Ohne Dich Kann Ich Nicht Sein

Chapter Four

I am awoken by a sudden jolt, I hear someone saying my name.


I raise my head up slowly and see Paul standing before me looking confused. I rub my eyes and look around myself, only then realizing why Paul is standing above me. I am laying on my stomach on the bed, with Till at my side and his poetry spread about us. We must have fallen asleep during the hours that we spent reading and talking.

Till has just come awake and raises an eyebrow at Paul, then he notices me at his side.

"Oh shit...Paul....Nothing happened." He gasps groggily, jumping up from the bed.

"I didn't really think that....considering you are fully clothed." Paul chuckled "Just surprised."

I blush as I get up off the bed.

"Sorry, Till was showing me some of his poetry...we must have fallen asleep." I explain shyly.

"Till showed you his poetry?" I nod "He usually doesn't let anyone see it..."

I looked sideways at Till in surprise and he smiles softly at me and looks away. A small smile comes to my face to know that he let me read his usually private poetry.

I leave Till's room and walk downstairs to the kitchen for some breakfast with Paul.

"I was thinking that you could get your things from the hotel today." Paul said as he took a bite of toast.

I nod nervously.

"I don't mean to push you...."

"No no! That's a good idea!" I assure him with a smile.

A silence fell on us for a few moments.

"I guess I'll have to keep an eye on you and Till. Maybe we should put you in a different room." He says after a few moments.

I cough, choking on my cereal in surprise.

"I'm just kidding!!" Paul laughs, patting my hand and passing me a glass of orange juice.

After picking up my belongings from the hotel Paul helped me bring my things to my room.

"I suppose this is the first time you'll be seeing the room." He says as he pushes the door open.

"Oh god. I'm never going to live this down am I?" I cry, my face turning red with embarrassment.

"Probably not." He chuckles.

"I think I'll take a shower..."

"The bathroom's two doors up from you." He tells me with a smile as he leaves me to sort out my things.

I take a long relaxing shower, the past few weeks have been absolutely insane.

"Will you hurry up in there??" I hear someone yell from the other side of the door.

I grab a towel and wrap it around myself before opening the door and finding Till standing there. His cheeks flush red when he sees me.

"Oh god...I thought.....I thought you were one of the guys....I'm sorry." He stutters.

Never in my life had I been able to imagine Till Lindemann blushing and nervous.

"Its alright."

We stand awkwardly for a moment looking at each other until Till realizes that he is blocking my exit from the bathroom.

"Scheisse! I'm so sorry." He groans, banging his head against the wall as he steps out of my way.

I giggle softly as I walk by, this side of Till is rather adorable.

After I got all ready I returned downstairs to find Richard cooking lunch. The kitchen was filled with smoke and I coughed, waving my hand in front of my face.

"Jeeze....What happened Rich?" I ask

"This happens every time he tries to cook." I jump in surprise as I hear a voice behind me and turn to find Till sitting at the table eating a sandwich.

"Did I scare you?" He grins.

"No...You just....startled me." I reply with a laugh, taking a seat at the table across from him.

"Sorry about.....yelling at you this morning." He says quietly

''You yelled at her??" Richard calls from across the kitchen. Till sighs.

"I thought it was one of you!"


"Its totally fine Till." I smile "Innocent mistake. Besides, I imagine that 7 people to two bathrooms gets pretty frustrating."

"Well....That didn't go well." Richard sighs as he drops a plate of some unknown burnt food onto the table.

"Ummm.....What food is this even?" Till asks, raising an eyebrow and eying the food.

Richard gives him a look and rolls his eyes.

"Has Reesh been cooking?" Flake yells as he enters the room.

Richard sighs and bangs his head against the table.

"Awww Rich. Its okay." I giggle, rubbing his back.

"We were gonna go swimming this afternoon. There's a pond just down the road. Up for it Lexis?" Flake asks.

"Sounds great!!" I reply with a grin.