My Fairytale

FLOOR...why aren't you opening up to kill me yet?

Delinda squirmed under Michael. She really, really, really wanted to pull her shirt down. Unfortunately he had her wrists pinned together in one of his hands. Then there was also the awkward fact that he was straddling her waist. It kept reminding her of that kiss he had given her only a day or so before. Had it been a day? Or had it been a few? She couldn't remember at the moment. All she could think about was her shirt and the hand pressed over her mouth.

"Shit. Hell...what am I supposed to do now," Michael muttered looking around as if someone could burst into the room at any moment. It would be worse for her than it would be for him so she wasn't sure why he was worrying. Her alias was blown and they were gonna figure out she was preggo if she went back to the cops now. That was the last thing she wanted. It was bad thing there was actually a baby inside of her. She didn't want to have to deal with the cops making a big deal over the whole thing and if anyone was going to tell the father...well maybe the cops could handle that one if she ever told them.

The fact that Michael kept looking down at her bare breasts was not helping. She wanted to die. FLOOR! she begged, why aren't you opening up and swallowing me right now? I want to die. How is that not a clear message to you? The floor had no answer to her however. Or if it did, it was a very clear and resounding No!

"Alright," Michael said taking a deep breath. "I-I'm going to take my hand off your mouth. Don't scream alright..."

Delinda nodded quickly and she felt the hand ease up slowly. Then she was breathing into his palm through parted lips until his hand was gone completely. They stared at each other for a moment as she took deep calming breaths. "Michael..." she began hesitantly. "My shirt..."

Color suffused his face as he realized what she was saying. "Yeah, damn." He grabbed the edge of her pajama shirt and began to pull it down. Every time his hand brushed her breasts his fact grew in color and if it had been any other situation...she might have laughed. This was far too awkward for laughing though. Maybe that was a pity.

"Thanks," she muttered unable to look him in the face.

Silence began to thicken around them. Neither seemed to want to say or admit anything, but they couldn't sit in silence forever. Life simply didn't work that well for anyone. "'re a girl..." Michael said finally breaking the silence.

Delinda couldn't help it. Her face automatically assumed a clear expression that said: you're just figuring that're stupid. "You have to ask," she replied drolly.

"Well how the hell was I supposed to know that you were...a girl and not just someone pretending to be Hunter?!" He demanded.

Her jaw dropped and she stared at him. "H-how did you know I'm not Danny?"

"Danny Hunter died years ago...that kind of stuff doesn't disappear. Not when the rich and political are involved.

It was her turn to swear. "Ah fuck!"