My Fairytale

Beautiful Pain

Being this close to Danny was hard. His lips looked soft and almost feminine. His eyes were gray and so wide. He couldn't allow himself to be distracted. Michael stalked forward watching the fear grow in Danny's eyes. A small pink tongue flitted across those feminine lips. They were very kissable lips. A smirk cocked Michael's lips. Danny pressed his back against the wall. "Give me a hand," Michael ordered. Danny hesitated for a moment before both of his tiny hands flattened against the wall.

Michael sighed.

"Alright then, we can do this the hard way," he conceded with a shrug. Michael's hand snaked out and roughly grabbed Danny's right wrist.

"Let me go!" Danny's voice had raised some and fear had clearly slipped into the younger boy's voice.

Michael chuckled softly shaking his head. "You really need to be quiet." Then he did something that shocked them both. Michael swooped down and locked lips with Danny. Hunter's lips were softer than he had imagined they would be. It was like kissing a girl but better. Michael forgot what he had been planning on doing as Danny moaned softly. He pressed his lips more roughly against Danny's.

Pain stole away all of Michael's thoughts. His eyes bulged out as his hand fell to his injured crotch. He thought he heard Danny say something as he ran away, but he couldn't be sure. He was too distracted by the pain that had started to throb instead of remaining steady. Michael took deep breaths trying to concentrate and push back the pain. So much for staying away from Danny Hunter. He knew now that that wasn't an option. For one thing, he had a score to settle with the young boy. For another thing, he wasn't going to be able to forget the taste of his lips.

"Hell," Michael muttered straightening slowly. He wasn't going to be able to walk straight for a while, but the kiss had been worth it. He wasn't going to be able to break any part of Danny Hunter's body anymore, but he would just have to resort to breaking the boy's will. "No goddammit," he growled punching the wall. He would not give into those tendencies. Danny was simply going to have to pay for making him feel that way.