My Fairytale

Cliche Attempt

Michael wasn't stupid. He knew that Hunter would like to think he was, but he had always been at the top of his class for a reason. It had been easy to figure out what Danny had done. Of course that meant he had the chance to play with the boy. And it was only for vindictive reasons he told himself. Why else would he want to do something like that? It wasn't as if he wanted to play this little game because he was attracted to Danny. That would be absurd, ridiculous to even think about! And yet, a part of his mind did think it even as he stormed back to the door before he opened it and slammed it shut.

He crept slowly back towards the bed, his feet not making a sound in the thick carpet. He stood at the foot of the bed waiting in silence letting anticipation race through his blood. He bent at his knees and went down slowly peeking under the bed and finding his thoughts confirmed. Pink pajamas wrapped around slender calves as Danny lay still. It was hard to imagine that Danny was that gay, but at the same time....Michael couldn't deny that he actually kind of liked it.

He reached out slowly, letting the moment stretch seemingly into eternity for a moment before his hand clasped around the tiny ankle. A muffled scream sounded from Danny as Michael began to drag him out from under the bed. Danny was still a moment before his other foot began to beat at Michael trying to make him let go. In response, he grabbed the other ankle, forcing the two together before he gave a final pull, bringing Danny out completely. The pink pajama bottoms were hiked up above white knees and plastered against a firm round butt while the top had rode up to the shoulders revealing a smooth white back.

Danny grabbed at his pajama top trying to yank it down, but Michael grabbed the two flailing hands and clasped them together in one of his own before he flipped Danny over and sat on his waist only to discover that something was very wrong. He had only meant to confront Danny on the fact that he couldn't be Danny Hunter, but now...well...he couldn't be Danny Hunter because he wasn't even a he.

Two small, but firm, breasts stared up at him. Michael opened and closed his mouth several times before he managed to tear his eyes away and look up at the red face of the girl under him. It was the face of Danny Hunter and unless the boy had a twin sister living with him...something was very wrong. "Get the hell off-" Michael slapped his hand over the girl's mouth, his mind racing. What the hell was he supposed to do now?
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Sorry for the wait! Been having issues with the Internet here at home and my poor laptop wasn't charging for a while either DX But I'm hoping to be back at least for semi-regular updates soon.