Crossroads of Life

Chapter 7

“You broke up with Michelle? Why?” I asked, shocked.

“Believe it or not, I’m actually trying to get closer with you, and when I sat and thought about how much you hated her, I couldn’t go through with it.”

“Did you tell her you broke up because of me?” I asked, letting my head fall into my hands.

“Yeah I did,” he answered. The answer made me tense even more.

“Brian, she called me, right after you. She left a message, saying she was going to kill me if I come around Orange County again.”

“Madison, you’re convinced she tried to kill you aren’t you?” Brian asked.

“Because she did Brian. She said she would of succeeded if you hadn’t called her that day.”

“Maddy, I-I believe you,” he said, a sigh in his voice.

“Y-you do?”

“If you would of seen the way she reacted when I broke up with her, you would know what changed my mind. Automatically she thought it was because of you, she didn’t give me a chance to explain at all.”

“And that gave you enough proof that she tried to kill me?” I asked, apprehension in my voice.

It was the look in her eyes that made me realize it Mad. She just got this psychotic look, it actually scared me. I talked to Dad, he said you was planning on moving to Missouri.”

“I am, once I find a place,” I admitted.

“Can’t you stay, at least for a little longer?”

“Bri, it’s not just for me that I’m doing this, Leana’s moving with me. We’re going to get an apartment together, she needs to get away from there.”

“No arguments on that, but Missouri? Why not Nevada or Washington? Or a new city even like Los Angeles or San Diego?”

“Brian, you’re not changing my mind,” I said, rubbing my forehead. “There’s another reason why Missouri.”


“I’m finally taking a chance on something. I’m finally taking a chance on my future and my happiness.”

“You took a chance when you went to OVW,” Brian pointed out.

“True, but that was for a career, I could of easily done something else, this is bigger than my career. This could change my life in more ways than one.”

“Does this have to do with a guy? If it does Madison, I want you to be careful.”

“I know what I’m doing Brian. I have to go, it’s 3 in the morning and I have to get up at 7.”

“Get some sleep sis, I love you.” he replied.

“I love you too you big lug,” I replied. I hung up my phone and went back to bed. Even though my life was threatened again, I went to sleep even more peacefully than before.

The next morning I woke up to someone banging on my door. With a groan, I dragged my head up and stumbled to the door, throwing it open to reveal Matt.

“Korklan, you’re dead,” I muttered, going to my bag and grabbing my outfit for the day.

“You stood me up last night,” he accused with a pout.

“Did not, I got in late,” I replied, staring at the clothes in my hand. We were going from the hotel to the tour bus, so I just decided to stay in my pajamas and get more sleep on the bus.

“You’re my self-appointed body guard,” I told Matt, pointing at him. “I’m sleeping on the bus, and you’re going to make sure people don’t mess with me.”

“Is that so?” Matt asked with a smirk.

“Yep,” I said with a nod.

“Okay, fine, you win.” he said. With Matt’s help, I got my bags out of the hotel and into the bus that was waiting for us. Since Matt and I were both faces, we were riding in the same bus. I took the seat next to him as Mike and Paul walked onto the bus.

“Hey, heard you agreed to join DX later, good call,” Paul said when he saw me. He sat in the seat in front of me as Matt turned to face me.

“You’re going to be in DX?” he asked, shocked.

“If the creative team and McMahon will allow it,” I replied with a shrug. He nodded and grabbed out his iPod, putting one of the ear buds in his ear.

“Wanna listen?” he asked, holding the other one out. I smiled and nodded, leaning closer to him so the ear bud could reach.

“Hang on, this thing is in the way,” I muttered, lifting the arm that was separating us. I ended up with my head nearly on his chest, his arm slung around my shoulder. He looked through his play list as I looked around the bus. Dalip Singh was in the very back, taking up a whole row of seats for himself because of how tall he was. Santino was in the very front, as usual, and was doing something that he probably shouldn’t of been doing.

I sighed as I thought about the conversation I had with my brother the night before. I was glad that Michelle was gone, but I hated that Brian’s relationship ended because of me. All I wanted for my siblings was happiness, and Brian was happy with Michelle, but I knew it wouldn’t of latest too much longer.

“Are you okay?” Matt asked me as something began playing through the earphones. I nodded, staring out the window at the passing scenery. “So, how did things go last night?”

“Matt, no offense, but I’m really not in the mood right now,” I admitted to him. He nodded and pulled out a book. I sighed harder now, knowing I just pissed upset my best friend and that I would have to apologize later. The ride was long and silent, well, silent for Matt and me that is. Paul and Mike, on the other hand, went through their usual DX jokes. While I was falling asleep, they ended up setting off party poppers, causing me jump almost through the roof of the bus. Matt chuckled as he told me what was going on, and I laughed afterward and when my heart rate went back to normal.

“They’re so dead,” I muttered as I tried going back to sleep. Matt laughed again as I watched him pull a blanket from beneath his seat. He tugging on my arm gently and had me lay my side against his, my head on his chest again. The dull sound of his heart beat was enough to send me into a peaceful sleep.

We arrived in our next town for a house show. It was going to be Matt against Ron with me being Matt’s manager, so I dressed in a short black skirt, a red tank top and black stiletto heeled boots.

“Super hot girl,” Nikki Garcia, one of the infamous Bella Twins, commented as she walked into my locker room.

“Thanks Nik,” I replied, brushing out my hair.

“So, I saw you with Matt on the bus, is there something going on between the two of you?”

“Why does everyone ask that?” I muttered. “No, there’s nothing going on. We’re two really good friends, and that’s all there is to it.”

“I heard he’s looking for a place for you in Missouri,” Nikki pointed out. I rolled my eyes at the backstage gossip. That was the one thing I hated the most, the gossip that went on about other people. You couldn’t so much as look at someone without something being brought up about it.

“Yes, he is, but because I’m moving out of my parents house.” I informed her. She nodded, though she didn’t look entirely convinced. “Is this all you came in here for was to get something juicy about Matt and me, because you’re barking up the wrong tree Garcia.”

Nikki didn’t even reply. She just turned on her heel and stormed out of the room as Matt passed her.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of the Garcia twins so pissed, good job.” he said as he shut the door. “You look amazing,” he said, looking at my outfit. “Ready to go?”

“One minute,” I replied as someone banged on the door.

“Haner, 30 seconds,” a voice called.

“Or I’m ready now,” I replied, grabbing the Women’s Title and following Matt out the door.
The match was quick, with Ron gaining the victory. After a round of autograph signing for the new fans that stayed behind, I went back to my locker room to change.

“Stay in that, let’s go out, have a few drinks.” Matt said from behind me.

“I don’t know,” I said slowly.

“A few, I promise I won’t let anything happen,” he replied. Finally I agreed, but with the conditions that we take a cab to the hotel room. It was going to be a long drive to the next event, so they were going to let us get more rest before we headed out. Matt agreed to the cab, so we went out for a while.

“Matt, I want to thank you,” I said after a couple drinks. I wasn’t much of a drinker, so I was pretty tipsy by now. “You’re helping me so much and you don’t even know it.”

“You’re very welcome Madison.” he replied with a smile. I let my thoughts override me, and tears slipped from my eyes as I thought about when I would have to return to California.

“I don’t want to go home,” I muttered, taking a sip of the drink in my hand.

“Why not?”

“Remember how I told you about my brother, he was getting married to this bitch who tried to kill me?”

“How could I forget?” he mumbled. “What about him?”

“H-he broke up with her,” I replied. “She wants to kill me more than ever now because of it, and she wants to hurt my family. I don’t know what to do Matt, I need to go home, but I don’t want to, I’m too scared.” I admitted to him. We sat in silence for a long time before Matt sighed.

“If you want,” he said slowly. “I could come with you.”

“Huh?” I asked, confused.

“I could go to Huntington Beach with you when you go back, so I know you’ll be okay.”
♠ ♠ ♠
nothing to really talk about right now
happy fathers day to all fathers, real life and fictional. :D
thank you for the comment AngelWith BrokenWings, hopefully we can get someone else to join?
More story will be coming as soon as I get to it.