early morning, and I knew I wouldn’t get back to sleep, I decided to get up for the day. I heard someone in the kitchen, and peeked in to see a very pregnant Madison cleaning.

“What are you doing?” I asked her instead of the traditional “good morning.” Her neck was declared healed by her doctor, meaning when the OB/GYN gave her the clear, she could go back to work wherever she wanted. She could go back to the WWE if she wanted to.

“Cleaning,” she replied, stating the obvious, but I knew it was more than that.

“Right, what’s going on?” I asked her, grabbing her hand and leading her to the kitchen table.

“Nervous I guess,” she replied honestly this time. “Who was on the phone?”

“Larry,” I replied, deciding to not tell her the truth about Matt yet. “He wanted to tell me there was a meeting about us touring later today, but it’s after your appointment, so you’ll probably go with me there.”

“Sounds fair,” she nodded, placing her hand on her swollen stomach. She sighed and stood up, waddling from the room. I shook my head and let it fall to the table.

“Jimbo, if there was ever a time we needed you, now would be it,” I muttered out loud to my fallen best friend. I knew he would get the message, and he wouldn’t abandon his “little-no-relation-sister,” as he called her.
♠ ♠ ♠
okay, I know Maddy is supposed to chose between the Haner family and her father, it will get to that I promise, this is just some stuff that needs to happen and it leads to it, I hope lol. *it's hard to tell with my mind*
I'm sorry it's taking so long to update, have a lot going on and things are just a little bit hectic. I'm still working out my schedule, but now that I have a good idea of how my weeks will work, I can figure it out better.
thank you for the comments, greatly loved! :D
More story will be coming soon