Crossroads of Life

Chapter 27

~POV: Madison~ ~Three Weeks Later~
“Are you planning on going back to the WWE?” Jeff asked, sitting in the living room of Leana’s house with me. I was released from the hospital a week after going in. They wanted to make sure I wouldn’t have any complications in the future.

“Don’t know yet, depends on how things go with Owen I guess.” I replied, running my hand through my hair and letting my head fall back on the couch.

“How’s he doing?”

“Better, his lungs are more developed now and his weights getting up, but he’s not out of the woods yet.” I sighed as the front door opened. Leana walked in, followed by Matt, Val, and Brian.

“Hey, who’s this?” Leana asked, looking at Jeff with curiosity in her eyes.

“This is Jeff Hardy, a WWE Superstar.” I answered her, standing up and walking into the kitchen. “Jeff, this is my brother Brian, Matt, Val, and Leana. Matt and Val are the parents of Owen and Leana is, well, she’s simply Leana, there’s no introduction for her.”

“Geez, thanks,” she muttered, a small smile on her face as she sat down next to me. “How you feeling?”

“A little better,” I replied, placing a hand on my now flat stomach. I still had a little pouch, but that would be gone after I hit the gym again. “I hate this though, I want Owen home where he belongs.”

“So do we,” Matt muttered, looking around the living room. I knew what it meant when he did that. He was hiding something, and it was something big.

“What’s that look for?” I asked him, knowing the confusion was showing in my eyes. He smiled, and it was obvious he was fighting to hold it back since he walked into the house. I looked over at Valary, and was surprised to see the same smile on her face.

“The hospital called,” Val informed us. “Owen gets to come home tomorrow. They weighed him and he’s at seven pounds and twelve ounces. He’s breathing on his own, better than they thought he would, and he’s thriving.”

“H-He’s being released tomorrow?” Brian asked, his eyes going wide and a smile tugging at his lips. I couldn’t stop myself, I threw my arms around Val, tears trailing down from my eyes.

“Things are looking up,” Jeff said, rubbing his hand on my back. I turned to look at him and nodded, throwing my arms around him for the hell of it.

“I need to tell Matt,” I said, standing up and rushing into the kitchen, grabbing the phone and dialing his number.

“Hello?” a woman’s voice answered.

“Hi, is Matt there?” I asked, confused.

“Uh, no, this is wife talking,” the woman said. “I would appreciate it if you didn’t call back here again. He doesn‘t need some bimbo ruining his life, he already has a bastard by one slut.” There was a click before the dial tone hummed in my ear.

“Get a hold of him?” Leana asked.

“Hell fucking no that is not going down,” I muttered, dialing Matt’s parents house.

“Mrs. Korklan, it’s Madison Haner, is Matt there by any chance?” I asked his mother, looking at Leana.

“Hey Mads, what’s up?” Matt’s voice asked a minute later.

“Who the fuck answered your cell phone?” I asked in reply.

“Shit, I left it at the house, it might have been Brittany, the house cleaner.”

“Some fucking house cleaner,” I muttered. “She told me not to call again, saying you didn’t need a bimbo ruining your life, and that you already have a bastard by a slut.”

“She didn’t say that,” Matt passed it off.

“Excuse me, I know what I heard.” I was near yelling, and Leana knew I was about to lose control.

“Brian,” she called into the living room.

“I called to tell you your ‘bastard’ is getting out of the hospital tomorrow.” I told him stiffly.

“She really did say that shit?” He sounded pissed off now, and for good reason.

“Yes Matt, she did.” I looked up at Brian, who was watching me with confusion in his eyes. Leana explained what she knew, and the confusion was replaced with pure fury.

“I’ll go talk to her, see what happened.” Matt said. “Thank you for letting me know though, I would be there, but I have things to take care of here.”

“Yeah, like getting that bitch to Antarctica before I murder her,” I muttered. I heard him hide a laugh, and couldn’t help but to smile a little as well.

“Just let me take care of it,” he said. “See you soon.”

“Bye,” I said, hanging up the phone.

“So, my nephew is a bastard now, that bitch better never get near me,” Brian muttered.

“You?” I asked, looking at him amused. “She called me a slut to my face, even if she didn’t realize it. That bitch is gonna die!”

“Madison, calm down, that’s probably her way of protecting him from stalker fan girls.” Jeff said as he walked into the room.

“No, I just talked to him and he seemed surprised she said that, to anyone.” I replied. “Gah, that woman had just better stay away from me.”

“She’s in Missouri, you’re in California, I don’t think she’s going to be barging on your doorstep anytime soon,” Matt pointed out. I nodded, realizing he was right.

~POV: Matt K~
“What the hell are you thinking?” I snapped as I rushed into my home. Brittany was there alright, with a suitcase and mascara streaking her cheeks.

“What am I thinking, a woman just fucking called here asking for you. You’re with me Matt, not anyone else!”

“Yeah, but that was my fucking ex girlfriend that called, to let me know that our son is getting released from the hospital tomorrow. Are you seriously that vain that you’ll be a bitch to someone you don’t even know, or are you that inse-fucking-cure. Oh, and I would just love it if you would refrain from calling the mother of my child a slut. You have no fucking clue who she is or what she does, so keep remarks like that to yourself. Actually, no, tell the world what an asshole I am, because you’re out of here Brittany.”

“What?” she whispered, her eyes going wide with confusion.

“Get out!” I shouted at her. “Get your shit and get out. If you can’t be considerate enough make sure the woman calling is calling for something important, than just get the hell out.”

“Matt,” Brittany started, but I refused to listen to her lies. She grabbed her suitcase and stormed out of the house, slamming the door on the way out.

“I’m sorry Maddy,” I muttered to myself. “You don’t deserve this, any of it. The heartache, the pain. You shouldn’t be going through it.”

“Neither should you,” a voice behind me said. I knew it was Orton, he would be the only one who would visit right now, since he’s been out of action, he doesn’t really know what was going on, or so I thought.

“Cena kept me up,” Randy answered my unasked question. “You and Maddy just had a baby two months early, you broke up and then got back together, yeah I was kept up to date.”

“And you don’t think I deserve to suffer? Look at all the shit I put Madison through!” I turned sharply as I thought of the past three months. How happy I was with Madison, how terrible I felt when I wasn’t with her. Seeing our son, so small, and watching him fight for his precious life.

“Nothing you’ve done in the past matters anymore Korklan,” Randy said, looking at the brand new picture on the mantle. It was Owen in the hospital, the first time Maddy was able to hold him. She was so happy when she felt his small body in her arms, but it was sad because she knew she wouldn’t have that all the time.

“It should,” I muttered, tearing my gaze from the picture and resting my head against the wall.

“Matt look at me,” Randy said gently. Since I was taken aback, I looked up at him. “It doesn’t matter anymore,” he said slowly. “All that matters now is that your son is getting stronger.”

“What if it was Alana, Randy?” I asked. “Would you forgive yourself so easily if it was you with Sam and Alana?”

“It’s not that way though, so I can’t answer that.” Randy said, his hands going to his hips. “Listen to me Matthew, because I’m not a fucking broken record, I’m not going to keep standing here repeating myself to your stubborn ass. Nothing matters anymore but that little boy. Owen is all that matters anymore, to you, to Maddy, and to his adoptive parents.”

The more I heard it, the more I started to believe it. Randy was right, all that mattered now was my son. My business, wrestling, all of it took the back burner to both Madison and Owen, and I didn’t realize it until just then.
♠ ♠ ♠
update, and a little extra for my girl ShadowsFiction. A little Orton action. ;)
thanks for comments, more will be coming soon. :D