My Fairytale

The Gods

Th-that can't be Preston. He was just kidding when he told me that," Delinda started at the detective across from her trying to grasp what she had just seen.

"Are you really going to keep lying? You've been lying to your friends. You've been lying to your boss. And now you're lying to yourself. Face the truth Delinda. Preston told you what he did and if you testify, we can put him away for good." Detective Mark Waters was leaning across the table. His eyes were continually trying to lock on Delinda's trying to urge her.

Delinda shook her head. "You don't know Preston like I do. He would never do something like that. and if he did, why would he tell me?"

Detective Waters shrugged. "Maybe he wanted to test you. Maybe he wanted to ease his conscious. Does it matter Delinda? The point is that he told you two true things. His name...and what he did."

"What about his age?" She cut in quickly. She was grasping at straws and apart of her knew that. "He told me that too. I told you. Preston's seventeen." Waters was already shaking his head before she had even gotten Preston's name out of her mouth.

"Preston White is twenty-three."


"Michael?" Barry Shepard was watching Michael Horn carefully.

Michael shook his head and took another bite of his green beans. "We'll see how Hunter works out. Right now, I don't want him near me."

Barry nodded and went back to eating. Despite being a year older and ahead of Michael, Barry had acted as the head of Michael's "security" for as long as Michael could remember. He trusted him completely. After all, Barry was the only one who knew about Michael's...leanings.

"Brigham's standards are going down." Oliver Pleay said shaking his head.."An emo and one of...them. Apparently breeding means less than money these days." Oliver was not only from Old Southern money, but his family had also come from European nobility. He was the perfect example of Brigham's usual students.

"Money is breeding," Michael said with a snort. "One would think you would know that by now Oliver."

Oliver rolled his eyes and stared at something behind Michael. A smirk tipping his lips. "Why appears that Hunter didn't take your warning seriously."

Michael controlled what he felt as he spun around and stared darkly into gray eyes. Danny Hunt was a pretty boy, an attractive boy. A fault that Michael couldn't bring himself to change. Unfortunately. He had made a promise and if he didn't keep it. Well then there was too much chance it was going to get around. He was going to have to break Hunter's hand.

The question was...which hand to break?