My Fairytale


Michael sat in front of his laptop browsing files. It had taken him three hours to get where he was at. It would have taken him longer if it weren't for who his parents were. Sometimes it was useful having rich parents in high places. He had to admit that this was one of those times that he couldn't bring himself to complain about it.

What he was looking at now however was not what he had expected to find at all. They were two very contradictory newspapers. They were, ironically enough, the same paper. The same day. But there was one story that held Michael's attention. In one addition of the paper, it said that a Danny Caleb Hunter had been killed in a car wreck when he was five years old. The same Danny Caleb Hunter who was now enrolled in most of his classes.

Not Danny Lin.

It was possible that it could be two different families. But as he began to look more at Danny Caleb's information, both of them, t was the same family. He was almost certain of it. That meant that Danny Hunter wasn't who he said he was. If that was the case, then who the hell was he?

Michael made a noise between a sigh and a snarl as he slammed his laptop close. He didn't like being lied to. He didn't like being tricked or deceived. And while he could tell the school and have the issue dealt with that way, it wouldn't be nearly as satisfying. Danny or whoever he was needed to learn why you didn't try to mock or trick your betters.

Michael was going to be glad to give him such a lesson.
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Alright, short, but I hope there is enough suspense for y'all to forgive me. Hope you enjoyed it! Comments? Subscriptions.

And thank you to those who are commenting! DaniBaby, iero_vengeance_1990, and SERENExNIGHTMARE