Ohne Dich Kann Ich Nicht Sein

Chapter One

I stepped out from the airport terminal and shivered as the cool French air hit me. Pulling my jacket tighter around me and gripping my suitcase I hailed a Taxi.

"Où à?"

"Ummm...Var, S'il vous plaît"

This is insane....God damn insane. I shook my head and sighed heavily. My stomach was quivering from nerves and surely not for the first time in my life I thought about how much I truly dislike my mother.

I mean, sure, In hind sight this isn't a bad thing. I'm sure a million Teenagers would love to find out something like this...But when your mother shoves you on a plane to Frace all alone (And also my first time on a plane) to meet a person I don't even know, Its scary.....Did I mention by myself?? Did I also mention I have severe anxiety?? Yeah....This isn't exactly the highlight of my life.

Ironically, I've always wanted to go to Europe. I'd be really excited if I wasn't so nervous.

The cab jolted to a halt and the man helped me get my things out of the trunk. I stopped in front of the large brick building and my mouth fell a gap at its pure beauty. Inside was beautiful also, a very classy old fashioned theme.

Once I got up to my room and grabbed the phone to call my mother.


"Call him."

"What?? Lexis??"

"Yes Mom." I sighed "I'm here. call him."

"Why? You have his number."

"I'm not calling him! I can't!"

"It won't kill you." She scoffed

"Mom! Will you just do it? Please??"

"Fine! I'll call you back."

I dropped the phone back down into place and fell back onto the soft bed with a groan.

I need a drink.

There's a great thing about being in France, Legal drinking age of 18!

I considered grabbing a drink from the mini bar but decided against it. That shit is expensive. And even though I'm not paying for this, I couldn't do that.

Finally after a long, anxious wait, the phone rang.


"Hi...He said he'd come pick you up. I told him your hotel room number."

"Pick me up? Just...me and him...alone...in a car.." I gasped, my eyes widening

"Just until you get to the house."

"The house?? But...I'm staying at the hotel."

"Yes, Just for a few hours." She replied

"And...Everyone will be there?"

"Yes. Anyway, he'll be there in about 20 minutes. Bye."

I managed to choke out a good-bye as my nerves had hit a new level of fear. How much worse could this get??

"Oh god....Oh god...I look like crap!" I groaned as I looked at myself in the mirror. I began to riffle through my luggage for some fresh clothes and my make-up.

Okay...This isn't so bad...this isn't so bad...just calm down...Maybe this is a dream....Yeah a dream. Oh please let this be a dream!

My dream theory was proven wrong when I heard the knock on the door.

I could hear my heart beating in my ears so loud I was sure he could hear it even from the other side of the door.

I forced myself to take some deep breaths and placed my hand on the door handle.

Just do it.....Just DO IT!'

Before I even realized I was doing it the door was opening and there he was, standing in front of me. My father. Paul Landers.
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My first Rammstein story....Hope you like! :)