Status: Active

We're Twins. She's Quiet. I'm Wild. She's in Love With a Werewolf. I'm in Love With a Vamp. How Ironic.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Yunika’s Point Of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
When we got in to the limo, I couldn’t help but reach for the champagne and vodka. Everyone had a drink in there hand. Edward sipping on blood + vodka, Bella chugging her champagne with a touch of blood, Rosalie + Lucas were drinking margaritas, straight, Emmett straight vodka shots, and Me I like my vodka with a little flavor, Cherry flavored vodka. I couldn’t help that my mind wandered. I was thinking about family, my friends, my future, my career, and my relationships. I looked back, and saw I dated and fucked many assholes. Edward almost sprayed his blood vodka on Rosa. He spit it back in to his glass. ”Sorry, Ed. I have the attention span of a goldfish please forgive me?” “Sure, just don’t remember having sex with 4 guys at once around me.”

I could feel stares on my face. “What? I was high off crystal, meth and MJ. I also had too many drinks.” I chuckled at myself. I looked out the window again, but this time nobody talked. Therefore, I scanned though everyone’s mind. Bella- My new bf is a crack hoe. ”Hey!! I’m not crack hoe!!” Everyone looked at me weird.”How did know?” Bella asked. “I read your mind. A duh. Control the elements, and copy powers.” I said.

“So, I’m not the only one then?” Edward asked clearly cheerful. “Yup. I heard you have trouble blocking people out. I could teach you if you went.” I toke a huge gulp. The nice warm, fiery feeling went down my throat. I read everyone else’s mind. Rosalie- Damn, I have to be careful. This girl is smart, cute and part human. I could lose Lucas. Lucas- I hope Rosa does not think I would leave her. She is my only one. Edward- I am not the only one. Emmett- Why? She’s your sister‘s new bf. I cannot fall for her. I just cannot. I’m a retard.

Alice- I hope I can get her to wear bright clothes. Jasper- I wonder if she knows how to fight. “Hell, yeah. I know how to. When live in New York and you don’t know how to fight, you better off dead.” I said. “Well, we should have a little showdown after we get back.” “Sure, that’s going to be fun.” I rode the rest of the time in silence. When we got there I, was about to run in to Hot Topic, but Alice pulled me into Hollister. “NO!!!! Help me!! What the buck?! Why won’t you help me?” I screamed as Alice dressed me in a pink mini dress.

I stepped out almost in tears. I looked in the mirror to see my hair a mess. “Alice looks at what you did. My hair’s a mess. It toke my almost 1 hour.” I groaned and sat on the floor. ”Oh, well. Next outfit.” I tried on at least 15 outfits before we left. To make Alice happy I got a dark blue mini dress, two tank tops, three shirts and five pairs of skinny-skinny jeans. Then, we went to Hot Topic. I ran into the store and straight to the accessories. I scanned though it and found this pack of gorgeous gel bracelets. ”Oh my fucking god!! These are so pimp!!”

I got those, six different jeans, five different leggings, two packs of gel bracelets and seven shirts. “All right now to Victoria’s Secret!!” I declared. Rosa, Alice, and I skipped to the store. We all got lace in our sizes. All people were waiting outside of the dressing room. Bella come out in a two-piece set. Edward’s eyes were about to pop out of his head. Rosa had a see though robe with a two-piece set, and got a wolf whistle from Lucas. Alice came out in a pixie costume and Jasper almost tackled her.

I laughed at that. I come out in a push up bra and pantie set. Emmett looked like he was about to have a heart attack. I grabbed my camera and snapped a picture. “What are you going?” Emmett asked this time with some concern. “Taking picture for Myspace.” I said. I snapped one of everyone. I want back to try on something else.

Emmett came in after me. “What do you want?” “This.” Then he kissed me. I was lost but, I kissed back. ”Wait, how do you know I’m in to you?” I asked. “By the way you look at me.” “Oh and how is that?” He laughed.

I felt a fuzzy feeling inside. Then he kissed me again, and this time I didn’t stop him. “Hey Nene, were going to American eagle. You are coming?” “No, I still haven’t found what I’m looking for. Emmett’s going to stay and help me.” I said as smooth as I can. “OK, so you when you finish.” “K.” I gasped as Emmett nibble, licked, and sucked on my soft spot. I moaned softy. “Emmett, we can’t do this in a dressing room. We might break it.”

I smiled. My legs were warped around his waist. He laughed quietly. “Your right. Besides you look like screamer.” I punched him in the arm. ”Ow. That really hurt.” “I know.” I smirked. I felt something poke me. I giggled.

“What?” “I think someone is excited.” I said. He looked embarrassed. “It’s OK. Now I need to get dressed.” “Can I help?” He asked eagerly. “Umm… No. Now get out.” I was dressed and stepped out. He was at the counter paying for something.

I walked up to him. “This must be lucky young lady.” “What are you talking about?” “Your boyfriend just bought something nice for you.” “Oh, he’s not my boyfriend. He’s my best friend’s brother, who is very sexy.” I saw from the corner of my eye Emmett’s smile. ”Well, your best friend’s brother must know you well.” “Yeah, he does. Some people mistake us to be Boyfriend and girlfriend.” We walked out the store with me leaning on his arm. “So, you’re not my girlfriend?”

“Why does everyone think just because they kiss their together.” I said. I felt him get rigid. “Look it’s not that I don’t want to be with you it’s just, the last guy I was with cheated on me 30 times in one month. So, yeah I just have some relationship problems.” We continued to walk in silence. Soon, we stumbled in to American eagle. I saw Alice’s short spiky hair in the distance. I quickly walked to dresses and looked though. I picked a couple of pants and shirts. I knew that Emmett was right behind me looking at my ass.

I slipped past Alice and into the dressing room. I came out in a pair of short-shorts and a low cut shirt. Emmett wolf whistled and I giggled. ”Wow, nene you look cute.” “No I look sexy.” I declared. “What is sexy?” “It’s a cross between smart and sexy.” I glanced at him to see him staring at my face. ”What? Do I have something on my face?” I asked.

“No. I was just looking.” I laughed my ass off. “That is the lamest excuse I’ve ever heard of.” I turned back around and tried on a pair of acid washed jeans and a white tank top with ivory lace on it. I checked the mirror. I looked good but, I didn’t like it. Next, I tried on a dark blue mini skirt and a black top with black lace on the top. My boobs were, like, popping put my shirt. “Wow!! Babe. If you don’t buy that outfit then I’m buying it for you.” “I like. So I’m buying it.”

I smirked and tuned around. Next, I tried on a black ruffled skirt, white cami, and pink polo shirt. I gasped. “I love it!! However, I look like my sister. If I do this. “I changed my skin to a tan color, milky brown eyes. “Wow, babe. I didn’t even notice you. You look like your sister, but hotter.” I giggled.” Thanks, babe. Now to go buy this stuff.” I walked back to the dressing room and changed back in to my regular clothes. I want and bought my new clothes and walked to where I saw Alice and everyone else.

Alice was still deciding between two outfits. Edward looked like he could kill himself. He shot a pointed look to me. Bella looked bored as hell. Jasper looked confused. Rosalie was ’trying’ to help. Lucas was looking off in space. “Hey!! Ya’ll ready?” I bent down a little and tilted my head side ways. “Yeah, we are. Let me go buy this stuff.” “Alright then.”

I skipped off to go get me a cinnamon & sugar pretzel and lemonade. I was sitting on bench sipping my lemonade when Emmett came and sat down next to me. “Hey smexy. What up?” “Alice is about to go bounty hunter on you if you don’t get to the food court.” “OH!! Shit!! I almost forgot. Thanks babe.” I kissed him on the lips and called behind my shoulder. ”Come on, babe.” I dodged some people that we’re in my way. I ran over to their table. Alice and Rosa in a deep conversation.

Edward and Bella were staring straight into each other’s eyes like that were talking to each other thought their minds. ”Awe. That’s so sweet. Gag me.” Everyone laughed a little. ”Sorry Alice. I was thinking of the future and sipping my lemonade. Where is my lemonade anyways?” “Here is your lemonade and pretzel.” Emmett came behind me and handed me my things. “Thanks teddy.” I lightly pecked his lips to be a tease. It probably worked to, because he growled lightly under his breathe. I chuckled. “Let’s go to my house.”
We all walked to the limo and rode to my house. This is so going to surprise Yulika.