Crossroads of Life

Chapter 3

I stared at my brother as the information went through my head.

“Brian, can I have a word with you?” I asked my brother. Michelle stood up to let us out and I lead Brian to a corner of the bar.

“How long ago did this happen?” I asked him.

“A few months ago,” he answered, not looking at me. I smacked his shoulder, telling him I didn’t believe him. “Fine, it was about 5 months ago.”

“When the hell were you going to tell me?” I asked, throwing my hands in the air.

“I didn’t have a chance Maddy, we haven’t talked to each other in almost a fucking year!”

“And you don’t have my phone number?”

“It’s been a hell of a year if you haven’t noticed already Madison.” Brian snapped.

“I know, Jimmy passed away, I get that. Don’t forget Brian he was a friend of mine too! Do you think I liked missing his funeral, that the last time I saw him, I ended up yelling at him?”

“You yelled at him, for what?” Brian asked, confused.

“I felt he was being overprotective, so I told him to stop. He said no, and I yelled at him. 4 months later I read online that he died, and it was confirmed by you guys, on your website.”

“I didn’t want to call because that’s not something you can say over the phone, like announcing an engagement as well.”

“You know what, you’re a grown man, do what you want.” I said, turning around and walking back to the table. “Just don’t expect me to be walking down the aisle, I’ll sit out thank you.”

“Why are you being such a brat?” Brian asked me, stopping me with a hand on my arm.

“I’m not being a brat Brian, you know damn good and well Michelle hates me, and I’m not
to fond of her.”

“What is your problem with her?” Brian asked, his gripping tightening on my arm.

“My problem with her? She’s the one who tried to kill me three years ago!” I screamed. People started looking around at us. I noticed Zack and the others was staring at us as well.

“She did not try to kill you, it was an accident!” Brian shouted back. “Now stop this, your making a scene.”

“You know what Brian, fuck you!” I shouted at him, turning and storming out of the bar as fast as my heels would let me. I started walking down the street, not caring I had 3 miles to walk in 4 inch heels. I needed to get away from my brother before I killed him.

“Madison!” Leana’s voice called from behind me. I stopped and turned to face her.

“I’m not going back in there Lee, I’m sorry this is how you see me after a year and after Jimmy, but I’m not going back there.”

“I’m not asking you too,” she said, grabbing my hand. “I drove myself, I’ll give you a ride home. I would offer you to stay at my house, but I haven’t been able to face it, not since…” she cleared her throat as tears clogged her eyes.

“I’m sorry, Leana,” I said, hugging her. She waved it off with a flick of her hand.

“I’m fine, it’s just going to take me a while,” she replied. “You know what, I’m pretty sure if you would join me, I could probably deal with the house.”

“No, I don’t want to put you through anything you don’t need to go through,” I said gently, grabbing her hands.

“Maddy, I can’t be scared of a house my entire life.” Leana said, looking in my eyes. I stood there watching her, and nodded.

“Okay,” I said. “I’ll just have to go get some of my things from my parents’ house.” She nodded and we walked to her car. I waited while she went inside to inform people she was leaving, then we were off to my parents’ house.

“You’re home early,” Dad said as I walked in.

“Brian was being an ass again so I’m going to go stay with Leana.” I informed him, running up the stairs. I grabbed clothes and shoes and threw them in a suitcase. After going back downstairs, I hugged my father and Leana and I went back outside. I decided to drive my car so I wouldn’t have to borrow hers. We get to the house, and right away I freeze.

The last time I saw Jimmy was in this house, and it was the night we had the argument. I took a deep breath though, knowing I had to be strong for Leana. She’s the one who is truly suffering by coming here.

“You okay?” I asked her as we walked up the walkway.

“I’m doing fine, it’ll be inside that’ll get to me the most,” she said, grabbing my hand. She used the other one to open the door, and it was more than apparent she hadn’t been here in a long time. There was dust on the tables and hard wood floors. Everything looked at if it hadn’t been touched. Right away I saw a picture of Leana and Jimmy, and I stared at him.

“Have you been told the tox reports came back?” Leana asked, looking at the same picture.

“I haven’t been told anything.” I admitted to her.

“A-accidental overdose,” she muttered. “Mixed with alcohol and an enlarged heart.”

“I always knew he had a heart bigger than everyone in the world,” I muttered. “I just never thought it was literal.”

“Me too,” Leana admitted. We walked further into the house, and I set my stuff in the living room.

“I know I won’t be able to deal with the bedroom Maddy,” Leana said, looking over at me.

“I don’t blame you to be honest.” I said, sitting on the couch. She sat beside me, drawing her legs up to her chest.

“So, want to watch a movie?” she asked, looking over at me.

“As long as we don’t cuddle,” I said, trying to lighten the mood. She smiled and shook her head.

“You’re so goofy, I just wonder why Brian is always so mean to you.”

“Because I’m the youngest,” I shrugged. “It’s his job as the oldest to make my life miserable.”

“He takes it too far though,” she put a movie into the DVD player. “Not believing you about Michelle trying to kill you three years ago, among other things.”

“It doesn’t matter to me Lee,” I informed her. “I grew up with it, so it doesn’t matter to me anymore. I’m back here for a week, I can help you get the house back together if we can survive the night that is.”

“I’d love the help, and if I’m being honest, I’d prefer it being you rather than anyone else. Jimmy loved you like you were his sister, and I feel the same way.”

“Jimmy was one of my best friends, it just sucks how Brian tried to turn you guys against me at first.”

“That’s Brian,” Leana replied with a shrug. “He’s an asshole, but we still love him.”

“I have no choice,” I muttered, smiling as the movie came on.

“We can pick our noses, but we can’t pick our family,” Leana agreed.

“Oh, very insightful Lee,” I said, looking at her with a scrunched up nose. We laughed as we turned back to watch the movie. It was late by the time the movie finished. Leana had ended up falling asleep, so I wrapped her in the blanket on the back of the couch. After turning everything off, I was about to sleep on the chair when a knock sounded at her front door. I knew only a few people would guess we were here, so I went to look out the peephole. Seeing it was Matt and Val, I opened the door, telling them that Leana was asleep.

“How’s she doing?” Val asked, looking at our friend.

“She seems to be holding up,” I answered.

“What the hell was that about with Brian earlier?” Matt asked, his arms crossed over his chest.

“Same old bull,” I answered. “You would think a year without me being around here would change him, but no, he still thinks Michelle is this perfect angel and I’m just trying to break them up, no offence Val,” I added quickly, remembering Michelle was Val’s sister.

“I know exactly what she did to you,” Val said. “Don’t worry about Brian, once he realizes how wrong he is, he’ll be begging for forgiveness from you.”

“I’m not to sure I want it.” I replied. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I looked around. “Can I tell you something without you telling anyone else?” I asked them quietly. They both nodded, so I led them into the guest bedroom. Matt and Val sat on the bed while I stood in front of them.

“Have you ever felt like there’s something missing from your life? Like you’ve had the perfect life, but there was still something missing.” When Matt and Val shook their heads, I sighed. “Never mind then, you wouldn’t understand then.”

“Hey, maybe if you explained better, we might be able to,” Val said gently.

“I can’t, because I don’t know how,” I admitted. “It’s like, I love my family, but I feel, off with them. Like I have a stronger bond with someone else somewhere, and I just don’t know it.” They continued to look confused. “See, you don’t understand,” I muttered.

“What made you start feeling like this?” Matt asked, reaching for my hand and sitting me in between him and Valary.

“Since I started at the WWE. I met one of the wrestlers there, Michael Hickenbottom, he’s known as Shawn Michaels. There’s something about him that draws me to him, it’s like I’ve known him my whole life, but I’ve only talked to him a few times.”

“Have you talked to your parents about this?” Val asked, rubbing my hand. I shook my head, wiping at my nose with the back of my hand.

“Maybe you should, it won’t hurt nothing right?” Matt said. I shrugged, knowing he was right.

“I’ll do it tomorrow, but for right now, I’m tired and I want to go to bed,” I said, standing up.

“Okay, if Brian asks, we’ll tell him you stayed with us,” Matt said, hugging me.

“Congratulations on the wedding by the way, sorry I missed it.”

“We’ll show you the video and pictures, but we know you was going through a lot, so we understood.”

“I missed Jimmy’s funeral, Brian getting engaged, what else did I miss?”

“Nothing to big,” Matt shrugged.

“Really, you didn’t miss anything, not unless you missed Bella eating brownies..”

“I must of,” I replied. “Is he okay?”

“He’s fine, he just got special brownies we made.” Val answered, scratching the back of her head.

“We had to take him to the vet because he stared at the ocean for six hours straight.”

“Oh, poor puppy!” I cried, bringing my hand to my chest.

“You have to come see him sometime, he misses you.” Matt said.

“I will, I promise.” I answered, hugging him and Val. They left so I locked the front door as Leana woke up.

“Leaving?” she asked, rubbing her eyes.

“No, Matt and Val was just here,” I explained to her, turning around to look at her.

“Hey Maddy, I really hate to ask this, but I don’t know who else to ask. I really don’t want to give up this house, but I don’t want to stay here alone either….” her voice trailed off as she started picking at her fingernails. She took in a deep breath and looked at me with sad eyes. “I was wondering if you wanted to move in with me.”
♠ ♠ ♠
okay so, I check this, there's like, nothing, I wake up, and there's like 15 subscribers, and I don't remember how many readers I had, but an over night sky rocket! YAY! lol
so, starting the 28th, I'll be working, and I'll be a college student, so updates won't be too often, but I'll keep up with my stories as much as I can. :D
so thank you for reading and subscribing and commenting
more will be coming as soon as I get it.