My Fairytale

Man Drama

"I swear to God that's not mine," Delinda said staring in horror at the Driver's License. That was her license, but she couldn't admit that. If she admitted that then she was going to lose her job. Then again, she might lose her job anyway. That would be a helluva way to end her shitty week.

Cale Oliver snorted. "I'm not an idiot Delinda. And there is no way in Hell I'm going to court because of you. Get out. Now. Maybe if you come back in five years I'll give you your job back. But if you come back before then, I'll call the cops on you for trespassing."

"You can't do this to me!" Delinda screamed her face twisting in rage. She didn't need this. First Preston, then that lying test, and now this. Cale waved at her over his shoulder before one of his bouncers slammed the door shut behind him. Delinda let off a stream of Preston's favorite swear words and kicked one of the cardboard boxes next to her.

Then, as if Fate had decided that it hadn't messed with her enough, it decided to give her one more little surprise. "Miss Winters? I'm Detective Waters."

"Class, I want to introduce Mr. Danny Hunter. Danny, why don't you go take the seat right in front of Mr. Horn. Mr. Horn?"

The guy that stood up took Delinda's breath away. He was probably a little over six feet tall with short brown hair and the most gorgeous set of eyes that she forgot about the fact that she was supposed to be a guy for a moment. She felt a blush color her cheeks and looked down quickly glad that they had let her keep something of her hair as the black strands hide half of her face.

Delinda hitched the black bag she had up higher over her shoulder and slumped into the chair in front of Horn, as if she wasn't short enough compared to most of the guys around her. "Hrmphgayfaggot!" The attempt at the cough and insult was pathetic, but it made it's point. Delinda refused to look up. There was no way in hell she was going to acknowledge that.

"That's enough," Professor Villefort said pushing his glasses up his nose. "Now, where were we....ah yes! President Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address-"

Delinda started to space out. History was one of her least favorite subjects. Instead she opened her notebook and started sketching. She was glad that no one had called her a girl yet. She wasn't sure she would be able to recover from how she knew she would react. Besides, she knew that she looked funny. Her already fairly small breasts were strapped down even further to her chest. Her black hair had been cut short from it's originally sexy form and into a boy's emo style. She would have preferred if it was longer all around, but instead they had shaved parts of it damn them to hell.

A tap on her shoulder had her turning slightly only to jump a little when she saw Horn's piercing blue eyes staring at her with obvious hate and reproach. "If you ever look at me that way again, I'll break your hand." Delinda's gray eyes widened in shock. She turned back slowly towards the front and slumped down in her chair.

She really didn't want to lose her hand, but she had a feeling that if she was around Horn for much longer, she just might.
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Alright, first chapter of my random story. So I'm obviously taking some stereotypes and playing with them. Hope you enjoy them because I'm still not entirely sure where I'm going with this.