Status: Active

We're Twins. She's Quiet. I'm Wild. She's in Love With a Werewolf. I'm in Love With a Vamp. How Ironic.

Red roses, and sweaty guys

The warmth from the rare sunshine was making me glad that I was a hybrid. It also made me feel bad about making Edward do this on a sunny day." So Edward, I've heard that you need help blocking other peoples thoughts from your head. Is that right?" "That is exactly right."

The small grin on my face got a little bigger once he told me that. We slowly made our way in to the garden behind the house that Esme made. I gently sat on top of the grass in the middle of the maze like garden. Edward slowly sat down in front of me in a meditating pose.

"OK, now Edward i want you to slowly close your eyes and take a deep breathe in slowly breathe out." His pale white eye lids slowly slid close as he filled his lungs with unneeded air. "Now I want you to clear your mind of everything. It should be blank with no distractions. Now I want you to picture a wall. An on going wall that stretches for eternity."

I slowly closes my eyes and gently dips in to his mind. We both appear at the blocking wall. I jump up and wipe the dust off of my clothes watching it puff up from my shirt in clouds of brown air. I looked down to see Edward blankly staring up at the pitch black ceiling of his mind.

"Edward you might wanna get up so you can learn how to block." His blank eyes rolled to look at me and he slowly got to his feet. We both made our way to the wall when i saw a little girl around the age of seven. She looked very familiar to me but I couldn't remember where till Edward spoke up. "She looks like you, if you were younger."

It suddenly hits me like a train. I built this wall with my mind when I was seven a long time ago. I slowly walk to her and tap her on the shoulder. She looks up me and smiles her missing tooth smile."I've bin waiting for you Yunika. I thought you would never come." "well I'm here little one so what do you need?" Her big brown eyes reflect a little sadness and her bottom lip starts to shake. "I wanna go home."

Small tears began to run down her face. " Well where is your home?" She points to my forehead and gently rubs her eyes. "Oh well I'm pretty sure my mind would love to have you back as well." She slowly started to dissolve in to my forehead. when it was finished I had the worst headache ever. I rubbed my forehead and slowly made my over to Edward was at.

"OK Edward this is the part of the blocking that is hard. I need you to jump over the wall and get two red rose and two black roses." "You sure about this Yunika? Cause I can live with the constant voices in my head." "I'm totally sure now GO!" I watched him run off and waited patiently for him to come back. After five minutes he reappeared covered in sweat and grass.

I tried not to laugh but it was too much for me and i ended up rolling around in the dust. After i got myself together, i stood up and the dust off me. "OK now all you have to do is open your eyes. Got it?" He shook his head yes and we were both back in the real world. "So can you hear my thoughts?" "No not at all. That is amazing."

I smiled brightly at my success but it was soon replaced with the hysteric laughter as i toke in his appearance. He looked the same as he did in his mind. His hair was even starting to curly from the sweat. "Maybe you take those roses to your wife you sweaty man." I busted out in laughter once more. He glared and got up and started to tickle me. "NO! NO NO NO NO! PLEASE STOP EDWARD!!......HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....." he got off and i made a mad dash to the house. Looks like life is getting a whole lot better.
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SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry for not updating sooner. I usually have pre-writing chapters but my laptop crashed ans all my work was erased. So now i gotta do free hand writing. It sucks bad.
Love, Peace, and Tacos-Uouo