My Fairytale

Morning Si-Invasion

Delinda was not going to class. She refused. Totally and wholeheartedly. Mostly because she was fairly certain that she wasn't going to be able to move away from the toilet anytime in the next few hours. She didn't feel like explaining that to anyone. Why couldn't she have been one of those women who didn't get morning sickness? She knew that there were some. They were few and far between, but they existed! Delinda apparently hadn't been that lucky. She was only going to be able to plead sick for so long before someone found out what was going on too.

It felt like an eternity later before she was finally able to drag herself out of her bathroom and onto her bed. She curled up in a ball and looked at the clock. It was only ten in the morning. She had already missed two classes and was going on a third. She didn't really care though. She wanted to bury her head under her pillow and die. She really hated being pregnant. She hated it almost as much as she hated throwing up or even worse...her current location/identity.

She stifled a groan as a knock came at her door. Her eyes flicked to the lock and she sighed with relief as she saw that she had remembered to lock it the night before. She was currently wearing very pink and very girl pajamas without her chest bindings. The pajamas would let her get away with being "gay", but as small as her breasts were, they were still clearly breasts.

"I know you're in there Hunter." Delinda swore. She couldn't catch a break. Micheal Horn was outside her door. Besides the fact that he hated her (well he hated Danny) guts and had actually kissed her, Michael was the last person at the school she wanted to see. The banging on her door came again harder this time. "You can open the door or I will."

Delinda looked around her frantically. She couldn't open the door or let Michael see her. She had only one option in her own opinion. Delinda dashed over to the closet door and opened and closed it before she snuck back over to her bed and began to squeeze herself under it.

She got her last leg under the bed a moment before she heard the lock turn and her door open. "You can't hide from me Hunter," Michael snarled closing and locking the door behind him. Delinda slipped a hand over her mouth to silence the groan that started coming out. She heard him look in her closet and the bathroom. "I will find you Hunter," he promised softly before stomping over to the door. He quickly unlocked it and slipped out of the room before closing it and locking it. Delinda didn't dare look out to see if he was actually gone. She hardly moved. If he was still in the room, she had every intention of waiting him out until he actually left.

A hand clasped her ankle and Delinda screamed into her hand.