My Fairytale

An Unholy Alliance

Michael told himself that he was getting calmer. He didn't believe it, but he told himself that he was. He had to think this all through. Someone had to. They were both in a really bad situation. In Danny's case, she was going to get expelled and, depending on the dean's mood, possibly publicly humiliated. He, on the other hand, would be seriously reprimanded. Among other things when he finally got home....

It didn't bear thinking about. They simply couldn't get caught.

"Alright, I'm going to let you go...just...don't hit me." He still vividly remembered just the day before when she had kneed him in a place that he had believed would never be touched in violence. Danny seemed to be considering a moment before she conceded. She nodded curtly and Michael let go of her wrists. His hands lingered over them for a moment before they moved to the side and he pushed himself to his feet.

Much to his satisfaction, Danny did not kick him.

Instead she pushed herself up and started straightening her pajamas. "Are you going to explain why you're here?" Michael demanded trying to ignore how much he was still attracted to Danny.

Danny shook her head. "I can't tell you. I'm not allowed." Michael snorted. The girl clearly didn't know who he was or who his father was. Then again, she was probably wasn't from high breeding. That would explain everything. She didn't belong at this school in more ways than one. So why in the hell was she even here?

"I think you should tell me. After all, I technically hold your fate at this school in my hand." Michael said watching her carefully.

Danny growled massaging her temples. "Look! I don't have time to deal with this. I have to get ready for afternoon classes. Maybe I'll explain it to you later."

Michael shook his head tsking. "That won't work Danny girl. I can handle the dean and the teachers. What you need to do is tell me what is going on. Once you get there...we can figure out everything else."

"You won't believe me anyway," Danny snapped on her final reserve obviously.

Michael smirked and gave a little snort. "Try me."

He stared her down until she finally gave in. "Alright...I'm in the Witness Protection Program."

Michael groaned. "You've gotta be shitting me."