My Fairytale

Listening to Silence

Delinda was still breathing heavily though it had been three hours since she had fled from Michael Horn. He had kissed her. She wanted to call him a bastard for it, but it had been one helluva kiss. The only problem was that he thought she was a man. That thought alone should have disturbed her. So why didn't it bother her at all. She needed to keep her head straight. Drama like this could very well screw her and everything that the cops were working for. Something that she was still borderline on. After all, it was her boyfriend that she was testifying against. Someone she had thought she had loved. And maybe she did still love him, but she sure as hell didn't trust him or most anyone else. People seemed to love lying. Herself included.

That was beside the point.

Delinda flopped down onto her bed. She didn't care that she was skipping dinner. She didn't want to go down and face any of the Rich bastards that attended the school. They should have found a better place for her to go. There had to be one. Instead, she was stuck in this hellhole. She had yet to even see another female. That was going to be a bad thing. Well at least if she really was pregnant there was the chance that she wouldn't have any more periods. At least she didn't think you had periods during pregnancies. If she did than she was going to be in serious trouble.

Speaking of trouble.

Delinda shot straight up in her bed as a thought occurred to her. "Shit!" she yelled before clapping a hand tightly over her mouth.

Morning Sickness.

She groaned softly and fell back onto the bed. If she had morning sickness than there was no chance that anyone wouldn't realize just exactly what was going on after a bit. She was seriously screwed. She should have just told them what she had seen in that pregnancy test. If her hair had been cut for nothing she was going to be seriously pissed.

"Great, just fucking great," she muttered grabbing the pillow out from under her head and curling around it. She was in for a long couple of months.