Sequel: In Over Our Heads
Status: completed

Need You Now

His tilted smile that made me melt every time it was directed at me, came over his perfect features. I sighed and lost all air that circulated my lungs.

“I’ve missed you.” He whispers, caressing my cheek, catching my fallen tear with his thumb. He moves in, his glittering blue eyes full of love. I lean into him and get lost. Lips almost touching, I…

Kirstead Fulton had a great life. Admired by all her peers, most popular girl in school, and has the utmost gorgeous boyfriend. That was until the shooting.

Sixteen injured. Eight in hospital. Five dead.

Danny Hanlon, Kirstead's Boyfriend, was one of the deaths. She felt no need to be on this earth any longer. She would dream about pills, they filled her head and made her high. That was until he came. All the gilrs loved him. After all, he was a rock star. After moving to his school she finds herself consumed in thoughts of him.

He is, after all, Alex Gaskarth.

He is loved by all, because of his fame. Then he meets Kirstead. A depressed girl who wants nothing to do with him. He isn't used to that and most definately doesn't like it. He decides to pursue her, wanting to show he can have whoever he wants. He finds himself falling for her. She pushes him away everytime he tries to get cose. He finds out her past, understands and wants to be there for her. But how will that happen if she keeps pushing him away?

Will he help her get over the past?

Will he save her from herself?

Will she push him away because of guilt?

Kirstead thought she would never love again. Will he change that?