Status: Active

We're Twins. She's Quiet. I'm Wild. She's in Love With a Werewolf. I'm in Love With a Vamp. How Ironic.

This is the truth, the history of the Porchia family

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Yunika‘s POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When Lele walked through it was like she was glowing. Then I noticed she was holding hands with a shape-shifter. I growled lightly under my breathe. Emmett lightly squeezed my waist. His head was sitting comfortably on my shoulder. His face was nuzzling in my neck. I just love the feeling. I was zoning in and out of the conversation. That’s was until everyone yelled at one time. “MASTER?!?!?!”

“No, just Carlisle.” “Oh, sorry. Good names die hard.” She giggled. God, gag me. I thought. Edward chuckled a little. Now, I know how your family gets annoyed by that. JESUS!! I thought. Edward glared at me. “Hey, I could still teach you how to block people if you want.” I smirked. “Fine, I give up. Will, you please teach me how to block people? Please make it fast. I don’t want t see guys having fantasies about you, Rosa, Alice, or my wife.” I laughed. “I kind of like it. Even though I know, they don’t have a chance. I just the feeling that they know I egest.” I shrugged my shoulders. Emmett growled in to my neck.

I laughed because that tickled. “I don’t like guys thinking about sleeping with me girlfriend except for me.” I pulled to the side a little to face him. “What makes you think that you could get this in bed?” I gestured to my self, put a hand under my chin, and waited for my answer. “What makes me think this is that you love me and you’ve got to give it up sooner or later?” I was a little shocked. I got up and sat across from him on the other couch. I think I had a mad face on cause Emmett came over and sat next to me. “Look, babe. I didn’t mean it like that.” Now, I was mad. “Oh, so what did it mean? Huh? Please enlighten me.” He just looked at me trying to make an reason for what he said. Now, I was a little pissed.”SEE!! You can’t even come up with a reason. I bet you, you only want me for my ass and tits. Right? I mean, that’s what all guys want. All guys want a nice fuck and leave. God, you’re no different then all those douchebags I dated in the past.” I stode up and walked to the window and just stared.

I knew I hurt all the people’s feelings. I hurt Emmett badly, but Carlisle, Edward, Jasper, and Lucas were a little hurt by my comments. Everyone else was shocked. “Um…ok. So about what happen with your mom and dad?” Carlisle asked. I walked slowly to the side of the couch. “So, where do you want us to start?” I asked.”Well, what happened when I left well, I wasn’t their when you left, but I remember when Edward and Bella came cause Edward wanted to commit suicide. I heard everything. Really Edward? You believed Rosa when she lied to you. So gullible.” I chuckled, and he glared at me. “Well, after he left Volutra Aro had to speak with my father since well my father was king.” “WAS?!?!?” Everyone but Carlisle exclaimed

“Jesus!! You people know nothing. Well, yeah he was. He was the first born of his family, so after he turned 21. Therefore, around his 23rd birthday Jane brought a fragile weak human back to the castle. I don’t know why she brought my mom back, but I think it was a miracle. They had a law saying and this is only for the human blood drinkers that all humans must be approved before being killed. Back then I though it was stupid but now I’m soooo glad. Therefore, Jane dragged my mom by her fucking hair. That bitch throws her down in front of my father and waited. Thing is everyone know he was a vegetarian except for Jane. So, after that Jane and her little bitchy self was like’Here is a human for you my highness.’ and bowed. It was a total gag moment. My father being the nicest dude semi-living. Just sat there. Then, he felt like he was going to tear her throat out. He was just like Edward. My mother is Bella. My father is a good man and he kept her safe from everything. He bought her all things she wished for but, one thing he should not buy was a child.

Therefore, after they got married, they went to the Netherlands for their honeymoon. That’s when things got a little werid.” I paused and let everyone soak up all the info.“After, they came back they were greeted by Aro, Casuis, Marcus, Jane, Alec, and Demitri. My mother adored Jane very much even after how she bragged her in like that. She always treated Alec and Jane like her own children. The bad thing she hugged Aro after and saw everything and I mean EVERYTHING. He saw the bruises, the dirty details, and the beautiful island that they will never get to visit. That night Aro knew that the future was going to be very werid and exciting. After a couple of weeks, my mother missed her period and blah, blah, blah.

Well, she didn’t know was pregnant until she fell down the stairs after waking up one day. She hit her head, leg, arm, and stomach. She was bleeding bad and fast. So, Aro knew she was pregnant so he called for Car…lilse.” I stopped. I looked to Carlisle and smiled like crazy. I knew that name sounded familiar.“So, then my mom was looked over and checked out, he gave her a pregnancy test in Aro’s request. The test came back positive. The very awkward and uncomfortable moment was not what you excepted it to be. My father actually wanted to keep us. My mother looked she was about to cry which she did. In addition, the weeks past by. She got bigg-” There was a loud crash and everyone looked to the kitchen. My worst nightmare was in the kitchen. My ex, Travis.